Two For My Seconds / Comments

  • Kalumm

    Kalumm (100)

    United Kingdom
    he sounds a bit nutty, haha. I showed my mother a picture of him a few days ago and she thought he looked gay xD
    I always break my sunglasses. it's really sad. I've started wearing plastic ones, haha. they're much easier.

    have they never seen The Lion King?! haha. I love zoos... they're so much fun.

    aww, really? I went into a thrift store the other day out of boredum and saw about ten pairs of flourescent colored parachute pants, haha.
    aren't they made out of like... vinyl? haha. I think they make tents out of that material... whatever. I don't think I could pull off the poofy look, haha.

    seriously? the beard and everything? bahaha. that's funny.
    George Shrinks was my favourite show in year eight xD I thought it was really cool.

    yea, well I suppose it's rather close so that's why we get more French and Germans than Chinese. we've had a few Spanish come here, but they didn't stay for more than six months.

    being his tutour is... difficult. I wasn't told he could barely speak English, haha. I thought he could actually understand a bit, but he's still speaking in the French sentence structure. I guess it isn't too bad, though.
    the first day he came here, he didn't know that it was strange to kiss people on the cheeks after meeting them, haha. it was a huge suprise when we first met.

    haha, cool. there's a tire store in Canada called Kalum Tire xD
    I had my picture taken outside of it.
    March 15th, 2009 at 09:59am
  • Kalumm

    Kalumm (100)

    United Kingdom
    yea, I think we've heard of him. my mother gasped when she heard the price of damage, hahaha. it was funny.
    I've worn them a couple of times during the summer. they're pretty cool, haha. but I had cooler aviators that made my face look really small xD but then I broke them.

    ahh, I see. well that sounds a lot more fun than field day.
    bahaha. I've never seen a meerkat in person. they look cute, though haha. we don't have many interesting animals up here. OH! but on Monday I saw a rabbit in my backyard. I think it was our neighbour's pet though... which kind of ruined my excitment.

    oooo... I'd pick the Professional MC Hammer Impersonator. seriously, that would be the sweetest job in... ever.
    your friend wears parachute pants? for real? haha, that's quite funny. the only person that dresses back in the 70's in my school is the Computers teacher. he has the whole mullet tie-dye thing going on.

    they're good :]
    rather uneventful. the only thing I'm sort of looking forward to is the new exchange student from France, haha. I was assigned their English tutor. apparently my French marks are 'exceedingly well' compared to the rest of my class. I can't even carry a conversation after 'How are you?'. it's dreadful, haha.
    how about yourself?
    March 12th, 2009 at 05:43am
  • college dropout

    college dropout (255)

    United States
    thaaaaank you for the comment : )
    and sorry for not commenting back in forever.

    well anyway yeah there are always TONS of bands in new york. like all the time. last shadow puppets actually came AND it was FOR FUCKING FREE but it was a school night and i had no way of going.
    I know, lame.
    I have tickets to Lily Allen in april, hollaaaaa.
    It's also a school night and it took lots to convince my parents. Do you listen to her?
    The same week as Lily Allen Franz Ferdinand are playing which is a bummer cause I'd love to go but I can't go to both.

    It's all crap and rainy here which makes me want to go to australia where I'm sure it's all sunny and summery : ) is it? I still don't know how the weather works down there.

    btw, this happened a long long time ago, but were the most recent australian fires anywhere near you?
    March 10th, 2009 at 12:05am
  • Dreams.of.Someday

    Dreams.of.Someday (900)

    United States
    You're welcome :D.
    March 8th, 2009 at 01:08am
  • nothing.

    nothing. (250)

    Hey! =]

    I just saw your post on the forums about school social on wednesday, and I got all excited, thinking you might go to the same school as me, because I also have a social on wednesday night... But then I saw that you're in aussie, so that's not possible.


