it's just been one of those days...

Fourteen years of age.Pressure of everything weighing me down.Sex. Drugs. School. Friends. Enemies.Where does it end?Or better yet, when does it end?Going through school feeling blank.Coming home to a world of silence or fights.Messaging friends who no longer care.Sister only comforts, but when she goes away, so does the comforts of home.Moving on is something I just deal with.I don't delete...
May 8th, 2009 at 12:35am

I'm gonna start writing again.

Yeah. So I joined last summer of '08 (wow, it seems like much longer) and I haven't written much.I like some of my poems, but I realized they're quite depressing. I like them, but when I wrote them, I was thirteen and at that "I hate my life" point.So, I've decided to write more stuff.Happy poems. Okay, maybe not happy, but a little less depressing.I like my stories too, but I never get around to...
April 21st, 2009 at 03:09am