Erm...Problems in My Life Now...I'd Love it If You Commented.

Alright so.I just got this amazing boyfriend named Cody Brown. He may be a grade lower than me, but he's perfect inside and out [he looks like McLovin from Superbad xD].But everyone's coming up to me and saying, "'re dating Cody? That's gross." or "Cody? Why Cody? He's a nerd." And it just angers me because he's amazing..and I hate it when people put down the people that I love.And then I...
November 11th, 2008 at 12:09am

Homophobia in My School..

I'm pissed to the point where I could murder.That or commit suicide.Or just run away.Well, I'm bisexual. It all started when I started to open up about it this year. I was sick of hiding my sexuallity from the world, and I thought if they didn't like it, they could piss off.About a week ago I brought my ex girlfriend to the game. I had mentioned that my ex was coming to my friends. So then...
September 18th, 2008 at 12:57am

I Really Need a Good Love Song to Catch A Boy's Eye. Help?

Okay so I like this boy named Ethan.He's funny, sweet, and can always make me smile.We're friends, but I want to ask him out.So I got this idea of writing lyrics down and stuffing it in his locker.But sadly, I couldn't think up of anything good.It was all either too sad, to weird, or too mushy.So I need your help to find me a good love song.Just like a chorus that I can scribble down on paper.I...
September 11th, 2008 at 04:49am

Now I'm In Tears.

Well Selena let me use her profile for a while and post a journal entry telling how I felt. She told me that there were nice people on here.So my boyfriend broke up with me.After five, long, romantic months.He was my everything.He was one in a million.He was blood that kept my heart pumping.He was the fruity taste on my skittles.The cheese to my Easy Mac.Okay, so you know.We were in love.And then...
July 30th, 2008 at 08:35am


Do you know how much this thing pisses me off?People calling me a bad influence.I dye my hair, I listen to different music, I'm getting a lip ring, so fucking what?My friend was telling this bitch I was gonna babysit with her and you know what she said?"Uh..bad influence."At least I'm not the slut, who lost her virginity at age nine. Yes, this bitch was parading around the school saying she lost...
July 28th, 2008 at 01:38am