Darker side.

WARNING: Okay. This is going to be a tad (somewhat) emo.My name isn't important, but if you must know, it's Elizabeth. Preferably Lizzz. Multiple Z's, the better. I am 17 years old, and I tried to kill myself when I was 9. Then again, when I was 11, 13, 15, and now, 17.I must really fail at suicide, or my body is unkillable.Regardless, it's not like I want to die, it's more like I can't control...
July 24th, 2010 at 10:23am

I need a Beta!

Hello! I have a creative writing, short story, that due tomorrow. Everything is done, except, I need someone else, to help edit, and help me with my overusage of commas (is it really that obvious?).Anyways, just either contact me (by either, e-mailing me your e-mail, or likewise), so I can attach the document, instead of copy-and-pasting.***I just got out of my Student-Led Conference, which is...
May 17th, 2010 at 11:43pm

Tomorrow is gonna suck balls.

Tomorrow is going to suck major balls for me.Reasons:1) I Broke up with my boyfriend. Crush his heart. Blah Blah Blah. I was alright dumping him. Every time I kissed him, it was like I was kissing my brother. Just plain gross.2) The ex, sent me a facebook message that basically made me want to kill. He basically admitted to cheating, by fucking of a girl, and making out with another, during our...
April 26th, 2010 at 04:48am


Boys are assholes.I recently just broke up with my boyfriend, and I was alright with that. But he got emotional and stuff, and I tried to cheer him up... Anyways, I find it awkward hanging out with an ex, so I've been avoiding him (horribly) all week.Anyways, he's been sending me messages over facebook, and this one makes me hope I tore out his heart and ate for breakfast, cause he makes me want...
April 25th, 2010 at 11:45am


FUUUCKKKKKKKKKThat felt good.Anyways, today, I broke up with my boyfriend. And now I feel like shit for making him feel like shit. I didn't break up with him cause he hurt me, I broke up with him, cause he deserves someone better, who really appreciates him and stuff. He's too nice for me. He's too emotional for me. He was in love with me and tore out his heart and ate it for lunch.And the worst...
April 20th, 2010 at 05:00am


HOLY FUCK is the best way to describe my emotions right about... NOW. I'm nervous, anxious, and stressed, all for tomorrow; tomorrow, I'll be waking up at 3AM, and ready by 4:15AM, and at the airport by 5:00AM.I'm going to Europe for 9 days with my French class. Spain, Italy, and of course, France, if you're wondering.QUESTIONS1. Are Americans that easy to spot?2. Is it really necessary for me to...
March 24th, 2010 at 01:30am

drugs, Europe, colds.

Random shit will happen.I remember taking my biggest hit/toke ever. It was so harsh. So it started when I got greens, and I was like 'I'mma torch it', so I lit it and inhaled for a good 30 seconds, like I couldn't believe my lungs could handle such a harsh substance, than I managed to hold it for like 20 seconds. I ended up coughing so badly, that I thought i was either going to pass out or throw...
March 16th, 2010 at 08:48am

Things I wish I could say.

BoyfriendI know you're falling hard for me, but it's so fucking hard for me to open up to love. It's beyond hard for me to trust anyone, let alone a person, who will probably be holding my heart. You scared me last night. Why?Love interest from 5 months ago (deep infatuation) Why did you start talking to me again? I've liked you forever, and you liked me. You told me you would break up with your...
March 5th, 2010 at 12:53am

I have a feeling.

I have a feeling, that my life is going to be like a Spanish Soap Opera (or a movie on the Lifetime Network), for many reasons.My love interest, from a few months ago (he cheated on his girlfriend with me), recently contacted me, and I still have feelings for him (of deep infatuation), BUT, I am currently in a seriously relationship with a boy, who is, seriously, in deep like with me, but I don't...
February 26th, 2010 at 01:17am

*** Yeah Bro.

Since I live in the North West, we are deprived of one stereotype. The Guido.Why the Guido? Because I live in a city that is 90% white, 40% Super Christian, 20% Orthodox Christian, 5% Native American. 5% Mexican, 10% black, 30% Mormon 25% Agnostic/Atheis and 5% other.^^I mixed up the religions with the races. But it makes sense... sorta.And as you see. No guidos. No Italian-Americans (unless you...
January 23rd, 2010 at 01:15am

Why I don't Care about Abortion (sort of angry journal).

