vividly.alive / Comments

  • Israel that sounds freaking cool. Tell me all about that. :D
    And I will get that PM to you. Here is a little preview: I have a half sister.
    January 18th, 2011 at 06:54am
  • I'll write you a long PM about everything. Like I said I don't even know where to begin explaining
    January 16th, 2011 at 08:40pm
  • :O Dang, well I hope you had a good time?

    Meh things have been kinda good, kind of bad... I don't even know where to begin explaining lol.
    January 16th, 2011 at 04:48pm
  • Hey Tammy, how have you been? I think I'll send you a PM! lol.
    January 7th, 2011 at 10:26am
  • Hey Arms I've missed you. Super glad you're back. Huge update with me - and not like my usual boring updates either. PM coming your way in a little bit, be prepared for the [i]ride[/i].

    Anyways... yeah I got a new profile... and a new username. Everyone litterally drops their jaws because I'm not Mrs. Forge Weasley anymore.
    In my defense I still love the twins but I had Mrs. Forge Weasley for a year and some odd months, I felt it was time for change. I changed it to Anne Boleyn for about two weeks, then after seeing the new Harry Potter movie I went with deluminator. Gah I'm babbling. Facepalm

    Okay so I need details. What has been up with you these past few months?
    January 5th, 2011 at 02:02am
  • Chrissy misses Tammy. :/ *epic hugs for you*
    November 15th, 2010 at 07:39am
  • I miss you tons to. It's been forever since we have talked. I've been absent from mibba for a couple of months because of lack of internet at home, but I got it back now. Take your time with your update babe, just tell me that your doing okay will make me happy. :]

    Here is an update with me

    1] I got a job at daycare... turns out it was not a job at all. The lady basically put out false advertising. It was a call in job and I have been called in only once. Then she called me last week saying she needed me yesterday, called back again three days later said things changed, she did not need me yesterday but to expect a call for when she needs me again.

    2] The daycare lady can can kiss my ass, I don't have time for her. I filled out several job applications last week, there was even an on the spot interview. I am not going to stress about finding a job - as much as I need one - because I just don't need stress right now.

    3] My mom returned after being gone for over five months for work. I wish she were gone longer. As always she yells at me for no reason, and I can't handle being yelled at - maybe I am sensitive freak or something but I can't handle being yelled at so I cry... she actually called my tears BS the other night. Rolling Eyes

    4] My whole family is coming up for Thanksgiving which I am dreading. The one cousin who is only older than me by a year likes to think she is oh so better than me and than the other cousin is deeply religous
    and I have to edit myself around her because she might cry if I use swear words around her... no joke. I never have any fun when they are up.

    5] A friend I have not talked to in about six months has walked back into my life... but she will be leaving again when she moves so I am kind of sad there.

    6] Other than all that I am doing pretty good. Just getting through one day at a time.

    7] This concludes my very boring update.

    October 27th, 2010 at 07:20am
  • I will for sure send an email your way! :D
    October 27th, 2010 at 06:07am
  • Ooooh, my goodness, I as well am sorry for the delay. Life's been super busy for me too.

    Well, yay! :D By now though, you may have gotten over him. Have you? Ahahah. Oh, Tommy is no longer in my life. It's no big deal though, we just kinda fell out of touch. I do have a new crush though. His name is Hg, and I feel like a school girl whenever I see him. -.-
    October 9th, 2010 at 06:21am

    That movie looks awesome, and you [i]must[/i] tell me how it is when you go and see it!

    I also just noticed that, in my last comment, I wrote "Bed, Bad, and Beyond" when we know it's "Bed, Bath, and Beyond." So...apologies, malady.

    We shall speak soon, love! Have fun, take care, and be sure to relax a bit!
    September 14th, 2010 at 07:20am
  • Thank you, lovely! I'm sososo proud of him, I could not even tell you. He even used some "visual aids," and took some of my pill bottles with him. And yeah, I know, suspicious given...everything, but they were empty, and he made sure of that, so they were legit visual aids! Soooooooooo proud!

