Two For My Seconds / Comments

  • we let them in out of courtesy. since we're minors, if they find illegal substances or alcohol they just call our parents but if we get rid of the stuff before they find it they leave and don't come back.
    haha, sounds like you're always the one for negotiating. I'm just not a big fan of alcohol. I'd rather be sober and have a good time with the drunk ones haha.

    it hurts if I smack it on something but not otherwise :]

    hahaha. we're allowed to leave at lunch but we need a parent to pick us up if we leave during class. it's getting stupid now, though. they can't take our word anymore so we have to bring a signed note and everything now.
    February 7th, 2009 at 01:51am
  • Yeah I mean I like reading/writing fanfics but I prefer original fictions and I've always wanted to write one. barely anyone puts anything up that isn't fanfic here. they should though.
    haha yeah I'd read a fanfic about alex turner...dude I think arctic monkeys were recently in australia at some festival and they played some new songs...but maybe it was new zealand.
    you have a pretty good collection of books & movies. ahhh I love the Breakfast Club and Ferris Bueller's Day off haha. and Catcher in the Rye is amazing.
    p.s. I've updated = ]
    February 6th, 2009 at 01:24am
  • the cops always end up showing, haha. it sucks. I don't drink or anything but if they find alcohol in the house then we're all in trouble since we're under age. at one party we threw all the bottles out the window. it worked haha.

    I went to the Christmas dance because it was the last day I'd see most of my friends. it was fun.
    my sister watches Gossip Girl. I've never seen it before though.

    haha, okay. I felt quite dim after I realized what I said haha. I think it takes a couple of weeks. after the swelling and bruising goes down it's fine to take off the splint but the finger might go crooked.
    February 5th, 2009 at 02:45am
  • haha I'm an idiot. I included someone else's comment into your own, so you now know how I broke my finger. sorry about that ;]
    February 4th, 2009 at 02:28am
  • haha, it was terrible. I'm sort of scared to stay for more than an hour at the hospital.

    I fall asleep at parties all the time. I usually wake up around 4am and call my brother to pick me up. my parents don't really care if they know who's party it is.
    we have themed dances. I think the Valentine's dance is next Friday, but they're always dull so barely any people go to them. my girlfriend and two friends are going to come over that night and sleep over. Kade said she's going to buy lots of chocolates for us, haha.

    I was going to plow the drive so I was trying to start the snowblower. the handle is really wierd and it has finger holds in it so my ring finger got caught it in and broke. I finished the drive before going inside to show my mum haha.
    February 4th, 2009 at 02:23am
  • haha, she could try. she wasn't wearing a hat anyways, so it's her fault haha.

    when I was 6 I broke my arm, so I had to go to the hospital. so I was sitting on the bed, listening to the heart monitor in the next room and it went [i]beeeeeeeeeeeeep[/i]. I thought the woman died. then I saw her and a nurse walking out of the room. it's scarred me for life haha.
    very. it's working quite well, too. it doesn't hurt much. but my mum said, "You'll make your finger crooked, boy!" but all my fingers on my left hand are already crooked so... it can't get much worse haha.

    it was okay. I didn't do anything, haha. walked about outside for most of the day. yours?
    February 3rd, 2009 at 02:52am
  • yea, it was like breaking a stick in half. it made the same sound. I don't think it hurt her, she was just sad because it broke off near the front so it's quite noticable.

    haha for sure. I'd look like a lunatic, so no one would come near me and cause a threat.

    I didn't want to go to the hospital (I'm not a fan, haha) so my brother Edward made me a splint out of duct tape and a tongue compressor. my mum wasn't impressed haha.
    February 2nd, 2009 at 03:57am
  • omg thank you so much for the comment!!! seriously that was a huge compliment = ]
    sorry i unfriended you, i'm not sure how that happened. probably a mistake
    so why don't you like stories on mibba? is it cause they're usually fan fictions?
    February 1st, 2009 at 02:13pm
  • Ohhh :) well, i don't make my own :)) I just modify html to make it look somewhat good.
    February 1st, 2009 at 09:07am
  • I'm quite okay :)
    did you make yours? if you did, then you're a genius :))
    February 1st, 2009 at 08:52am
  • I love your profile :D its simply gorgeous
    February 1st, 2009 at 08:33am
  • well, it hurt sometimes haha. just not enough to make us complain ;]

    on thursday we had to play football outside in the snow and it started raining. the girls were angery because their hair was freezing. I felt so bad for this one girl, Lacie! about an inch of her hair busted off. it was terrible.

