murderxthexcase / Comments

  • SeraphielTheVenomous

    SeraphielTheVenomous (100)

    United States
    I read your story "A Memory Faded" on quizilla awhile ago, I liked it.
    Yea that site has changed so much....
    Good luck on all your future writings. :]
    January 8th, 2009 at 01:35am
  • kaylabbyzombislayer

    kaylabbyzombislayer (100)

    United States
    Hi. I'm... uh... blank? XD I don't really have a name. The one on my birth cert. says Franchesca though. I guess you can call me Frankie? I love MCR too. =]
    January 2nd, 2009 at 09:33am
  • natzlovesyou

    natzlovesyou (200)

    oh my god Dannnn!!!
    where in fuck's name have you been, dammit?!
    I miss youuuu!!
    come to meee!
    merry belated christmas!
    I loveee you!
    hopefully you had a kickass christmas, and got presents and took lots and lots of pictures, and and and started your moviee or at least got some actors!!!
    ah, I love youuuu do come alive my dear!
    December 28th, 2008 at 04:30pm
  • undead_princess

    undead_princess (100)

    United States
    November 29th, 2008 at 05:55am
  • fall123

    fall123 (100)

    United States
    hey i liked the update of Promises, Promises =)(=
    November 27th, 2008 at 01:04am
  • natzlovesyou

    natzlovesyou (200)

    Ugh, dude mine are too. My mom on the most part. My dad...well I guess he would if we lived together...or maybe he wouldn’t...I don’t know...he’s kind of weird. Lol. Weird’s good though, what’s the point in being ordinary?

    Oh my good you areee! Talk to Gabe in Spanish! He’s spanish may sound a bit weird to you cause he’s got uruguayan accent. Hey did I ever tell you I was born in Buenos Aires? Well, Buenos Aires’ accent and Uruguay’s accent is pretty similar so if I want I can talk like him. It’s funny. You should wear a shirt that says ‘Gabe, Natz loves you. Ella ama tu culo uruguayo.’

    Dios! Las cosas estan tan lejos comparado con mi ciudad! Creo que mi ciudad es del tamaño de un pueblo para ti. En frente de mi edificio hay una Olimpica, que es el nombre de un supermercado que esta por todo el pais.

    Today happened one of the most cool things. My friends and I went to the movies and we watched this ridiculous Spanish film about zombies called Rec as in was so stupid, you can’t even imagine! But whatevs, that’s beside the point. When the movie ended we went to the food court and there was the hottest teacher in my school. He’s not from here, he’s from the states. He was with the other gringo from school who totally looks like Nick Stokes from CSI. The last one had a mexican hat on, it was so funny. Anyway, the cool/embarassing thing is that in school I don’t even try to play it cool and look at the hot teacher in ways that he doesn’t know I’m looking. I drool over him (not literally at least) and giggle and everything. I look like a total moron. So we went to McDonald’s and I got a chocolate sundae and we sat on the table that was on an angle towards them and my chair was facing him. So while my friends waited for their order and the one that looks like Nick talked to the guys at Mcdonald’s he was there sipping his coke and he was laughing because he knew I was staring. I swear that guy has half of the school population in his palm dancing around naked.

    Aww that was cute! I miss blueberries, we don’t have blueberries here so its been a year since I last ate ‘em and I love them so much!
    Bah, she’s stupid. I mean if she doesn’t wanna be friends with you anymore she doesn’t have to be mean about it. She could be polite, at least.
    It’s nice to be in a relationship...ah, I swear there’s not one penis-holder in this city that’s my type. I need to get out of this place. Thanks my love, hopefully he would. Maybe I should just turn gay or something....

    Aaawwwww *hug* that’s about the nicest thing I’ve heard all week!

    Yeah, I do too. Well it is childish but who said that’s a bad thing? The candies and the dressing up is what I like the most. I like Christmas decorations for some reason. Big ass teddy bears in christmas colors and lights and all that crap.