    Ugh, tell me about it. However, that's on a good day. This is what we call a "good" summer, or at least a decent one. Normally, it's up in the 80s (I'm sorry, but I no has converter and I ne'er learned how. D: ), and that's pretty decent. Seventy-five is a good day, by most's standards. Me? Fuck no. I can (and will, mind you) walk out of the house when it's ten below in a thin sweatshirt and some basketball shorts. I will wear nothing but a t-shirt and some jeans when going out. A good summer day is full of rain and clouds and it's in the low 60s at least. Heat is...ugh. /end rant

    NO AIR CONDITIONING? MY POOR, POOR TAMMYKINS! *Gives ice pack* There! now you can use that! It's invisible, so you won't look too freaky, either. ;) Oh, and now you've got me hot is it where you live in the summertime? On a good day? Bad day? The norm?

    For the record, I encourage you snapping at those people. Maybe not quite yet, but if they get too persistent throughout the year, just be all, "ORLY? You want some random creeper/possible rapist/child molest to grind his pelvis into yours? Fine. You go and do that while you're in a drunken stupor; I don't mind. I'll worry, sort of, but I don't mind. You shouldn't mind if I don't want toooooooooo. *Spits fire*"

    That's how I think that should go if it gets too bad, but meh. Haha.

    Ugh, the thing with Ben is awesome! Well, that it's just casual and that you're enjoying each other's presence and you're able to talk without too much awkwardness and texts do get answered, at some point. That is awesome. I am happy for you, dearest. Very much so. :)

    BED, BAD, AND BEYOND IS THE SHIT, DUDE! Do you guys have Linens and Things there, too? It's owned by the same people, but here, most of them went out of business. And by "here," and to the best of my knowledge, I mean in the States altogether. So...yeah. They had better deals, and it was just...nice. But BB&B is so awesome, and I got my old bedding from there! I had to get rid of it 'cause it had tears in it, but I found one at JC Penney's with nearly the same coloring, and I find it to be prettier. 'Cause you so needed to know that.

    PUPPIES = ALWAYS, ALWAYS AWESOME! Oh, and I am going to check out those videos on YouTube when I can get enough time... I'm going to aim for this weekend. Next time I hear from you, and if you remember since I might not, even though I'm write it down, remind me about 'em, please? I has memory loss. Haha.

    On the herbal remedies front, I've tried a lot, actually. I tried that stuff back in my...fuck, I can't even remember what it was, but it was about a year ago. I tried chamomile tea, slightly warmed milk (even though I fucking hate milk...ugh), smelly stuff to "calm the senses," honey, things like oatmeal since my mom insists that when your stomach's warm, you have an easier time falling asleep (she's so cute, sometimes. Haha.), and things like that. I am destined to be nocturnal, I swear...even if I can't sleep in the day either. I need to quit poking holes in my excuses, huh?


    I must be off, too. I hope you had a shower, and that you have a good night/tomorrow/week/you know what I mean. I shall speak with you sometime relatively soon, lovely! <333
    September 8th, 2010 at 09:55am
  • Oh, yes! I think that is one of my favorite Tammy-moments! Smiley

    Quite alright, lovely. I'm glad that you had fun with her, and that you think that you're able to tolerate her being super religious now. That's a good thing, methinks. You're just awesome like that, though.

    I am and I shall, and I promise. I just...ugh. So little time for anything and everything, you know? I'm getting even [i]less[/i] sleep than beforehand, if that was possible, but I'm doing alright. The sleeping pills are not working, but meh. I'll try something else later, when I have time to go to Glas' office.

    ...That sounded bad, huh? o__O

    New, new, new... I know how to code things pretty well now, as far as layouts go, I'm getting better at learning things with scary photo-editing program, and I am going to make myself a fucking schedule. Um... My brother has a speech class that he's taking, and he got to pick a topic to do (I forget the full assignment, truthfully). He chose to do fibromyalgia, and he did really well, apparently, which is fucking radical. He hates public speaking I hate it when people stare at me, or when I feel like they are, which is saying a lot. I am so proud of him, though. And this just happened tonight! :D is too hot. It's like seventy-nine degrees every day, and I hate it 'cause that means our house is about seventy-two. I'm half Norwegian, Tammykins. I could live in a freezer for the rest of my life and be a happy, happy girl, but god forbid it gets over seventy...

    Yeah. That's what's up, yo. I think. I'll inform you as it comes, if something special or news-worthy arises!

    September 8th, 2010 at 08:07am
  • Oh, Tammy! Silly, silly my mind, it happens, too, so there shall be awesome cookies at Timmies (I mistyped that last time, fuck) in our future at some point! Woooo!