    I think I'd be pretty happy if someone gave me their hat, haha. it would definatley make my day.
    hmm, clever. I'll be sure to give that one a go at the next concert haha.

    kind of. it's called St. George's Day. it's April 23rd. haha, we don't do anything for ours. it's not like the 4th of July or something like that.

    nice. well, you definatley beat me on the tan lines.

    oh yes, be safe and make a fashion statement.
    February 1st, 2009 at 05:09am
  • haha yeah, they're amazing like :)

    I am quite good thanks :cute: how about you?
    January 27th, 2009 at 05:02pm
  • I have one more box to go! haha, I'm so proud.

    perhaps. judging by the many creative ways I've almost lost some limbs (fireworks, hoola-hoops, wagons, etc.) I'd say... just a little. ;]

    honestly, I'm so scared to play football with girls. they're [i]extremely[/i] agressive. they'll push you over without a thought and step on you if they have to. haha, I went to school in London with one of my friends for a day and all the girls just talked to their friends. I think maybe three decided to play with the boys, but that was it.

    you don't remember talking about her? I'm positive it was you... hmm. YES! because you said you were scared of spiders, then I told you I slept with her sometimes, haha. oh, the love of a boy and his spider.

    crazy. I remember when I went to Hedley in Canada with Dailee and we crawled on the ground until we got to the front, haha. I was surprised it worked. I almost got my teeth knocked out a couple of times xD

    cool!! Happy Australia Day! haha.
    nice. in the summer it barely gets hot, so I don't even think we own any sunblock haha. but I was wearing a v-neck shirt one day on the boat and it got really hot so I had a nice tan line going on. the rest of me was snow white and my collar bone was all tanned haha. I looked real good swimming ;]
    January 27th, 2009 at 08:30am
  • That's good. I was hoping there was more to it. :D
    January 27th, 2009 at 12:02am
  • it didn't work xD haha. I have to rip all my cd's onto it seperately now.

    I still had to help clear out the trees though... but I got to use a chainsaw, so we all won haha.
    they're annoying. the slightest breeze will make it ring.

    I'd be such a chicken, haha. there's no way I could bring back a body without getting like PTSD or some mental health problem.

    well, that's true ;] it's very fun to push people. but it's more with the shoulders because you might break your hand, fingers or wrist just pushing them. it's better to pick someone your own size haha.

    she's a wierd one. the first thing she said to me after they left the room was, "[i]That[/i] was balls."

    haha, agreed. as long as you can understand what they're saying then it's alright.
    January 24th, 2009 at 10:12pm
  • mmm, for sure ;]
    it's a Dell Inspirion 1600 or something like that.

    I copied all of my music onto a disc a couple of nights ago and I left it in the computer last night to download it onto the PC, and it wasn't even half done hahah. it's still going.

    well that's cool. I wish there was something like that near me... it would be neat. there's a church near my house and the bell at the top is soooo annoying. we have atleast one huge wind storm every year and it goes crazy haha. this year a couple of trees fell over and took out the back of the church... hah.

    wow. that's kind of eerie haha. I wouldn't know what to do if I saw a body in the water. probably leave it there and get someone else to get it haha.

    very. but afterall, you don't really [i]need[/i] both arms, it's just convenient for pushing people.

    that girl is tougher than nails. she's broken more bones than me. AH! I remember last year she broke her arm playing football and it bent backwards at the elbow, so they had to re-break it then found out that her elbow was all smashed and broke it back. she barely even cried during it. I was immensely terrified and grossed out.

    lucky. I like the Arctic Monkeys haha.

    mmm... anything besides Country, Rap, Hip-hop, etc. and, I must thank you for making me listen to the Kooks haha. because I like them quite a bit now.
    January 22nd, 2009 at 03:02am
  • haha, it was very technical. but, I got my new PC :] I'm using it right now. it's green... but not as green as I thought it would be... more like sage.
    hmm, win-win situation? you get to use a better computer and yours will be fixed?

    eww :|
    we don't go into the ocean often because of the rocks and it's really crowded haha. after we come back from the ocean we clean our motor, and one time we found a squid in it... haha. it was gross.

    nahh, there's just trees and cliffs on them.
    so there's buildings under the water? creepy.

    YES! maybe I'll actually have to get my arm amputated... that would be awful. and yes, it's union.

    ouch. my friend tried going down her stairs on rollerskates (I know, she's dim) and managed to shatter her knee-cap haha. so she has a metal knee-cap now.

    I hope so.
    January 21st, 2009 at 06:28am
  • Well, you deserve as many links as possible! And comments too. I'd love to read right to the end of the story right now, but I dunno how far you've got in your head/ in text! ^_^
    January 17th, 2009 at 12:21pm
  • I haven't been on here for a while either :| my computer monitor is broken, so I have to hook my computer up to the TV to use it xD it takes some mad skill to do this.
    btw, I can't really see what I'm typing because my television is a piece... so please excuse any errors :]

    daaayum. I'm not going back to Canada till... 2011. that seems so far away, haha. I'm stuck in the single digits.
    mine is like... 18ft. my dad keeps all his fishing gear in the cabin, so it smells. bad.
    honestly, anything under the water kind of freaks me out. if it's slimy, protruding from the surface, or just plain eerie, it freaks me out haha. but a sunken boat would be pretty cool to see. there's a couple of sunken islands at one of the lakes.

    mmm, no broken bones or absent limbs yet. but wait till Spring! Rugby season starts then, and I'll be telling you about all the dislocated joints and all that fun stuff. wooo. however, I've crashed into a tree lately. that was entirely not my fault though. cardboard boxes can be [i]very[/i] unpredictable when going down a steep hill.
    January 15th, 2009 at 07:07am