My Stupid Anger Issues

October 27, 2008 - MondayHey Everyone,Today was like in the middle, lucky that I didn't slammed my alarm clock against the wall this morning. I hate that sound. I swear its the thing that made me have a bad day.Anyway I sleepy got into my uniform and went to school at 6:30am in the morning, reached school at 7:25am. First hour can be better. I just can't understand Algebra much.I hate 2nd...
November 5th, 2008 at 03:29pm

My Stupid Little Heart Break

October 24, 2008 - FridayHey Everyone,Today Algebra is surprising easy, well kinda. . .I just find out that he is in the 12 grade. My heart broken with a loud crash and I cried in 5th hour too.Now I know I only be his friend now.Anyway thats my life.I giving up on love if this don't work out.I always falling for guys that I couldn't get or have or whatever.I was relief that I didn't bust out in...
November 5th, 2008 at 03:27pm

My Silly Little Crush

October 23, 2008 - ThursdayHey everyone,Today was tough. Unexpected I have a small crush on someone. Dammit. I avoid him like the plague at school today and I think he didn't notice me. He only notice me maybe once.I'm afraid, like always that he don't like me like that so hell with it, I hold back my feelings now and only be myspace friends with him.I'm cool with it.I think. . .now I'm going to...
November 5th, 2008 at 03:25pm