Can I Be Any More Obsessive? (I am so screwed blog #5)

Yes, it's official (well, even more official... if that's even possible). I am TOTALLY obsessing over Bryce. Damn it, why am I so neurotic?Anyways, he's pretty much all I can think about lately, I get this goofy smile just texting him, he makes my breathing uneven and my heart race... Does this sound cliche enough for you to understand where I'm going? I hope so, because I can't say it. I've known...
December 4th, 2012 at 03:57am

Almost A New Year, Days 2 & 3: Sore And Euphoric

Okay, so I didn't workout yesterday. Why? I was too sore from Saturday's workout! Those squats are killer, so I took a day off, and I'm most likely taking next Sunday off as well since I'm going to Six Flags with some friends! (I apologize; that exclamation point was entirely unnecessary, but I have plans with friends other than Bryce and/or Miriam, so I'm excited... can you tell I don't get out...
December 4th, 2012 at 03:43am

Almost A New Year, Day 1: Getting Off My Lazy... Well, You Get The Point

So, I actually did do my workout right after I posted my last blog, so I feel accomplished. That feeling, however, is diminished by the fact that I ate 5/8ths of a frozen pizza and a bowl of ice cream...Oh well, too late now (see, this is the type of thinking that caused me to gain all of this weight in the first place '-.-). I'm trying not to dwell on it too much, because I obviously can't change...
December 2nd, 2012 at 07:10am

Almost A New Year (Zombie Apocalypse, Here I Come)

You know, I almost finished the 30 Day Challenge; I completed 27 of the 30 days, but got lazy right before my birthday and didn't finish... and I haven't worked out since. I don't know if any of you have noticed, but I have a major lazy streak, which is a problem in my transformation journey (yes, I just used the phrase 'transformation journey' in a serious way; I don't know what else...
December 1st, 2012 at 08:48pm

Disappointment and Hope (I am so screwed blog #4)

So, I FINALLY talked to Bryce about the Halloween incident, and the verdict? He's not into me, hence the disappointment. I didn't ask why he kissed me, though, which is an accomplishment considering that it's bugging the crap out of me, but because he'd basically been avoiding me because he didn't want me to think he liked me (romantically speaking), I just told him to forget about it because I...
November 29th, 2012 at 05:22pm

I am so confused! (I really need advice again) (Continuation of the 'I am so screwed' blog series)

Okay, so on the 'I am so screwed' blog today, I have a story. If you've read my last two blogs in this 'series' then you have a pretty good view of what's going on (if you haven't, you probably should, but I think you'll get the gist from this just fine if you don't), but there are changes.Change number one: Miriam is not into Bryce. At all.Change number two: Bryce is not into Miriam; he may or...
November 3rd, 2012 at 04:04am

Confirmation: Yes, I'm totally screwed. (I need advice)

I've spent the last two nights at Bryce's house. Nothing has happened. I'm definitely moving into head over heels territory. When I'm at his house, I feel very domestic; cooking, cleaning, the whole nine yards (whatever that fucking means) and I almost admitted that I'm into him. Now, admittedly, that's because I'm really fucking drunk and my internal filter is off, but still... I'm so into him...
October 24th, 2012 at 08:56am

Damn. It. All. To. Hell. (I am so screwed)

I'm seriously hoping this is a passing thing. Let me start at the beginning, so as not to confuse anyone.So, I got a new job (finally) a couple months ago; nothing major, just wait staff at a cafe. Anyways, one of my managers (Miriam, who is 27 and decidedly gorgeous) always talks to me about her love life (and life in general, really, but her love life has been at the forefront of her mind...
October 22nd, 2012 at 10:21am 30 Day Challenge: Day 5, 6, &7

So days 5 & 6 were active rest days, so I danced around my room a lot more than usual and ate well on day 5, but I ate a whole cheesecake, a frozen pizza, and one of my mom's (very high calorie) chicken enchiladas. I figured I'd get all of my comfort eating out of the way at once (since I knew it was going to happen one way or another) instead of continued bad eating for any prolonged...
August 27th, 2012 at 07:31am

A Decidedly Bad Morning... (A short look into my grieving patterns)