    Haha, okay. I heard the mangas get a little weird later on, I don't know if that was a rumor, but...I'll see. And yeah, we can chat about it some time soon.

    Nope, the cardcaptor ends really sucky. But Tsubasa Chronicles that is like a combination of a lot of characters by the Clamp group (the 5 ladies that worked on Sakura) has as protagonists Sakura and Syaoran but they’re not the same from CCS. The manga’s ongoing, they update once a month its reaaalllly good. Check it out if you want, its here:

    Lol. I’m sure you’ll do perfectly. If you wanna practice more we can talk in Spanish all you want, I really don’t mind.

    Yeahhh...the drink I love more in Starbuck apart from the Vanilla bean was an Iced Latte with low fat soy milk, low fat sugar and tons of extra expresso shots. Yeah, I’m sure they will. Plus, in stores and all you have student discount.

    Haha. Nah, you wouldn’t it’s easy, really. But I mean, when you guys have parties do you dance at the parties? And I don’t mean fancy parties, just like a bunch of friends in one their houses when their parents are out?

    Yeah, there are people that just technological geniuses. I’ve witnessed that. Yeah, I have to agree with you. Differences are the essence of human beings. Once we were discussing some philospher in my Philosophy class and whatever teaching he said made me end up saying one of the deepest things I’ve ever thought of and it was that there needs to be ugly things in this world, there needs to be war and tragedy and sadness because if none of this existed then we wouldn’t be happy. I mean, we would be happy but we wouldn’t understand and appreciate what happiness is really about. It would be a pitiful, horrible existence.

    Ah, bummer. You should totally message it to me after you’re done. Me wants to reaaddd! Ah, its been a long time since I researched about Frankie boy. The last MCR quotes I looked up where Gerard’s. I remember why I love him so much and I laughed my ass off. Take a looksie:

    Ah, that sounds so nice and easy. I freak out about universties. A LOT.

    Which book is it? What moveie? Ah, that sucks! Well you’ll be able to appreciate the movie more if you’re alone, I guess. Yeah, my Sunday’s gonna be busy doing a loott of school work. Hey, did I tell you I’m now in the girls basketball team? We’re not gonna play games for now but we’re doing training and its super fun. In the games we do at the end of class my team always wins, even against boys! I’m a happy camper. Tomorrow I’m gonna go training with my dad for the first time.I know it’s gonna be tough and he’ll get frustrated but it’s all part of the fun.

    Oh yeah, I adore that too. People might get freaked out about that, lol.
    November 23rd, 2008 at 04:34am
  • natzlovesyou

    natzlovesyou (200)

    Oh really? Its stil pretty weird, specially the thing about her boyfriend staying over. Bah, I guess there exist comprehensive parents in the world...Lol, I think you’re awesome too. I would be happy too if you filled up my dishwasher. Hahah that sounds like a bad attempt at flirting, lol. A really bad attempt. Can you imagine that in a kinky voice? “I would be happy too if you filled up my dishwasher”. Haha. It wasn’t, btw. I just think it sounded funny.

    Whoa :O I envy you so damn much. You’ve got to take lotsa pictures.

    Wow, mi ciudad es tan pequeña....para nosotros es lejos cuando algo esta a diez minutos. Osea, mi colegio que está en las afueras de la ciudad está a 10 minutos de mi casa.

    So how did it go with your last exams? Ah, I know. I freak out as well. Well, as disgusting as it sounds, hair looks prettier when its dirtier.

    Ah man, that sucks! Bah, don’t give up on her. Just play it cool, who knows, maybe she chooses him over you. Lol, the difference is you’re mature, darling, while she isn’t so. If she was then she would be cool with it, I mean, not everyone’s gonna love you back all the time. It had to happen to her eventually, y’know?
    Yeah dude, I’m annoyed as hell. I mean its not like I want to be in a relationship, I just miss being in one. I miss kisses the most, I think that’s the only thing I really do miss. But bah, whatever. He’ll come eventually...or so I hope. I

    Aww! Hahaa yay now we won’t forget our b-days!

