United States
Joined date
July 15th, 2008


I've always been fascinated by vampires ever since I first read about them. I have to say a hate all vampire movies as they seem to betray them as evil... I don't think the idea of a vampire can be evil in and of itself though many seem to disagree with me. I think they should be viewed just like humans, some are evil and some are good. Maybe its silly, considering vampires don't exist but that's sort of the motivation behind my story :P

Enough of that. As you can see from my info I'm 17 years old and I'm going off to college in August woohoo :D studying Chemical Engineering. And no I'm not a genius or anything XD I like chemistry and if I have to be working the rest of my life I might as well be making good money from it :P

Anyways don't be afraid to message me if you want to :D