I woke up to the sounds of someone (I correctly assumed my dad) going through the hall closet on the opposite side of the wall my bed is pressed against. I stopped to think (half asleep) about why he would be going through the hall closet at 5:30 in the morning, much less actually be awake. The first thought that filtered into my head was that it had something to do with my cat, who has been very...
August 25th, 2012 at 03:55pm 30 Day Challenge: Day 4

I didn't wake up until 8 this morning (can you say : laaazzzyyyy). I ate well, and I did my workout around 3.Okay, so I said yesterday's workout was brutal, right? I lied! Today's workout was so fucking killer, yesterday's seems like a walk in the park.I'm not very chatty today, it's late and I'm typing this as I sit in bed, PJ's on and hair wet from the shower. I was busy working on paperwork for...
August 24th, 2012 at 08:24am 30 Day Challenge: Day 3

I only hit snooze once this morning and I got up at 5:10! I was pleased, though I still didn't work out until like 5 in the afternoon. It wasn't that I had planned on skipping it or that I didn't want to do it, I was just being lazy and procrastinating.Anyways, back to this morning, today is Weigh-In Wednesday! I will be posting my weight every Wednesday to keep track, and while I imagine I'll...
August 23rd, 2012 at 06:52am 30 Day Challenge: Day 2

So I ignored my alarm again this morning... but I got up at 5:20, so I'm alright with that, I can deal with sleeping in, as long as it's no more than half an hour. After that, my day was very (hmm, how do I say this without using vulgar language?) dull, mundane, practical, just very blegh, you know? I didn't do my workout until 7 p.m. and for most of the day I had actually decided that I wasn't...
August 22nd, 2012 at 06:17am 30 Day Challenge: Day 1

I'm slightly irritated because I ignored my alarm this morning and didn't get up until 7:30 instead of 5 like I wanted to; I'm trying to get myself into a routine, and I always feel more productive when I get up before or at dawn, so that's the first part of my new routine that I'm working on. I haven't quite laid out what else will be in my routine, it lacks specificity (hehe, sorry, I watched...
August 21st, 2012 at 08:01am

I know I've said it before, but...

I'm going to start working out like I'm training for the zombie apocalypse, or like the Wraith put a tracking device in me like Ronon in Stargate: Atlantis. (I must repeat: can you say geekdom times 2?) I know I said the same thing in a previous post, but it's still relevant as well as amusing to me. ;)If you read my last blog post (horrendously depressing, I know, it happens -grimace-), then you...
August 19th, 2012 at 07:25am

Something new for me here...

I'm going to talk about how I feel. It's a rare occurrence. I don't even really acknowledge my feelings to myself very often. Thinking about how I feel nearly always leads to my depression worsening for several days at the least. It's not something I enjoy, so I tend to block it out, but right now I feel the need to talk about it.Right now I feel very... unknown. I don't mean by other people, but...
July 21st, 2012 at 08:37am

I have now...

Seen The Avengers. It was awesome!!! I'm so pumped right now, I can finally get this damn Avengers story down! Woohoo!Okay, enough lolly-gagging (that is such a weird expression), I'm off to write!
June 18th, 2012 at 06:57pm

I have a problem.....

A Loki problem. I am totally obsessed with Tom Hiddleston's version of Loki because (-blush-) he just does it so damn well! I mean, oh my demigod! (-fans self-) Loki was always my favorite god in Norse mythology, and just damn, Tom Hiddleston does it so fucking well (and, might I add, must I add, so deliciously sexy!) And at the end of Thor when he (SPOILER ALERT in case you haven't seen the...
June 14th, 2012 at 05:25pm


Working on chapter 23 of DTE; for those of you that read it, I am so sorry this chapter has taken me so long, but I ran into the writer's block equivalent of a five foot thick, twenty foot high brick wall. '-_- It was so frustrating, but I finally got over it and I'm back at it. :)With that said, the new chap will be up sometime today, and I might even get chapter 24 out too, so watch for that. ;)
June 7th, 2012 at 11:22pm

I am still sore....

And therefore cannot do one of my more important ab workouts... Grr >.<So, I'm just going to do cardio today, then abs on Friday; and for future reference, I will be going slightly more easy on my upper body. -wince- I need to be able to do my other workouts, but I can't do that if I can't even properly use my arms.Oh, and I'm so not even bothering with my livejournal; I'm more likely to use...
June 6th, 2012 at 10:47pm