I suck.

I'm really sorry. I haven't updated in forever. My life is controlled by school, college, and work right now, but I promise to use better time management from here on out! I have to keep writing, because it's my passion, and I'm feeling a bit dried out right now because I haven't written in so long. I promise, promise, PROMISE to update my story soon, and I might come out with another one, once I...
October 1st, 2009 at 06:41pm

New Chapter

Hello, this is Chachi. I've finally got the new chapter out for my story. Thank you to all who read it. If you haven't yet, please do, and tell me what you think. I'd very much appreciate any sort of feedback, good or bad about my story. I'm my own worst critic, so I think I can take a chop to my self esteem. No worries about me.I've been thinking of writing a new story. Originally, I was like...
May 6th, 2009 at 12:26am

Guess who's back? Kind of...

I've finally decided to write my stories here. It's not that I was indecisive, per say. I was just embarrassed to have others read my works. I'm very shy with my writing. I'm still going to try. I'll have a week off of school soon, so I'll hopefully get on here more often and write myself to death! Not really, but you get my drift.Please, to those of you who would be as so kind, please read my...
March 28th, 2009 at 04:39pm


I. Am. So. Tired.I had the most...eventful weekend of my life.I've gone to an amusement park (don't you think that I'm a TAD bit old for that...?) and visited my mother, who is currently on the mend after surgery at my aunt's house.I'm running on about 4 hours of sleep. Ha. And yet, I can't sleep. I can't seem to get into contact with my dad, either, so there's nothing to do other than bother the...
October 6th, 2008 at 11:16pm

Welcome To...

Dear Memory (the name of this journal),Today's the start of a new era. I'm trying something new. Mibba. Heard about it. Visited it. Joined today. Give a whoot to me.Anyway, the people here are nice. Maybe because having one thing in common helps unify others. I enjoy being like others, but at the same time, originality is my most powerful gift.The stress in my life is slowly evaporating as the day...
July 18th, 2008 at 11:20pm