Bomb-Fo-Shizzling! Why so serious?


About Me... some small details...

I am a girl.
I age every year on july the eleventh.
I love Heath Ledger!
Dark Knight is one of the greatest movies ever made.
Joker being my favorite which is odd because I went to the theater for Batman and ended up 1/4th of the way through the movie cheering for the flamboyantly colored villain and then walking out totally lovestruck!
I am always seeing the newest movie on the big screen.
Especially if it's a SUPER movie.
I love to read when I have time because that's just the kind of dork i am!
CURRENT BOOK: The Fault in Our Stars.
I listen to a lot of music.
I used to watch a lot of television but now I watch mostly movies and netflix. The only shows I still keep up with are Agents of SHIELD, Glee and Bones.
I am a college student. My roommate is incredibly dorky and reads fan fiction as well. We spend our little free time watching movies, laughing and sharing funny fan fiction, gushing over fake characters and petting bunnies at the local pet store.
Yay for bunny therapy.
I love Mrs. Malfoy Havok.
Mrs. Malfoy Havok happens to be the person who made the original layout as shown by the next line. I have, however, made many adjustments over the past several years. Thank you though for giving me something to work with.
Layout and Icons/Avatars © Mrs. Malfoy-Havok
Click the link that says "Mrs. Malfoy Havok". You won't be disappointed.

Updates and Info....

004.023.014 Updating this profile.
Two new stories in the making.
Sorry that nothing has happened in forever with Soundtrack.
I lost a lot of motivation.
I blame Loki.
Look out for the new stories.
Sorry I'm terrible at updates.

My Likes and More...

I am currently: Sitting in my dorm bed working on the profile and writing two new stories.
my favorites:
Munchies: Freeze dried apples, KFC Chicken Littles, the occasional Reeses.
Thirsts: Cream Soda, Kaluha, Smart Water.
Animals: Dachshunds, Hedgehogs, Giraffes.
Crayolas: Green, Red, Yellow.
Films: The Dark Knight, Legally Blonde, Oliver and Company, Aristocats, ANYTHING MARVEL, Frozen.
I also enjoy the older movies like Footloose and Grease and Dirty Dancing
and the great Disney stuff like Wall-e and Monsters Inc. and Cinderella
and the scarier-ish movies like 13 Ghosts and Dead Silence and 8 Legged Freaks

Books: Spanking Shakespeare, The Outsiders, The Book Thief, To Catch A Pirate
Shoes: Heels, Flats, Converse.
Accessories: Jewelry for all my piercing: Lobes, Tragus, Daith, Septum, Navel, and Nostril.
Bands: Everything
Celebrations: Halloween, My Birth, Alcohol Day.
Shops: DD's Discounts, Hot Topic.
Food Joints: Whataburger, KFC, Taco Bell.
Candy: Not too much.
My heros are Aaron, my mom, my aunt, Shonna, Kelly, my teddy bear, and pizza.

The Darker Things About Your Author...
Hi, My name is Shannon and I'm a workaholic.
I insult people often as a form of affection and I'm civil and nice to people I don't like or don't know.
Shonna and kelly seems to think I'm the meanest person they know!
A few things that I dislike would be:
Squirrels, marshmallows, the goose mafia, stubborn baby hairs, unfunny chain texts, annoying people, and control freaks.

Ever Notice That There Is A Ton Of Awesome People Named Jack?
- Jack Napier and Jack Nicholson (both having to do with the Joker)
- Jack-Jack Parr (the baby in the Incredibles)
- Jack Black
- Jack Twist (Heath’s boy toy in Brokeback Mountain)
- Jack Barakat (All Time Low)
- Jack “Flawless Lawless” Lawless (drummer of Jonas Brothers)
- Jack Dawson (Titanic)
- Jack Skellington (Nightmare Before Christmas)
- Jack Sparrow
- Jack the Monkey (Pirates of the Caribbean)
- Jack McFarland (Will and Grace)
- Jack Malone (Without a Trace)
- Jack Spicer (Xiaolin Showdown)
- Jack McCoy (Law and Order)
- Jack Frost
- Jack and the Beanstalk
- Jack Horner (from the fables)
- Jack (and Jill)
- Jack O’Lantern (Marvel Comics supervillain)

Contributed by jetblackhotelmirror :
- Jack Osbourne
- Jack White (White Stripes)
- Jack from Hook (the son)
- Jack Johnson
- Jack Lemmon
- Jack’s Mannequin
- Jack (Fight Club)
- Jack Bauer (24)
- Jack Charles Powell (from the movie Jack with Robin Williams)

Creativity in Text... stories...
Title: Crashed the Wedding
Characters: Joker
Commissioner James Gordon
Elizabeth Gordon
Bruce Wayne/Batman
Other nameless or made up people with no big role
Description: Joker Short Story
Completion: Chapter three - completed. Chapter 4 - maybe.
As far as I know, it's fully complete.

Title: Soundtrack of Death
Characters: Joker
Bruce Wayne/Batman
Commissioner James Gordon
Other nameless or made up characters with no big role.
Description: Joker romance involving the Joker's past and a certain familiar girl.
Completion: Chapter Thirty is completed. On a break.

Title: The Man Behind The Mask
Characters: Joker
Commissioner Gordon
Description: The Joker has a secret.
Completion: Just started. One chapter up.

Title: Funny and Random
A Special Note For You: I don’t normally make poems but I was bored. Please keep in mind that it’s been a long time since the last time I wrote a poem and this was written late at night while I was lacking sleep.
Description: The result of boredom and sleep deprivation.
about my stories...

Updates are always slow.
I highly doubt there will ever be a time
that I get two chapters out in a single week.
I’m lucky to get one chapter out in a month.
I love to write.
I write to increase my writing ability
and I spend hours writing each chapter. is my best friend while writing
because I like to use bigger words than the basics.
I try not to post short chapters.
Although I do not require comments for the next chapters
they are greatly appreciated!

They motivate me.
Hope you enjoy my stories
and sent me tons of loving comments