Summer Blues

The bright, hot sun beating down on my back, while blue skies sing above me. That's what summer is supposed to be like, right? Well, not for me. More like, your tall, muscular friend beating down on you at every chance they get, while the wind whips away at all thoughts of hapiness. It may be a beautiful, sunny day, but for me, the dark clouds always loom overhead. I walk in the shadows, peering...
July 6th, 2008 at 04:18pm

Meet me&him,.

Okay, so here I am. A thirteen year old girl, 1 thirteen year old girl, who has over 500 teens of mixed ages hating her. Why you may ask? I don't know. Maybe it's because I am not afraid to show my emotions, or my 'inner beauty' as some may call it. That may be the reason I am labeled as a freak all over my junior high school. It may also be because of him. I can't say who he is, but he's there,...
July 6th, 2008 at 01:20am