    Aw, man that sucks. Halloween is sweet and wearing a costume is even more awesome.

    Haha yes, the ending of the manga is pretty damn lame. And the anime, well, it is too. But I guess the movies kind of cheer you up/ get you down even more. We’ll discuss it when you watch it , I don’t wanna spoil it even more now.

    Haah I know exactly what you mean. I have french songs on my ipod and right there I remember what I’m saying but on the classroom I’m completely blank.

    VEGGIE HUGS BACK! Ugh, man that sucks! I’d tell you to buy them with your allowance but I guess you can’t help it, you’d be broke. Just wait for university then, you can eat salads and stuff in there. Yeah, I always hate that in here there aren’t so many vegetarian options so I end up eating cheese sandwiches. Ugh.

    Thanks, they kind of did. Things are just stressful at school but we’re cool. It was really cool, I didn’t fuck up the dance. The only weird part is that after the court thing I had, well I didn’t HAVE but I wanted to dance with my friends but my dad was there. ‘cause it was my cousin’s 15 so he is her yeah, it was the first time my dad saw me dancing it was a bit embarassing. I’m good at dancing, its fun. In here we dance salsa, merengue, reggaeton and ocassionally some techno. I bet if I teached you you’d get it like this *snaps fingers*. Wadda you guys dance over there? Yeah, I bet you playing guitar and bass has a lot to do with it. I can’t play guitar to save my life. Gerard and I have that in common, lol.

    Haha I bet. I’m asuming you already finished it so how did it go? What else did you include? Did you use QUOTES? I LOOOVE QUOTES!

    Oh my! How did the university thing go?

    Things are comsi-comsa (however that’s spelled). I failed a pre-calculus test today. I suuuuuuuuuck with numbers. But my friend, the one I had problems with, her birthday’s coming up soon. It’s on the 24 of this month so I’m pretty psyched about that.

    How’re you doin’?
    November 19th, 2008 at 09:36pm
  • RaindroppedRoses

    RaindroppedRoses (100)

    United States
    :D Thats amazing
    Sorry about your friend.
    That sucks. =[
    November 12th, 2008 at 08:48pm
  • RaindroppedRoses

    RaindroppedRoses (100)

    United States
    I'm doing pretttty good.
    How bout you?
    And yay, you like FTSK!?
    November 11th, 2008 at 04:39pm
  • RaindroppedRoses

    RaindroppedRoses (100)

    United States
    I was reading your about me and decided your like the most amazing person ever. Haha.
    "I spend a lot of my time having philosophical thoughts and when I go out on a weekend I sit and watch how people act - it's much better than getting drunk - and I don't drink, smoke, do drugs or have casual sex. Surprisingly enough, I'm no hardcore Christian either - I lost my faith long ago. All I have now is my faith in people. They have so much power - they just need to learn how to use it."

    You're amazing. (:
    November 4th, 2008 at 08:03pm
  • natzlovesyou

    natzlovesyou (200)

    *drumroll pleasee*
    Here's what I promised love! I had it ready a few days ago but I didn't realize I had saved it in a different format and DA wouldn't let me submit it. But now I changed it and you can find it here:
    November 2nd, 2008 at 02:07am
  • natzlovesyou

    natzlovesyou (200)

    Don’t worries, I’m not into that anymore. I know, right?! That would be terrible Dan. Yeah, I’m feeling better now thanks for your concern love. Oh my, I hope it doesn’t get worst, colds can be bitches. Hopefully if you sleep a bit it’ll go away. You slept at a chick’s house? I guess her parents must be very liberal, mine would’ve cut your head in little pieces.

    Yeah, that kind of thing works. ‘Cause if you’re complete opposites, with absolutely not one little thing in common then there’s no bond, no relationship whatsoever.

    ¿Que tan lejos? Como a que, ¿una hora de distancia? ¿Mas?
    Don’t worry, I’m usually very lazy and rarely use accents anyway. Your Spanish is really awesome, I’m really impressed. Hahaha how come? You use too many products on your hair or something?

