About Me

I'm a young dreamer who isn't afraid to dream and dream big.
I love losing myself deep in the pages of a good book, secretly wishing as the pages turn that the story had no end and I would in turn never have to find myself again.

Team Edward. Team Edward. Team Edward. Team Edward. Team Edward. Team Edward. Team Edward. Team Edward. Team Edward. Team Edward. Team Edward. Team Edward. Team Edward. Team Edward. Team Edward. Team Edward. Team Edward. Team Edward. Team Edward. Team Edward. Team Edward. Team Edward. Team Edward. Team Edward. Team Edward.

I'm survived 300 pages with out Edward and I do believe it was one of the hardest things I've ever done.
Saying I'm obsessed with Twilight is putting it mildly.
I've read and re-read the three books so many times it's hard to believe that the bindings on the books are still intact.

I strive to be the best I can be and no, I don't mean that in a sense of wanting to come in number one all the time.

I believe that if you put forth your best effort, then in the end it doesn't matter how things turn out.

I'm very understanding, very trusting. Mom says it's because I'm unbelievably nieve and maybe it's true. If wanting to trust in man kind, wanting to hold on to the idea that deep down everyone means well is nieve, then I'm fine with that.