Of Course Not / Comments

  • Hahha.
    Don't worry, me neither.
    Hows it been going?
    October 21st, 2009 at 03:35am
  • Thank you for the poem comment :]
    Aha, and I'm working on that comment, I haven't been on for a while.
    October 12th, 2009 at 10:28pm
  • thanks for the comment on my song- i plan to record it someday. i actually have a new friend that does sound byte mixes and could maybe help me put some instrument to my vocals...i'll share when i get around to doing it :)
    September 30th, 2009 at 05:05am
  • Thank u so much!
    September 29th, 2009 at 08:14pm
  • Hahha. Why thank you :] I like it too.
    Yeah, I like the name Erin, not many people have it, which I love.
    :D Really? *Dances* You're cool too.
    Awe. Well if I lived in the U.S I would wanna meet you! But i'm all the way in Canada..
    September 29th, 2009 at 04:11am
  • Thank you for the poem comment ^__^
    I'm glad to hear you like, actually delighted. :D
    I will try, aha.
    I'm Kirb by the way.
    September 29th, 2009 at 03:57am
  • If we ever met in person, I’d probably be quiet for, like, five minutes. I’m pretty awkward when I meet people though, so you never know. I could just throw random questions at you. :P

    Ah, I understand what you’re saying and also what her point is. [A few of my friends just started the same thing, actually. Pattern, much?] She’s probably really freaked out and thinking something like, ‘How is he going to like the idea of our relationship any more or less in a week’s time if we don’t work this out?’ She’s nervous and wary of much, I suspect. But I say you’re handling it all pretty well. (:

    By the way, I agree. Math can go die in a fire. Haha.

    So, how did your day-for-yourself go?
    August 24th, 2009 at 02:23am
  • I did volunteer for such torture. So yeah, temporary moment of insanity right there. Hehe.

    Don’t worry about telling me all of that. Sometimes, you just need someone else to talk to, you know? Someone to hear you out.
    As for your friends breaking up, I’m really sorry that it has shaken you so badly. It can be extremely disconcerting to have something that Has Always Been suddenly not be the same anymore. The curiosity you have for the situation is neither uncommon nor unwarranted; it’s natural for you to want an explanation for what happened. At the same, I’m sure you don’t want to make this any worse for either of them. Most likely the best way to go about everything is just to make sure that she knows you’re there. She’ll want someone to talk to, so she knows she’s not being foolish. If she knows you’re there to give her validation and support, she’s bound to express some details. The art of comforting people in these situations is not an easy one, and some things that would console one person would inflame the issues for another. Basically, if the girl is trying to be quiet about it, I wouldn’t push it; just make sure she knows that she can talk to you. In time, everything will be aired out anyway and you’ll discover what you want to know.
    Things like teenage relationships are always more complicated than they seem. There are some things that you’d just never guess to be true. This will settle down in due time, I assure you.
    I hope that helped and wasn’t overbearing in the least. It’s just that I’ve been dealing with my friends and their breakups for years now, so I think I know a little bit that could help you. [And I won’t pry into your own feelings for that friend of yours without permission. :P]

