Seize the day


Or die regretting the time you lost

Tiny and Tubs, Mobsters Extraordinaires
character:M Shadows & Zacky Vengeance

I'll love you for eternity
character:Red Cloud

It's empty and cold without you here

dancexwithxme St_Jimmy333 Eymiyyy Miss JackieDevi_V six feet under.

Too many people to ache over

Layout coded by: Whitney @
vengeance avenue

I hand you my mortal life

[Date/Time] 24/02/2011 21:52
[Listening to] American Idol
[Chatting to]parents and StephenScott
[Food/Drink] Cola
[Feeling] upset
[Updated]Layout changed

Latest News?

So my Jimmy story is far from completion, and I'll be M.I.A from Mibba and the internet for a while, my Dad's going to Germany to visit my sister's grave, so I'm keeping my mum company.. So to keep you all sweet, here's a story I wrote a while ago but never got round to posting. Tiny and Tubs, Mobsters Extraordinaires later alligators!

But will it be forever?

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- Jessica, Seventeen, Belfast-Northern Ireland. I'm Irish and proud. I don't have a southern Irish accent though, but, nonetheless, I love my accent and wouldn't change it for the world. I Love Matt Sanders and the Avenged boys. When I die, I'm going to chase stallion ducks with The Rev in heaven. I enjoy writing and doing creative writing assignments. I'm doing A Levels in English Literature, Modern History and Drama. I love it! :)