    Anyways, I really like your profile. :D
    March 7th, 2009 at 11:11pm
  • lazydancer

    lazydancer (100)

    United States
    Aw, you're welcome. :D
    March 5th, 2009 at 09:42pm
  • Kalumm

    Kalumm (100)

    United Kingdom
    haha, mine are from when I was in year... seven, I think. they're a bit tight too, haha.
    sweet! I have yellow sunglasses. but I don't wear them. haha.

    well, it would take some crazy skills to do that, haha.

    nope, unfortunately. does your school have a swimming pool inside of it? one of the private schools here has one, but I don't think there's any water in it, haha.
    field day is pretty much track and field. there's races, high-jump, shotput, all that stuff.
    February 28th, 2009 at 02:32am
  • Kalumm

    Kalumm (100)

    United Kingdom
    sa-WEET! my red pants are jogging pants haha. they're too short.
    pink [i]really[/i] isn't my color. the shirts are a washed out kind of pink, which makes me look like I have a sunburn or something haha. I'll borrow one of my sister's shirts... if they're not too girly.

    Kade would possibly bring out some kick-boxing moves haha.

    blaah. well, that sucks. we never have any cool events like that... we only have track and field day, haha.
    February 24th, 2009 at 07:47am
  • Kalumm

    Kalumm (100)

    United Kingdom
    how festive of you, haha. Wednesday is the Bully Awareness thing or something and I don't have a pink shirt!! I think I'll just bleach a white shirt with a red one, haha. then I'll have two pink shirts!

    well, no. I would be beaten to death, I think haha. not the best way to die.

    why did you get disqulaified? if your friend pushed you in the pool... well that sucks. I have a lot of red clothing haha. I even have red pants, that I never wear.
    February 24th, 2009 at 02:12am
  • Kalumm

    Kalumm (100)

    United Kingdom
    yea, it's fantastic haha.

    we have the roses and singing here also, haha. but there was only a few that did it this year. it was just... kind of dead. the spirit was terrible this year. I even wore a red shirt for Friday, but no one was in the spirit. the whole weekend thing just ruined it, haha.

    how nice of him. it's so wonderful when people forgive eachother, haha. Kade and Ky would be so perfect for eachother. both are loud and obnoxious and mean to eachother... I think they'll be lovers when they get older, haha.

    I claimed being sick when we had a substitute teacher. I got to read the whole book, which gave me heachaches whenever I read it.

    very good match.

    well, it went by too fast. I wish we had another day off haha. we're starting poetry today in English... oh joy.

    good luck!!! haha.
    February 23rd, 2009 at 06:22am
  • Krista?

    Krista? (100)

    United States
    I like your story The Chronicles of City Lights and Modern Love (whoo, that's a mouthful)
    I seriously [i]adore[/i] witty/sharp characters :O
    February 23rd, 2009 at 03:49am
  • college dropout

    college dropout (255)

    United States
    Noooo I have not seen them live yet : /
    They haven't come back to NY since last year when they came in september on the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL.
    And I had just gotten back from summer vacation a couple days before so there was no way I could get tickets.
    This guy in my school went, though, and every time he would wear the Arctic Monkeys shirt I would glare at him in the halls. haha

    No I haven't seen the Lost Boys. I'm on vacation now so my plan is to a) spend a lot of time in Manhattan and b) watch as many movies as I can, so I will put it in my list = ] and ray-bans are theee coolest sunglasses ever. I also have a pair.

    oh and if you're looking for some more original fictions, I think she has two really good ones:
    February 16th, 2009 at 04:38pm
  • Kalumm

    Kalumm (100)

    United Kingdom
    suuure was :] I got her chocolate and a necklace. because sweets are the key to the female's heart, haha. and I thought she'd like the necklace also.
    YES! she bought me Wall-e. I love that movie soooo much. and she also got me a t-shirt that has a monster on it and it's like "I live in your closet!" it's cool.
    yea, it kind of downed my mood, haha. most of the people at my school were all bummed about not having a Valentine, which is silly, when they could have hung out with their friends. that's what I did... kinda. we even got Kade and Kyran to have a hug, it was ever so sweet. they fight alot so it was once in a life time thing haha.

    grammar and a novel about a cowboy haha. it sucks because we can't read the book, but we have to [i]listen[/i] to it. that's when I fell asleep haha.

