Joined date
July 13th, 2008


Hi. I'm Celine but most people either call me Linny or Celinederella.
Yeah, I know, It's dorky but so much fun to say xDD.
Well, I have been told I look 15-16ish at times but honestly, I'm 13.
I love to write stories, poems, and lyrics the most. I can also draw but writing is my heroine. I heart music like crazy, where ever I go I always bring my iPod no matter what, well unless it needs charging. Then I bring my daned CD player ^-^.
I'm a random, wild, obnoxious and all out crazy girl.
One minute I'll be playing in the rain in nothing but a tutu and bra [lmfao.]
and the next I'll be sitting in my room writing and then sining the lyrics I made.
I love to make friends, but sometimes I can be shy at first then just when you get to know me, I become my random self.
I've dyed my hair blue, pink, orange, red and purple and I plan on dying it green, vampire red and hot pink at some point. Temporay of course.
I dress like a scene/emo/punk rocker type and I listen to heavy metal, screamo and rock music.
I HATE being the same as every other girl in my school. I like to also bring out the goth in me sometimes with heavy set boots and black chains on my pants.
I'm never the same and never will be the same as anyone else.
Go ahead, copy my style , but it will never be like me.
Thats my motto and I'm stickin to it xDD
Well, thats me, I hope you enjoyed the last 2 minutes of your life, because its obvious you won't be getting it back.



-> Bright, Crazy Colors
-> Tutu's xDD
-> Heavy Metal, rock, alternative music (:
-> Dying my hair random colors
-> Big , goofy glasses ^-^
-> Vodka Cooler's... yummy haha
-> Taking pictures of myself on the webcam... I look so nerdy lmfao. >.<
-> Hanging with my friends and flipping off the the mall cops lmfao.!!
-> Going on msn xD
-> Meeting new people ,, you get friends that way of course xDD
-> Tokio Hotel ,, Bill Kaulitz and Tom Kaulitz are hotties lmao lmao !!
-> Making fun of Miley Cyrus and her werid lips O.o
-> Poking my cousin ,, he gets irritated easily haha!!
-> Making stories , poems , quizes
-> Making lyrics is my favorite thingy to do xDD
-> Singing


-> Miley Cyrus
-> Valley girls ... annoying >.<
-> My little sister ... xD
-> Brussle Sprouts ... yukkie >.>
-> Horror movies... scare the shit outa me O.O haha.
-> Dancing.. I look like a fish flopping around on land >.<
-> People who constantly ask if your alright even though its obvious your fine *.*
-> Cheerleaders .. -shudders- don't.ask haha

My Random Style XD

++ I , personally, love to experiment with my look. Wheather its gothic going to scene, its to much fun xDD.
++ My make-up is something I love to try out, whenever I see hot pink eyeshadow or lime green, want to buy it and use it like crazy.
++ I love to use shoes like boots with buckles and shirts that have tears in them, aswell as skinny jeans ^-^
++ I have been complimented by my style, as well as been dissed by it. Of course, I do not care what others think of me, as long as I like what I'm doing, I'll just flip that person off and tell them to worry about themselves and stop bugging me with what I do.
++ My hair has been complimented like CRAZY haha!! I have been asked how its so smooth and silky, and how its looks so natural even when I dye it. I do not know, its just the way I was born O.o haha.
++ I like to make it look different, my hairstyles, like pigtails and pony tails and even have a clip in it with it spiking up at the back. (:
++ My eyes are so much fun xDD They change color do to my mood which I find so cool lmfao. I have fun with my eyeliner and make-up. When I cry, they go electric blue. I mean it as, very, very, very bright lol. So, last time I cryed then stoped, thennn did my make-up. It looked awsome lmfao. !!

What You Think

++ I like hearing peoples opinions, no matter what they are, If there good or bad, I still like to hear them, Because then I know what to do to imporve something or not.
++ I love meeting and chatting with new people , so honestly, you don't have to be worried about being shy around me. I'm known for being loud, obnoxious, wild, random, funny and fun xDD
++ I have my nicknames, and like other people have done, they have been given nicknames by many people. Sure yu can give me your own personal nickname for me, as I will do the same for you.. I already have 6 nicknames : Linny , Celinederella , Mickey [from my middle name lol] , Carebear, Honey Nut Cherrie [dont ask haha] and Lin. Yupp, alot are silly but I luff them xDD

I Am Online (: