
Great Britain (UK)
Joined date
July 5th, 2008


okay... HELLOOO!!

My name's B, and well I'm 15 actually - I just really like the number 18 and think it is awesome and so like, yeah... : P
Can't wait till I'm eighteen tbh though.
Well anyway,
I've enjoyed reading/writing since I was very little, and have always been fascinated/amused by how there are no limits to my imagination. Yes, ..always been very fascinated by that....

Uh, okay, I
love My Chemical Romance ; DHEAPS
They rock and mean a lot to me, and have honestly helped me feel better about myself amongst other things.
I look up to Gerard way very much. He is a very inspirtational man. (Well I think so anyway)...

Uh I have a youtube account which you guys can check out if you please >>>>
I'll give yous my username .. you can just search me
'McrAreBeautiful' oki?
i kinda have a huge blaa-tee-blaa about how I feel towards MCR and how much I love demz and what they mean to me on there ^_^

Uh also, other than writing I enjoy music and art. I'd like to think of myself as a musical person. i think. yer.
I play the electric guitar and keyboard too. I absolutely love those two posessions, they're special to me. I love to draw. I love to paint. i get to express a lot when doing them.
Um um um I don't know what else to say/write because i totally SUCK when it comes to writing 'About me' sections so YERR.
Whateva else you wantz to know, just aske me dude! YER?!


Uh I'm also on some other 'Fan fiction' sites, where I post perhaps more regularly. : P
But don't worry! I hope to start up on here soon too 'kay?

Also guys, I just thought I'd let you know that I don't really come on here often. But when I do I read a lot of other peoples stories and yeah.
But i ought to post some of my stuff on here.
It's because I'm on other ff sites tbh, and I'm more at home with them, nd post regularly. I hope to feel at home soon here ^^