All Smoke, No Sugar

I am Emily Ocean.I try to do ugly so beautifully, but it doesn't work and I am hideous indisputably.
Hyphy.Drank. Cigarettes. Love. Understanding. Sick Writers. Sailorspeak. Dubstep. Beautiful. Docs. Hitops. Tagging. Letters. The Godfather. Wes Anderson Fliks All Generations of Daniel Ocean. Tight People. Dope Photographs.Thug. Hair Dye. Tights. Piano.Xbox. Tattoos. Paint. Draw. Art. Fucking Music.Angels.Wings.Gauged ears. Good Hair Days. Nature. Cities. Honesty. Thought-Provoking Shit.Rings. Epic Memories.
I’m a strange and slightly ugly person. I hope to be beautiful some day. I’m the last person you want to talk to, but I promise I’ll listen. I firmly believe that everyone, yes everyone is beautiful in multiple ways. If you say “not me” then ask me, because I will find the beauty in you. Race or Gender makes no difference to me. I find all types of men and women attractive and am attracted to all of them as well ;). I’m horrendously picky about everything, but at the same time I’m really low maintenance. I make references to everything, constantly and some of them don’t make a wee bit of sense. There is nothing in my life that I don’t have a hard time second-guessing. I’m unsure of almost everything. I get extreme panic attacks and I’m on a lot of medication, though you wouldn’t know it if you met me. This is probably the most honest description of me I will ever write. I’m a very complex person, and that is the only thing I can say about myself with confidence. My mind races, constantly, so if you ask me what I’m thinking, I’ll either give you a long answer and go on ten different tangents or just say nothing if the thought of explaining it all exhausts me. Which is often. I enjoy the company of many people, and I’m intensely honest, but I don’t tell you the unnecessary evils, because they’re unnecessary. Logic is the only thing that keeps me on the face of the earth, but is also the thing that drives me away. I have had my heart broken. And I refuse to let it happen again. So I doubt that we’ll get close. But it’s a possibility. I love of many things. All you have to do is read below my photo. And that barely explains it all. So yeah. Thanks for reading so far. If you have questions, you know what to do.
"The more materialistic science becomes, the more angels shall I paint; their wings are my protest in favor of the immortality of the soul." --Oscar Wilde
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