Two For My Seconds / Comments

  • yea, it gets pretty cold sometimes. in Canada it was -40c in some places :|
    that's waaay too cold haha.
    that's hot! but it doesn't get that hot here most of the time, but it's nice when it is. is it a big boat? our boat has a cabin in the front. it smells like plastic and salt... not very pleasant ;]

    Santa was good. we got movies and a [i]huge[/i] box of oranges... I have no idea either haha.
    December 30th, 2008 at 12:39am
  • hahaha xD probably accurate.

    they don't run after -26, but I don't know what temperature that is in fahrenheit. it's really cold though.
    school ended last friday and starts... well, I don't know when haha. the second week of January.
    our art teacher is hopeless too. he can't manage a whole class without giving up. we're just... bad kids I suppose ;]
    December 28th, 2008 at 02:22am
  • school... sucks. haha. today we had a substitute for Science and he was [i]really[/i] mean xD he said I needed a haircut. it offended me... but not really haha.
    hmm, I haven't done an essay for a long time. it's mostly book work... which isn't fun. I don't really learn anything because I was in the advanced class last year so I've done it already.

    weeeell I've been waiting for Christmas! I need a new videogame. in this past month I've beated all of my games atleast once and it's boring haha.
    and it's VERY VERY COLD! the buses didn't work on Monday!! but I went to school anyway because my sister drove me in so I had no idea that the buses weren't working... and there were 3-5 kids in all my classes x] we couldn't do much.
    and I can't imagine a hot Christmas... it's wierd. haha. we'll have to trade places one day.
    December 18th, 2008 at 07:11am
  • YOU CRAZY AUSSY! haha. hello. I feel like I haven't spoken to you for a while.
    December 10th, 2008 at 08:10am
  • Ouch, yeah. Meh, well we've got a load of exams in January, so we're doing tons of Mock Exams next week - yet the teachers take them so seriously, you'd really think they were real. :|

    Aw, wow, 18th parties. Have you decided what you want to do for yours? I know I've got a good 3 years or so till mine - but people I know are already planning theirs. *rolls eyes*

    LOL, no kidding - that sounds so awesome. Technically, I live on the coast - but it's not a beach - it's more famous docks & harbours and that - but even they're about a 20 minute drive away. And plus, the one's nearest us are pretty gross too. :/

    Aw, that sound so cool - "wag school". It's funny what different words people use. We say "bunk" over here. However, I've never done it - seeing as there's nowhere to go. :/
    Oh, but I'd hate it if my teacher knew. We've got this one kid in our class who is a right thug, & he always bunks days when he has Gym. So, when our teacher is going down the register and she sees he's not there she just goes: "Uh, Lewie's off. It must be Gym Day.."

    Yeah, we usually get rain in the summer - but not like that. It'll rain in July (summer) simply because it's cloudy and barely hot.
    Yeah, we get thunderstorms quite rarely - well, I think we do, seeing as I can always sleep through them at night. They're normally if it's humid, y'know, around late summer (August) I guess.

    Yeah, I don't mind really heavy rain. The rain where it's too strong for your umbrella or jacket hood - so you just give up. I remember walking home once in just my shirt sleeves - it was brilliant. X)
    November 16th, 2008 at 03:00pm
  • haha, I always wear a million layers in winter! it's usually two shirts, a sweater and then a coat. it gets so cold here.

    YES! especially poptarts... I love them :] DINGOS?! aren't those dogs? and you could box with the Kangaroos! haha.
    November 16th, 2008 at 03:00am
  • hmm, that does sound like a bad idea haha. these ones are small and don't spray ;]

    LE GASP!
    you've never had a smore? or graham crackers? my goodness. you have officially been deprived of life, my dear. go find some graham crackers and make a smore!
    November 15th, 2008 at 08:45am
  • it's wooded, just like around my house. mostly small cliffs and waterfalls in the forest though. it's fun :] lots of places to go and look at.

    you don't know what a smore is? it's marshmellow and chocolate on a graham cracker all melted together. it's really good... mmm.
    November 12th, 2008 at 08:01pm
  • Lol, yeah, school can take over my life as well - but luckily, seeing as we're in quite a busy year right now, they don't really bother giving us silly pieces of homework & that, it's more big coursework projects and that. It's not all bad, because some of the stuff we're doing now is purely creative writing. (:

    Er, I'm not sure how your school system works where you are, but I'm in the year where you go from 14 - 15 years old. What about you?

    Aw, seriously? You surf? I am so jealous. I wear nothing but Roxy & O'Neill stuff all the way through the summer; I'd kill to go surfing.

    Nah, keep your layout - it really suits me seeing as it's getting colder over here. I'm not kidding, it rained ALL day today.
    November 10th, 2008 at 06:37pm
  • thank you for liming my story. :)
    November 6th, 2008 at 02:03am
  • I don't think so... my brother said he might go to our cabin this weekend. other than that there's nothing too exciting going on ;]

    hahah. they're these pastry things with filling in the middle. there's a whole bunch of flavours like strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, chocolate (YUM!!), smores... lots more. they're good, so yes, you [i]are[/i] missing out ;]
    November 5th, 2008 at 10:14pm
  • Aw, I know. :/
    But me & you can stick together, right? :)

    Meh, nothing much has been going on my end, how about you? You ok?
    By the way, your layout is lovely.
    November 2nd, 2008 at 02:34pm
  • haha. my dad feeds them even though my mum hates having them around.
    true, true. it's already been used as a necklace x]