    It is going to be nuts, but do not worry! It shall be awesome. You're furthering your education and all of that jazz! You're going to be awesome, and you're going to help people. It'll all be worth it. And you have understanding friends that know you need to get shit done, whether they live in your computer (like me, for instance) or in Canada like Julie and Dana and everyone else! And we're here for you if you need to rant about things, too, so keep that in mind. :)

    School, school, school, school. Yesterday, I had off since it was Labor Day, but I still did school. I'm getting sick again, and I'm quite the stress ball, but I shall be fine! I am determined. Plus, I have the awesome list that you made me in response to the one I made you, so that'll help me out, too, if I need it.

    I don't know if I've replied to the message already from a million months ago (I know I haven't any of the recent ones... I am so [i]so[/i] sorry about that), but I think I keep forgetting that I bust out every time I think of you saying/typing, "...and one day, you'll teach me the ways of the oven!" Just to share. :3
    September 8th, 2010 at 05:10am
  • Hey you. Its been awhile. How are you darling? <3
    September 8th, 2010 at 04:29am
  • AHHHHHHHH! *attacks with massive hugs*
    I missed you. I've been missing you. It's nice to hear from you, even if it's only for a little while! And the new layout made me laugh, which is appreciated very muchly! :D
    And I'm also glad that you liked it, haha.

    So, aside from stress and that evil thing called school, how've you been? How are things? You okay? How was camp? I hope you went to Timmy's before you had to restart your srs bidness. Cookies are always awesome, and that place just sounds nifty!
    September 8th, 2010 at 04:22am
  • Super Epic Late PS: I'm sorry I made you look cracked out in that picture... I just meant for like, "Ahh, so much stuff!" and not like, "Fuck, that stuff was good, but I think I had too much crack..." It wasn't intended! <3
    September 4th, 2010 at 08:41am

    The new Hyperbole inspired me. You must now deal with this horrible imitation that I just drew in about twenty minutes with MS Paint. Oh, yeah. I did that. And ignore the horribleness, because it's full of [i]love[/i].

    Do not fret about not being here--I've been soooooooo fucking busy, I haven't been able to be on for more than, like, a couple of hours at a time. So, it's quite alright. And those messages? They're coming. I'm not sure when, but they're coming. Oh! And I had like three of them done (albeit the shorter ones, but still!), but they're nowhere to be found. I am pissed ans searching through my computer and I can't find them and ughhhh. But the info I wrote is probably outdated by now, anyways, so meh. They'll get done, though, and just know that I love you, and you're awesome.

    We will talk soon. Don't stress about it, though. I'm me--I'm understanding, when it comes to you, especially. I'm Missycakes for cryin' out loud! <3
    September 3rd, 2010 at 08:15am
  • Internet wasn't working for a couple days there, but it's fully working now. <3

    How're you, when you get this?
    September 1st, 2010 at 04:32am
  • Camp: Over: Awesome: OSM

    Before I start, I just wanted to say how amused I am that you said kthxbi. I just...that amuses me, and I didn't know that you were that particular brand of awesomesauce on top of everything else!

    Yes, I know Sarah, and yes, I do know that you've said she's gotten quite into Judaism lately(ish). All of that does sound bad, but I do think that she was in the wrong, here... I mean, one of my former friends was Jewish, and she was horrible and everything, but she was pretty religious as far as that stuff went--going to the dinners, temple, and everything of that nature, but she missed shabbat every now and then. And you did move your plans around so much for's just not very nice. I dunno. I get why you're mad, though, and I think you have every right to be. You aren't in the wrong for being upset at all here, I don't think. Oh! I also get how you compared it to a cult, with how she's going about all of it, you know? So I get that, even though we know it's not I getcha. Honest. <3

    Also, bed for me as well, methinks. I'unno. We shall seeeee.

    August 28th, 2010 at 09:23am
  • But...but...stressing is something that I do well, Tammy! You can't take that away from me!

    Camp is almost done! Yay! That is awesomeness. Also, the dinner thingy was meh? Well, that's alright, 'cause...well, at least it wasn't bad, right? Could've been worse! <3

    Started school on the twenty-fifth. It's going alright, but I am stressin' like a mofo. S'not to gain pity or to stress you out, just lettin' you know what's going on. The actual learning aspect of things is going alright, though... Learning geometry! Not very fun, but meh. S'not that hard so far, either, so woooo!

    August 27th, 2010 at 04:00am