Left Alone and Fearful

I know this is probably a silly thing to rant about, but it's been bugging me for the past 4 days or so.Alright, you see, I have this new boyfriend. (if you know me personally, you're probably thinking to yourself "what else is new" and "oh god, ANOTHER one o_o;; ) Anywho, It's been going pretty okay, we've been together for almost 2 months and I'm hoping that it'll last.It's kinda odd though, he...
August 18th, 2008 at 10:49pm

The weirdest, saddest nightmare

I had this really weird dream the other night. I fell asleep listening to Vienna Teng (I don't know how long she's been singing, but I just discovered her music recently.) Anyway, my dream related closely to one of her songs in-particularly (It was called Passage- the song was sung as if it was a story. The protagonist dies in a car crash and witnesses all who knew her suffer with depression/move...
August 18th, 2008 at 07:28am