murderxthexcase / Comments

  • caitlinnn

    caitlinnn (100)

    United States
    i love all your stories.
    they're good.
    and your profile is win, as well.
    April 10th, 2009 at 04:57pm
  • The Great View

    The Great View (100)

    well i think now that you have been on here for a while they might not anymore
    my friend, guy, just got his like 2 days ago and today it got deleted. its stupid and i dont get why they do that.
    April 1st, 2009 at 07:20pm
  • The Great View

    The Great View (100)

    oh just because EVERY guy that signs in, their accounts get delete...
    March 30th, 2009 at 05:53am
  • SeraphielTheVenomous

    SeraphielTheVenomous (100)

    United States
    That's alright, everyone gets busy, I actually haven't been on here for about 2 weeks, life got in the way xD
    I knew I knew his name from somewhere. Well perhaps you will, I never have enough books to read, I read too fast hahaha. I use the term "convert" all the time, so you're not the only one sounding like a missionary :]
    I see, we don't have too many clones over here, but you can always tell who's with which group. Just the way they carry themselves I expect. Ahh, the close-minded annoy every open-mind at one time or another i think. That is very true. I just don't get into the LJ scene, I like it here better. That's true, I read a ton of stories on the old Quizilla, but before I could get an account -Poof- it changed. But I got an account anyway.
    I know the feeling, i'm the only one who has a Mibba account, only a few of my friends have Quizilla accounts. I should get my other story up here soon. And yes, I don't get many readers, but it's fine with me :] hey you have one reader for sure! xD
    Haha, its from V for Vendetta.
    Yea, wasn't a pleasant experience for him, needless to say he didn't sled a second time. teehee.
    Spraunter? Very nice, never heard that combo before xD
    It's spring here, which means, rain and more rain. Oh and storms of course. I live in the worst area for spring to occur. I live in tornado alley, or well, close to it, haven't had one yet xD. Not all bad since my birthday is in 3 months :D Always raines on it though....
    Haha, I never get Valentine's either. xD
    Same for you. Good luck on your future xD
    I know, I only have 2 years left, then i'm gone, and have to make new friends, and hopefully make new ones. Hahah Ataris or Peter Pan xD
    I think I will, I hope I can find it.
    Oh yea, I love Watchmen too! It was amazing!
    heehe, yea if you hear it out of tune, it kinda ruins it, a little xD
    I've never heard of Whose Line is it Anyway or Mock the Week...
    My favorites are Heroes, Supernatural, Smallville, Chuck, NCIS, and Reaper.
    Most are drama, besides Reaper, which is comedy. Scrubs is pretty good, it's on at an inconvienient time. I don't watch 24 or Doctor Who, my dad really likes 24 so i've heard good things. I don't know is we get Doctor Who either...
    You draw? That's good, I like writing and reading, and watching movies in my spare time personally, I'm a terrible artist.
    So how have you been? Good I hope :]
    Haha, our messages keep getting longer and longer xD
    March 27th, 2009 at 04:53am
  • The Great View

    The Great View (100)

    heyy i gotta ask you a question...
    when you first came on mibba.. did you get deleted and had to create another account??
    March 25th, 2009 at 02:12am
  • The Great View

    The Great View (100)

    my grandparent lives like 10 minutes from me... haha unfortunately. but i love them anyway :)
    March 23rd, 2009 at 02:46am
  • The Great View

    The Great View (100)

    it's going hot lol i feel like im in miami. i just finish packing for tonight. right now im gone to visit my grandparents. :)

    March 22nd, 2009 at 07:43pm
  • The Great View

    The Great View (100)

    Hi :)
    March 21st, 2009 at 06:47pm
  • SeraphielTheVenomous

    SeraphielTheVenomous (100)