    I want penguins. they're so cool... but I'm afraid that the film 'Happy Feet' totally ruined it. I hated that film so much...
    I don't want any penguins to be eaten. they're my friends :]

    whoaaa. well that's good you're alright. maybe I'll get into a bar fight then I can tell you about it! wooo. it'll be EPIC. I promise.
    November 2nd, 2008 at 11:43am
  • quite true, love ;] haha

    I love beetles. they're so cool haha. I have one in my backyard, but it's broken and has a bunch of plants and a family of birds living in it.

    you have [i]penguins[/i]?! AHH!! I love penguins. I've only seen them in zoos. and they stink really bad. almost as bad as my friend's Turtle.

    haha, nah. that part was fun too.
    I want a bike. haha. I have huge headlight. it was on the side of the road and it looked cool... it's one of those searchlight looking ones. it's somewhere in my room x] haha.
    November 2nd, 2008 at 11:05am
  • pshh, tigers are the bomb. it would be a tiger or a zebra. but mostly a tiger... just because I looked awesome haha.

    I'm never wearing the costume again. not only because I can't - I totally drestroyed the clothes and wig - it's also because it was horrible. my legs are actually bruised from wearing these stupid plastic-leather pant-tight things. they shrunk. I swear.
    hahahah!!! oh my goodness. when I was little a man gave me a videogame. I still have it. and it sucks. crappyest game I've ever played.

    I think we need a permit or something. but that's only if you're doing it in your backyard, we did ours in a huge field by our house. Edward's truck has a huge streak mark on it from one of the fireworks.

    it's never hot enough for dolphins! I've seen one before though. I was on a Ferry in Canada and the were following us with some seals.

    weeelll... I had school on Friday so I went there. then a couple of my friends came over that night and we went trick-or-treating, lit some fireworks, all that fun stuff. so most of them left around 9:00pm which left Kade and Anne. Kade found an old wagon in a ditch so we went down a huge dirt hill. that's when I almost broke my arm haha. then Edward told me to light a firework and it exploded everywhere, which was when I almost got my arm blown off. it was a fun night ;]
    November 2nd, 2008 at 08:46am
  • uh oh haha. my family and I went to this beach and got taught by one of our friends. I just call him the instructor because he looks like one haha. David the instructor.
    AWESOMEE!!! I love lemonade. it's my favourite haha. and whenever I go to get my face painted I always ask for a tiger face... since I'm so ferocious ;]

    wooo. free drinks. I got free drinks once with a coupon. hahaha it was pretty cool.

    I played a lot of videogames and ate lots of popcorn and cheese sandwiches. nothing else really happend though haha. you?

    hahaha yea. you don't do Halloween?! it's my favourite holiday!! and it's on a Friday this year, which is greaat. and yes we go trick-or-treating :]
    October 26th, 2008 at 11:59pm
  • hahah. I went kayaking before! it was fun... I flipped over a few times though. but the instructor showed us how to roll back up, so I didn't drown haha.

    ahh, maybe. I doubt he'd put a picture up though. and he would definatley be a good writer. I haven't seen him writing anything besides music or drawing a picture.

    really? we get to choose our language. but we only have French, German, Spanish or Finnish. I'm in French because we've been learning it since year 4, so it's a bit easier than starting from scratch.

    hahaha. sounds like it. my brother duct tapes stuff all over his truck. for halloween last year his headlights broke so he taped a couple of big flashlights with the high-visibility tape. I was surprised he didn't get caught by the police haha.

    haha, woo.
    October 24th, 2008 at 09:47pm
  • they hurt my eyes too. they get all bloodshot and sore :\ so I can't wear them for more than a couple hours.

    wooo. I don't have school tomorrow! but I have homework... so I'll do it tomorrow then relax for the rest of the weekend.

    hahaha. he's strange, but nice. he helps me in French all the time since he speaks it. I don't know why he's not in French Immersion. and yes he goes to my school.

    I thought I put you on!! you're the first one now!! haha. sorry.
    wow. that party must have been wild ;] I would have never guessed that.
    October 24th, 2008 at 01:34am
  • hahaha x] I have these crazy contacts for Halloween. they're non-subscription, obviously. uuuggghhh... they're like swamp green with dialated pupils and white rings around the pupil haha. it's pretty cool...
    I'm better! I think Anne is too, she came over yesterday for dinner. she looked a still a bit sick, but almost better.
    it's alright :] I got to see my friends again. hahaha, how long were your holidays? I get my next long-weekend in ugh November. I can't remember what it's called... it's not for some holiday or anything. just sort of randomly set haha.
    my mum never makes my sandwiches. I don't let her, since it's always cucumber or [i]a lot[/i] of peanutbutter.
    yay! ONE MORE YEAR FOR AMY! I'm only in year 10 >:[ Freshman.
    yea :] they're really nice. OH! and they wanted Thanksgiving, so we had it. it was gooooood. I haven't had it before. and I said that we're having it every year now haha.
    October 13th, 2008 at 07:22pm
  • indeed. it's like, you want to ask her but she might get nervous and... fart. haha.

    hahaha, really? that's horrible. I can't keep eye contact for a long time, even with my friends. there's a few people that I can but not many hahah. I think it's just uncomfortable if you stare at someone while they talk.

    yea :[ but I'm getting better. I'm going to school again so that helps a bit. my girlfriend is still really sick though.
    October 8th, 2008 at 06:57am