LAUREN; will now explode.

United States
Joined date
July 6th, 2008


My name is Lauren. I like to go to concerts better than shows, because honestly, most of the local bands here are shit and only have their friends come to their shows. I like to be in the front at concerts, and I will push past anyone to get to where I want to stand(: I like to drink tea often. I also drink a lot of it. Really, I go through at least two full kettle's full of water a day for my tea. Apparently, no one realizes almost nothing I say is serious. I make fun of people quite often, but only because I find it funny, I don't honestly do it to make you feel bad. I have a very twisted sense of humor. I laugh when people get hurt. The worse you get hurt, the more I laugh. But i'll help you after I stop laughing. I like to be there for my friends. I've been told that I'm loyal and trustworthy, I like that people think that about me. I laugh at everything, literally. A lot of the stuff I say I don't think about before hand. I like to write, but my hands get tired really fast so I don't ever write stuff hahaha. I like to draw but I'm not good at it. I like to play video games, I'm good at those(: I play a lot of video games. I watch cartoons still. More often than not if I've got the tv on, I'm watching cartoons or Disney Channel. But I still watch those because they're funny. I have TONS of stuffed animals on my bed, most of which are really ugly and I don't know what they are. My little sister draws me pictures and I keep all of them. My room is a mess, but I really do know where everything is. I remember where I put MOST stuff, like the important shit. I swear a lot, sorry if I offend you (which I most likely will). My favorite cartoon is Courage the Cowardly Dog. I like to text on my cellular device. Bert McCracken cracks me the fuck up. If it weren't for school I'd be sleeping until 4pm. I stay up till almost 3 or 4 in the morning every night. On the weekends I will sleep all day long if you let me. I hate waking up. And I lay in bed for a good 30 minutes before I even get up. I get ready for school in like 10 minutes. Because I really don't give a shit.I have posters all over my walls, really, all over. I like to eat Cup Noodle (chicken flavor :D )a lot. I never have any money so don't ask me to give you any. I probably wouldn't give it to you even if I had some. Unless you were only asking for like less then two dollars or I always take money from you. I still have my gameboy color, and all my games, and I play it on a daily basis. I don't know what else to say.