Hiatus, Tumblr URL (follow back blogs I like), and More!

I know I have been off the charts for a while, but I am ready to come back and start writing again. A lot of things have happened in the past few months, that have held me back longer than planned. I would bore you with whats going on with me, but that'd be pretty pointless. Just know I am ready to write again and get my things back underway with challenges, and much more!Alright, so I know a...
November 16th, 2011 at 07:13am

My Boyfriend, Of 7 Months, Cheated On Me.

Ohai, it was on our seven month anniversary too, as if I wouldn't be hurt enough. I feel so bad right now. I feel broken and worthless. I feel like I wasn't good enough for him. Worse? He cheated on me with some skank, who I can honestly say (even with my lack of confidence), that I am prettier than. But I feel ugly. I feel like my body wasn't good enough. I feel like all the sh_t I helped him...
March 10th, 2011 at 06:06pm

Let's Make Memories. :) (Questions&CommentSwap.)

Two days ago, on January 2nd, marked my boyfriend and I's 5 month anniversary. To most, that seems like nothing, but for me, it's everything; especially considering I don't date longer than a few weeks at most. It is unreal to me, and I can't fathom the fact that someone would want to date me or could possibly stand my side through my random mood swings, but he does. I know I am young, too young...
January 5th, 2011 at 05:10am

I come and I go... (QUESTIONS&COMMENTSWAP. :D)

I come and I go; I'm sorry. There has been a lot going on in my life right now, and I'm not exactly sure how to deal with it all. I'm trying as hard as I can so I can come back to all my loyal readers, it's been too long for me, so I know it's been farrrr to long for you all. I, again, apologize. I need to get all my stuff straight before I can promise any more updates.Without further adieu,...
December 22nd, 2010 at 11:36am

Oliver Sykes Died...

Remember about this time last year, someone started a rumor that Oli had OD'd and died. Yeah? Well it's fucking happening again. He's not dead, seriously. He has a show tonight! If he were dead, the media would have been all over that because he and his band are pretty popular now-a-days. This rumor still has so many people flipping out. As far as I'm concerned, until you see it on a noted music...
November 25th, 2010 at 12:19am

My Dearest Little Sister, (QUESTIONS!)

Dear Teddy Bear,In one month, you will be eight. At that age, you can’t possibly understand how much you mean to me. You see, it goes a little something like this, you are the reason I breathe. Without you, I would have probably landed myself in a dump by now, or ran away. You are the reason I stayed. You make me look at life with a whole new view, just because. You’ve been through a lot, too...
November 22nd, 2010 at 03:38am

Do you feel like this?

It's hard to explain, but everything feels like it's falling apart. Everything was great, wonderfully amazing, but some shit happened that threw you completely off guard. Now, you want nothing more than to stand on the outside and look in. You want to see your life from someone else's point of view, someone else's perspective. You want to see what they see, because you feel they see so much...
October 25th, 2010 at 10:12pm

I died four years ago today. (explained inside & questions!:D)

I died on September 25th, 2006. You can read my one shot, Erase the Past to know exactly what I am talking about.My dog is in labor. Well, she's not really my dog. I rescued her a few weeks ago from the side of the road and we tried to find her home. It was no such luck. Anyway, we were going to give her away until we realized she was preggers. So now we are keeping her and will be giving away her...
September 26th, 2010 at 12:29am

So, do you remember my journal last night... (new one shot & questions)

So, do you remember my journal last night where I said I would put my new one shot up when I was finished (which was supposed to be last night). Wellll, I couldn't bring myself to write it last night. It just honestly wasn't a good night for me (nor is this day, but that's another story). But, I did just finish it and I would totally love you forever (and I'll read and comment one of your stories)...
September 25th, 2010 at 08:20pm

& I'm falling apart. (New One Shot & Questions!)

First things first, to my loyal readers: Sorry I have been Missing In Action lately. I know this is no excuse, but college is literally kicking my butt. The early hours and all the work is really a pain. Plus, still having some high school work on top of it is really hard. Plus, I'm working on top of that. It's diffcult to balance my schedule, but I'm getting better at it and updates are on their...
September 25th, 2010 at 05:15am

Soul Searching.