    United States
    Hmm I believe he wrote Fight Club, am I correct? I haven't heard much about him, but i'll give him a looksee, perhaps you will convert me ahahah.
    Ahhh yes, the close minded person, the plague upon society. Matching tracksuits? Haha I don't think i've heard that that is what the assholes look for XD. One fact that's true, that i've found to be true I mean, is that there are far more open-minded individuals then closed-minded, and need be, the open-minded ones could easily gang up and kick the asses of the other party XD Ahh well I discovered Quizilla and then Mibba, I had heard of LiveJournal but didn't really have any urge to go on it when I was 13 hahaha.
    Yes it does, I just got through another epic poem worthy homework war...
    Thanks, I should post another, my first one's not getting a ton of readers, but in the words of one of my friends, I didn't come here to be loved, just to write xD
    Yes, I've had that problem, the moving ones look so awesome but then they stick at a bad place.... I'm still trying to find a permanent one, i've been switching icon's a lot.
    Could be worse, you could be going down the hill of snow and a cold piece of metal, which was what my friend did actually.... but alas, it's February and the snow is loong gone. I hope you had a good Valentine's day, even though that was awhile ago :D
    Oh no, sorry. Exams can be rough. Ooo University, sounds exciting :D Scary though, that's the problem about college, I have Senior year to go, then I'm on my own :D
    Haha, only a certain group of people at my school really and truely care, i'm probably part of the nonchalant crowd.
    Definately, I plan on acting like a child as much as I can this year, since next year I have to probably get a job, and I have to apply for college, etc.
    Ahh movies, one of my favorite things ^^
    I've never heard of Donnie Darko, i'll give it a looksee too xD
    Juno was good, it was pretty funny :D
    The Dark Knight, i'm pretty sure everyone will say this but yes it was excellent.
    I like old horror movies like The Excorcist and Halloween. I don't like new horror movies though.
    My top three would have to be Phantom of the Opera, Van Helsing, and Back to the Future.
    I think V for Vendetta will be added to my list of all time favorites though xD I just recently watched it.
    I didn't want to see Slumdog Millionaire either, just didn't appeal to me.
    Another random question, ahahah, i'm in a random question mood: Any favorite tv shows?
    February 27th, 2009 at 12:28am
  • undead_princess

    undead_princess (100)

    United States
    check yo email fool.
    February 5th, 2009 at 10:19pm
  • SeraphielTheVenomous

    SeraphielTheVenomous (100)

    United States
    Haha, what kind of weird books? And yea I know what you mean, my friends and me are the ones that earn the weird looks in public, not that I mind, it's kind of amusing actually. And as long as your in a group of people you like then who cares? haha.
    Livejournal!? *smacks forehead* I should have known that! haha, yes I know about Livejournal. I don't read a lot on there, but i'll trust that you know if they have bad fanfiction haha.
    Ah yes, i'm familiar with the accumulation, much like my homework haha. I'm still not quite sure if i'm going to post another story. I'm already on 21 for my current one, but i'm updating more on Quizilla because I updated on there first, before I heard of Mibba. So, mostly likely, I'll post the new one when the first story is done.
    Yea it's a cool site, all the icon's on my profile are from there, and then transferred to Photobucket. I still need to find one that doesn't move or blink to set as my avatar.
    Haha, that's kind of funny because last week, we had the first snow that you could actually sled or make snowpeople out of since I was two. I hope you get to go sledding, if you're into that XD
    Ahh that's good that those nasty exams are over! I personally detest exams. Ah yes the get a date problem, I know it well. In my high school Juniors and Seniors can go to prom, and when it comes time to find a date, all hell breaks loose amongst the (i'm not a fan of labels but it's the truth) preppy popular crowd.
    Haha yes it was a lot of fun. Refreshing to act like a kid for a day XD.
    Random question time: what movies do you like?
    February 4th, 2009 at 04:20am
  • SeraphielTheVenomous

    SeraphielTheVenomous (100)

    United States
    ps. Epiphone nice XD i'm getting a red one too.
    January 27th, 2009 at 04:27am
  • SeraphielTheVenomous

    SeraphielTheVenomous (100)

    United States
    Oh yes, It's good when your friends have the same taste as you. :] then you always have something interesting to read. LJ? Pardon my ignorance but I don't know what that is. I am familiar with awful attempts at fanfiction though, hahaha.
    Yikes, well at least you know your friend meant well..
    Haha, I do that too, but I only post one thing at a time, because i'm odd like that haha. But yes, i've experienced the mega writer's block, it gets very annoying.
    I have a Photobucket account, and I found this site called Iconator, its pretty cool, so i'm going to get an icon from there I think.
    Haha, the UK is backwards apparantly, haha.
    Yea I don't like rain too much, or snow, or ice hahaha.
    I wish it was summer.
    Thanks, I actually have had a relief from work so its nice :]
    How have things been going for you?
    On saturday I went with my friends to play lazartag, it was fun acting like little kids for a day :]
    January 27th, 2009 at 04:26am
  • SeraphielTheVenomous

    SeraphielTheVenomous (100)

    United States
    hahah yea, i love in when your searching for something and you find something else thats better then what you're originally searching for =P
    yea it helps if you have a lot of friends for support though..
    i'm keeping my fingers crossed that it doesn't XDDD
    heheheh i still have to check them out, i've been chucked under the work machiene D:
    you're welcome ;)
    hahaha yea i'm battling the writer's block beast as i type this XD i'm trying to get out my next chapter :)
    hehehehe everytime you post a comment i start laughing at the icon, i should find a funny one for me XD
    yea thats usually what it takes for us too, but it was minus 20 and we didn't want our bus kids to freeze to death =P
    yes, i feel the same XD
    January 19th, 2009 at 08:57pm
  • natzlovesyou

    natzlovesyou (200)