    Also, I hope that you are able to relieve some of the stress you are experiencing. Take a little time to sleep and do something for yourself, okay? It’ll make everything that much easier.
    August 19th, 2009 at 04:30am
  • Sorry for the delay; it's a result of my lack of awesome classes. Two math classes and AP French. Can you say crazy bitch? haha.
    How've you been?
    August 19th, 2009 at 02:00am
  • I know what you mean about the jumping. Sometimes though, it's just plain insane with everyone moving. It's awkward when you've got a smaller band that tries to do that and no one responds. I'm like, "Aw, come on. These guys are trying."
    Ack. School began for me too. Le sigh. I'm exhausted, tbh.
    How are you?
    August 10th, 2009 at 01:31am
  • You're very welcome. The cheering was kind of fun. There were two really tall guys in front of me that totally beat me out though. They were screaming the lyrics and jumping around. I was like, 'I bow down before your amazing cheering skills.' haha.
    Mad props to you for meeting Jared, Kennedy, & Pat. They all seem like sweethearts. Don't worry, I know what you mean about thinking of stuff later on. But I don't think of anything to say at the time either. So I end up seeing them and being like, 'I should go up there. I should. What the heck am I going to say?' Because I really don't have a clue what to say. haha.
    How're you?
    August 3rd, 2009 at 07:29pm
  • Thank you for singing for me. (: haha.
    Oh my God, lucky girl. I would pay so much money to be able to even [i]talk[/i] to one of the boys in the Maine, but I never know what to say.
    And I did cheer for you, which is big because generally I'm pretty laid back at shows. Christofer Drew was oh my goodness adorable. ahah.
    July 30th, 2009 at 08:18pm
  • I do not know a good merch person. However, the dude at the Hopeless tent was kind of unobservant, you know, if you wanted to jack something. Haha. Just kidding.
    You’ll know that they’re for real. They won’t ask for money, they only want to see your ticket. They’ll have a radio, and they’ll be shouting, I s’pect.
    Haha. I didn’t drink anything until 6 o’clock, but I’m weird like that. Just don’t die. Have fun tomorrow! Tell the other Erin too.
    July 29th, 2009 at 01:01am
  • I got there about 30 minutes early. There was a crazy line, hundreds of people in front of me, but Indy got us in really quick. We waited maybe, maybe 10 minutes after doors before we came through? An hour in advance ought to help you out; it shouldn’t be all that bad. I did preorder my ticket but my friend hadn’t, so I waited. If you preordered it, there will be people going around asking if you have one of the preorder tickets and they will take you to the front of the line. [Don’t listen to anyone saying they will take you up there for five dollars. They [i]will[/i] take you to the front of the line, but then you’ll have to walk all the way to the back. You’d get played, basically]
    And, as far as I know, there weren’t any places in Indy to put your bags, but I don’t know about Cincy. Maybe if you met a really cool merch kid?
    You have every right. You’re going to have so much fun. Stay hydrated! :D
    July 28th, 2009 at 02:26am
  • I'm fairly certain the Maine and All Time Low will not conflict. All Time Low wasn't at my date, of course, but they're more well-known so they'll probably go on a bit later. And thank you, just for me? You shouldn't (except, really you should). haha.
    July 25th, 2009 at 06:29pm
  • Indeed, you are right; the movies are never so great as the books. But they did better on this one than the last one, at least. This one had some sort of plot to it.

    I liked what I read of the Narnia books, but I just fell out of reading it towards the end of the year. We were doing a bunch of weird stuff and I was already in summer mood, so I was like, 'Eh, can't reeead.'
    5 days to my concert as well. Promise you will try to see FTSK and the Maine for me? haha. Just kidding.
    I completely understand what you mean. I was in the car at 7 the morning of my date and I was like, 'Dude, are we going to Warped?' haha. You'll get there, see the line and totally not care because there are lovely boys walking around with signs and fliers. It's so great. Just have fun.
    July 24th, 2009 at 11:36pm
  • Yes, a free concert counts! I mean, as far as going to a concert is does, I'm going to one at the fair next month. haha.
    Oh, I concur fully. It is so much better to watch the HP movies at home. How did you like the movie, by the way?
    I started to read the Chronicles of Narnia last year during finals, but I pretty much stopped that halfway through the Horse and His Boy. haha. I hope you have fun at Warped, again. haha.
    I considered going to that Warped date, but I decided against it to go to the Never Shout Never/Academy Is.../all the other bands that I'm not going there to see. haha.
    July 23rd, 2009 at 08:41pm
  • I've not been up to much. I'm going to the Cab, Summer Set, A Rocket to the Moon, Eye Alaska, and My Favorite Highway concert though! Gosh, I love my brother. (:
    What about you?
    July 21st, 2009 at 10:44pm
  • Being a dork is much too easy when you're out shopping--and with friends I assume?
    I'm glad you had fun.
    July 19th, 2009 at 09:18pm
  • Oh, yes, I recommend sleeping as much as you need. Warped is a bit disorientating when you haven't slept enough; trust me, I didn't sleep at all before I went.
    I hope you have/had fun shopping. (:
    July 19th, 2009 at 12:47am