Why can’t I be them? Why can’t I always have smiles and laughs? Why can’t I generally be happy like they are? Why can’t it be someone else who feels this pain? Someone else who cries these tears? Why can’t I finally get a break? Why can’t I be the one on the other side of this equation, never worrying, and just living life? Why can’t that be me?Because God has a vision, and...
July 7th, 2010 at 03:52am

Bleh. I Hate Formspring. (&QUESTIONS)

Yet I still have it. Don't ask me why, I can't bring myself to delete it. Along with bad things, I've gotten good things as well, but still. It's quite annoying.Whatever, ask it here.So as I said before, it was my Birthday last Friday. Thanks for all the Happy Birthday Wishes, I really appreciate them. For my day, I had a party, and laughed at all the other drunks. Sure, I was a little madI didn't...
June 22nd, 2010 at 02:22am

It's Muh Birffday!

I'm officially 17 as of three hours ago. Everyone keeps saying, "Who cares about turning 17?" Well, quite frankly, I do. It may not be like turning 16 and getting your license, or turning 18 and becoming an adult, but 17 is pretty freaking amazing for me.All I can think about, though, is turning 7. I really wouldn't mind going back to when boys had cooties and hot wheels tracks were the shit. I...
June 18th, 2010 at 09:24am

I Gotta Tattoo;

It was at two am this morning, but I got it done. I was so nervous, and freaking out on the inside but I stayed pretty calm an collected on the outside. I was pretty damn proud of myself. I still can't believe I actually got it done.I think everyone's going to ask, so let me just tell you now: it did not hurt. It felt like bee stings. Though, when he was filling it in, it was like fire. But I...
June 13th, 2010 at 10:55pm

& I Thought You Were Different.

I will admit it, I fell for a guy. Not in love, not yet anyway (and probably never now) that I thought would be worth my time. He is responsible, funny, and he loves to be around me. He lives with me actually (I know, a recipe for disaster). He is great, though, and understands me when no one else does. He even admitted that he liked me back. I was so happy, and we were so close to dating.Then I...
June 11th, 2010 at 07:09am

I'm Fake? Ha. Go To Hell.

I am annoyed. People keep saying that I am fake and that I am a bitch. I am not fake nor am I a bitch to them. I have always tried my hardest to be liked (it's a flaw I have, yes). Quite frankly, I don’t get it. So above this post is a picture. It has not been edited, nor am I wearing any makeup. It is real. It contains real beauty and it is really me. They can hate on that./Sorry. I'm pissy....
June 5th, 2010 at 01:35am

Guess What? I'm Officially Considered A Senior.

2 Semesters. 0 Regrets. 1 Last Chance for 1 Big Year.I can't believe I actually finished 11 years of schooling, much less three of high school. The best part of saying I'm a senior is because I also a Freshman in College. Duel Enrollment is one of the smartest things I ever did.Here's the deal. I have 2 semesters left of high school! Isn't that just dandy? I think so! I will have no regrets. I...
June 3rd, 2010 at 10:05pm

It's PROM night.

OhYeah! :)I still have tons of shit to do, like get my nails and hair done. I hope that doesn't take too long, but I know it will. We redyed my hair last night, so no need to worry about that today, thank god. The only of thing I have to do is take pictures, tons and tons of pictures, as every requested. After I'm done, I'll post a picture of me in my prom dress. I think like 20 people asked for...
May 22nd, 2010 at 04:43pm

My Glass Heart Shattered. I Thank You For That.

You held half of my glass heart in your hands, then you slowly let it drop, leaving it to shatter on the floor. I tried to pick up the millions of broken pieces, each part from a different person. You, though, you had the biggest part. You know what that means? You broke me the absolute most. There was nothing else I could do except watch.I watched you kiss her.I watched you make love to her.I...
May 19th, 2010 at 03:34am


Before every single song he played, a certain Mister Christofer Drew Ingle would tell us a story. It would always be about how he came up with the song idea and what made him actually sit down and write it. Being his comedic self, it was always pretty funny. I guess you would have had to of been there to really understand, it was his whole image and tone."So, I sat down at a little restaurant just...
April 22nd, 2010 at 08:55pm