    sort of, haha. after we all (Kade, Ky, Anne and myself) came back from shopping in town, my mom made a cake and we all ate Kraft Dinner then played Monopoly, haha. it was fun all the same. probably my favourite birthday yet xD
    February 16th, 2009 at 07:26am
  • Kalumm

    Kalumm (100)

    United Kingdom
    yea, I did also haha.

    it was sooo boring. I was surprised I did too haha.

    woot! hahaa. yes it was very nice. I enjoyed it thoroughly.

    she's quite nice, actually.
    February 15th, 2009 at 04:48am
  • Kalumm

    Kalumm (100)

    United Kingdom
    ohhh yes. haha

    it rains all summer for us also, haha.

    it's terrible. I actually fell asleep today in English, haha. I felt quite lucky that I didn't get caught. it was good that the girl sitting beside me got concerned and poked me or I might have not woken up xD

    thaaanks :]

    I'm feeling very kind right now. I think I'm going to go welcome someone! with a name that starts with a K...
    February 14th, 2009 at 06:39am
  • Kalumm

    Kalumm (100)

    United Kingdom
    yea... my grandpa is insane, haha.

    haha, oh yes. I'm no longer attenting Valentine's Day because I'm going to Manintines day.

    it's heaps cold and the snow is coming down in inches. there's atleast two feet of snow in my backyard, haha. the buses don't run after -25 here, which rarely happens, but we've already had 4 snow days this year.
    mine starts at 8:45 or something. but our heaters broke yesterday in the school so we had to wear our jumpers and jackets around all day. I felt terrible for the basketball players since they had a practice afterschool.

    it's education. English is my least favourite subject in the world right now. my teacher is quite boring and mean to us and I have two friends who sit on the other side of the room. I hate seating plans. so yes, it's quite hectic haha.
    February 11th, 2009 at 05:49am
  • Kalumm

    Kalumm (100)

    United Kingdom
    yea... haha, he was an idiot letting my grandpa drive anyways.

    that's good then. I'm glad she wasn't in any danger, haha.

    she's more manly than I am, can't lie. umm, she does some kind of boxing. I'm sure it's kickboxing though.

    right. there's always a couple of 13 year olds that start a small fire in the parks. they usually get too freaked out and put it out themselves but there's been a few when it spread.

    hooray! it's still snowing and freezing here. it was too cold for the buses to run out to my house so I got to stay home yesterday.
    February 10th, 2009 at 07:46am
  • Kalumm

    Kalumm (100)

    United Kingdom
    he's definatley not a professional haha. it's kind of like snowboarding but I'm so used to carving that whenever I turn the board gets caught and I bail haha. my brother Edward got a broken nose this summer from falling forwards into the water.

    ouch. I would be angry too, haha. well, that girl is pretty brave. I'm sure that guy would have killed her if he was drunk enough.
    Kade gets into a fight at every party. she's terrible for that, haha. she always wins though because they're with the hardcore prep's that resort to put-downs. it's sort of their fault that they decide to mess around with girls that are twice their size with arms thicker than their necks. I will [i]never[/i] pick a fight with Kade, haha.

    wow. that's really hot! the hottest it got here this year was 40C.
    there's been a few fires in Manchester, but it doesn't get hot enough to start by themselves. like you said, it's people with their bonfires and cigarettes.
    February 9th, 2009 at 03:12am
  • lovely little lonely

    lovely little lonely (200)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I love your theme on the forums! It's amazing. (:

    Just thought I'd let you know. XD

    February 7th, 2009 at 11:40pm
  • Kalumm

    Kalumm (100)

    United Kingdom
    hahah. I only have two friends that get smashed at every party, but right after they're drunk they pass out. Kade and Ky are difficult drunks, haha.
    Ky usually resorts to lying also. his main story is that he's a professional wakeboarder, then it carries off from there. it changes a lot but it usually starts like that.

    yea, it would be best ;]

    during free peroids we just leave and go get something to eat. there's really not much around my school except cafes and a mall.

    it's terribly cold here. it snowed again yesterday and it's getting windy during the day, haha. I've just been hiding in my house all week.
    February 7th, 2009 at 08:57am