I Gave You My Heart

I don't want to let go of this. Not now, when I feel as though I can't live without exploring it. I know things would be difficult, that there would be many hard times, but I'm more scared of there never being a time in the future, where I can call you my own. I don't want to let you slip through my fingers when you make me feel this way. Like my heart is on fire, and my lungs are about to burst,...
October 1st, 2009 at 04:51pm

Wet Concrete Exploration

I always seem to be one or two steps behind everyone else. Like walking over wet concrete, I see footsteps already embedded, marking the progress of people who are ahead of me. Every time I feel like I'm getting somehwere and growing up, I see more footprints, more people further ahead, and I wish for once in my life that I could leave the first impression on an unmarked slab of something. Its not...
September 29th, 2009 at 02:55am

My Shadow

Just another thing related to my life.Deserted streets make for a lonely night. I walk alone, but not by myself. Small spheres of light keep the insubstantial shadows of darkness surrounding me at bay, but the only one worth notice is my own, the one i cast. Inky black, it stretches behind me, infront, to the left and right. Ever present, it is the embodiment of all my dark deeds, doubts... my...
September 28th, 2009 at 01:23pm

Blue Skies and Bare Feet

I didn't quite know where to put this piece of writing, as it is a very true metaphor for my life. So journal it is, because its definitely not a poem!I walk ahead one step at a time, trying to get somewhere different.It's all the same; nothing but cement pavement underneath my feet and blue skies above my head.Feet move in the continuous motion, yet I don't know where I'm going or how long until...
September 28th, 2009 at 12:43pm