I just don't. It's the woman's choice.Yadda Yadda Yadda blah blah blah.Life is better in threes. Like. In threes. Three meals a day. 24/8=3. Math. Bro. I just did math.I like Jersey Shore. Guidos, we don't have any in Spokane. sadface. My favorite is Snooki. She just so short, and I'm so short. And yeah, she's like a sister from a different mister.I might be really high. Yeah. Really high.Weed....
January 21st, 2010 at 03:18am

So I Just Had a Talk with my Drunk Mom

Imagine this:Your mom is your door-way to your room (aka safe room), and she starts squinting. Right off the bat, besides being drunk, squinting is one of the warning signs, that something isn't right. She starts off buy saying 'You've been a cunt to me'.Yes, that's a right, she said cunt. I mean, it's not so bad, because she been calling vulgar names since I was 3. But still. Not right.I didn't...
December 29th, 2009 at 10:59am


Is my new favorite site.No seriously. I find myself laughing when I remember a text or something.For example:(509): Dude, you just left me a 3 minute voicemail of pop rocks in your mouth. Im sitting right next you(215): i got kicked out of Barns and Nobles cuz i put all the bibles in the fiction section(919): so I was just driving high and I stopped to let a pinecone cross the road because I...
November 19th, 2009 at 05:56am

I hate boys.

Oh, how I hate them so much.Basically, I'm going to rant, then post a very important question for the reason for why I hate boys, so if you don't like relationship (if you can call it that) problems, stop reading now.I've been in like with this one boy since the start of summer. His name is Dylan. He's totally gorgeous, and a good personality. And I made him nervous.It was last week when he...
October 23rd, 2009 at 10:18am

holy shit.

Things that go wrong in my life:1. My dad works in Afghanistan, and he recently left, which brought back emotions that I'd rather not deal with.2. My mom is technically disabled. Which is a bummer cause she is also verbally and sometimes physically abusive.3. I have to get straight As in school, or I'll be disowned.and that's about it.Wait. My fucking best friend told me that she has lost her...
August 25th, 2008 at 08:59am

undefined emotions and a brokencyde concert

It's been about a month since I broke up with a friend. Not like a girlfriend or boyfriend relation, a friendship. I did it cause she lied to me. She hurt my myself friend, but why do I feel so... empty.I really liked her. I trusted her. But right now, I feel sort of used and abused.I really need to learn, to stop trusting everyone, who I meet. I keep getting hurt, and I blame myself.Happier...
July 23rd, 2008 at 08:06am

Lakota, man.

My mom is a full blooded Native American. But you see, back them, if you were Native American, the white folk would take your children away and send them to boarding school. They would take our land, and slaughter our people.You may have ancestors from around the world, but this country is where my ancestors were raised. Ain't that freaky? Hint's "Native".So my my mom's dad didn't have his papers,...
July 14th, 2008 at 10:28am

Cost Of Comfort

It's one of those weird days for me. I can't pinpoint my emotions, and I cry randomly. And this is when I thank blog for waterproof/ mosh pit proof make up.I recently lost a friend. No, she didn't die. But she did break my trust, for the third time, and made my best friend cry. You know. I really miss her. I miss the way she could reply quickly to text messages, but what she did, is...
June 13th, 2008 at 06:27am

It snowed.

I'm not shitting you. It snowed a couple inches.It was so cold,that I had to double jacket, and double shirt. Yeah. Mother nature is a douchebag.Fucking retarded, and pointless. And the finals are starting Friday, meaning we have practice finals which are really really really pointless to the 4094230742 power.I have so much homework. And tomorrow is my mother's birthday. So I totally forgot to buy...
June 11th, 2008 at 02:27am

Talk about a storm

Okay. Let's start from what happen to what going on now.My mom drove me to school early today, and I this is the first time she has drove me to school. And you do know what I forget? My friggin' keys. Yeah. I should be slapped. Anyways, I got to school early for nothing, really.Really pointless shit. Like for my computers class. Yeah.Than I totally forgot that my best friend is coming home with...
June 10th, 2008 at 06:39am