    Well that's a wise move. Plus, you do take brilliant pictures with that camera anyway. Ew, roleplaying? I have aversion to role playing, it makes me feel dumb. Very, very dumb and pointless.
    Yeah, it must have to do with that. I mean, someone can't be expected to like everything around them. Its like...everyone in my country adores mangos, they think they're delicious...and I absolutely HATE mangos. I despise them, they're despicable things.
    Oh my, SERIOUSLY!!!
    I send you super uber gigantic and bone-breaking bear hugs and kisses!
    Congrats! Congrats! Congrats!
    Ah, congratulations on messages, SUCK!
    If I were to see you, I'd tackle you over and bathe you in kisses!
    What do you have planned for the essay, though?
    January 18th, 2009 at 06:24am
  • SeraphielTheVenomous

    SeraphielTheVenomous (100)

    United States
    XD haha glad I found it on quizilla, it was kind of a random chance thing =P
    aww sorry man, but hey thats the story of my life too except it was a guy hahaha.
    I agree Mibba's way cooler, I like that I can decorate my profile and stories XD i like this stuff haha and I think I get more readers on here.....but I can't be sure...
    Sounds like my kinda band =D
    ugh exams. Oooo congratulations!! That rocks XD
    Oh i'm doing ok, just battling writers block, talking to friends and living life XD
    hahahaha it makes me laugh everytime i can see ur comment thing =P no cookies XDXD
    Its kind of funny school got called off because it was too cold but no snow =P
    hahaha excellent you write long comments XD haha sorrry I like writing long comments =P
    January 16th, 2009 at 02:53am
  • natzlovesyou

    natzlovesyou (200)

    Ohh well its cool if you've got one of your own, you can still tweak it into perfection on Photoshop, it's real easy.Ohh you did?!?!? I'm so gladd!!! You're such a smart boy, I knew you would make it without a sweaaat.

    Yeah, I just don't feel it, y'know? I really don't care if it makes you rationalize or whatever, I prefer to rationalize with something that makes a little more sense like sudoku or something. I mean, I have to memorize a bunch of things to do stupid calculations that mean absolutely nothing in life, NOTHING! I mean, I suck at Physics, but at least Physics has a point! Unlike stupid, useless, brain-cell-killing Calculus. I hate it with every cell in my body!

    Oh my god Dan, CONGRATS DARLING!
    I'm soo happy for you!! What's the U called? Where's it at???
    I'm sure if you work hard, you'll make it!
    January 13th, 2009 at 03:23am
  • SeraphielTheVenomous

    SeraphielTheVenomous (100)

    United States
    You're very welcome, its a good story :]
    Wow, you lost a friend? I'm sorry that sucks...
    I like it here at mibba personally, xD
    thanks, your taste is also radtastic! i still need to listen to MSI, my friends say i'll like them since i like other bands sort of like them hahaha.
    What new with your life?
    hahaha your avatar made me laugh XD
    January 10th, 2009 at 12:26am
  • kaylabbyzombislayer

    kaylabbyzombislayer (100)

    United States
    Lol. Yup that's me. I'm quite random. Ugh. I gotta pee.
    January 8th, 2009 at 05:00am
  • natzlovesyou

    natzlovesyou (200)

    Awe, Dan! I've missed you so much boy! You've got to make it up to me somehow!
    Oh my god that's so cool! That's like the best present they could ever get you!
    Unless...didn't you say you used your dad's camera? I bet buying you a camera of your own, a professional one, would've been pretty cool too...or a vid camera for your movie....sigh. You just wait and see, someday I'll have enough money to send you a gift.
    Yeah, my Christmas was okay, I spent it with my best friend so that part was cool. My new year's was veryyyy sucky but whatevs, I was kind of expecting that anyway.
    Yeah, look for those pictures kid, me wants to see them!
    Ah, I do have to revise. That is, if revise is the same thing as recuperating. I have to revise calculus, so I have this teacher that comes to my house every morning since yesterday. He's so TALL. I don't know how the fuck he fits through my door...or any door for that matter. I'm also studying for physics in the afternoon with the same dude, but I don't HAVE to...I'm just trying to make it easier for the next bimester. I'm not in school yet, I enter back again this 13..
    Poor Dan, he's so stuffed up. You should take a break, a day or two. Pick up a pretty gal and go to some secret place or something. Like, New Jersey...haha, or Colombia. I could sneak you in my closet ;)
    January 8th, 2009 at 04:05am