    Oh rats, seriously? And are like they real serious or just a convinience couple? Why’d she stop talking? I can get if she stops talking for a week or so, I mean being rejected is kind of embarassing but she should get over it. I know if I fell for you and you turned me down I wouldn’t just walk away. You’re the kind of person I’d keep talking regardless.
    Tell me about it. The lack of physical contact is killing me, man. And I always end up looking at-hearing or whatever couples hugging, or kissing or just holding hands. I want to send little pointy sharp things at them. Sorry, I tend to get violent when I’m stressed out..

    That’s some really complicated chick you’ve got there my friend. I guess I can’t be of much help since I don’t know the female in question but I guess you’ll just have to go on your guts. If you don’t feel like talking to her anymore then don’t, it’s as simple as that...or not.

    Oh yes that would be so much fun! I’ll definitely do that! My bday’s on July 21st.

    Tell me about this other hair ideas!

    Oh my god that’s terrible. I have a couple of friends that do remember though. Dude, Shinzo’s ending was horrible. One of the crappiest endings ever. Look them up in Youtube I’m sure there are there. Youtube’s got everyyything.

    I guess its easier on people that were brought up in both languages to explain to other kids how to learn them, y’know? Cause they know what’s more difficult and what’s more important ant all. Wow, you know so many languages! I’m just learning French but I’m on baby steps stage right now. Tell me something pretty in German!

    Hey you’re a vegetarian as well?!?! YAYYY! Let’s hug! I think I love you even more right now, if that’s possible. Yeah I could do that. I’m just trying to make my mom fill my thermo up, I’m too lazy to od it myself.

    Oh I’ll definitely will. I even put a reminder on my cell until the year 2099, lol cause its as far as it’ll go just in case I don’t remember by myself.

    Don’t worry love, I do understand. Things are being rather odd. I’ve been having security issues with a friend in which I’m starting to think we’re growing apart but maybe it’s all in my head. And I’ve been feeling a bit down lately because of that. On a lighter note, every Saturday I’ve been going to practice for my cousin’s quinceañero. We’re part of the ‘court’, so we’re dancing several vals, and all of the kids dancing are like my best friends so its really fun and not awkward at all. I have so much fun. And I discovered I’m really bad at guitar hero. My bad, I didn’t discover it, I confirmed it. I tried playing ballroom blitz as easiest as it was possible and I still lost horribly.
    October 27th, 2008 at 04:05am
  • spunkypunk

    spunkypunk (100)

    United States
    Baha, fer sure man. They've got it right.
    Ew. I hate smelling like sea especially the bad smelling sea.
    Ouch, ex-best friend?
    Lmao, I wish I could get someone's height. (: Being the shortest earns me a whole bunch of 'shortkid' names.
    Jobs blowww. They eat social livesss. At least, my job does.
    Gotchaaa. Aw, see I was lame and had no idea how to play so I kept with lessons until I couldn't pay for them anymore. (: I got better..than I was. No I just youtube lessons. So much cheaper.
    lmao, still insane. I mean, it iss school. Ah, well with work, I have a bitchy manager who just...well I think is bi-polar because one minute she's calling
    me all these cutsy names and the next she's telling me I'm an idiot... ? (:
    Buttt, I did get into the final round of the singing contest I was put into. So that makes me a happy kid.
    How about yerself?
    October 23rd, 2008 at 02:01am
  • fall123

    fall123 (100)

    United States
    your welcome and i c
    October 20th, 2008 at 11:26pm
  • fall123

    fall123 (100)

    United States
    hey i liked the update of promises :)(: so whats up?
    October 14th, 2008 at 02:45am
  • natzlovesyou

    natzlovesyou (200)

    That's a quite unique perspective on the matter. Although I'm sure some of these obsessive enviromentalists would hunt you down with very sharp sticks and torchs as if you were a witch and they were the inquisition, I happen to understand what you're saying as well...I dunno, sometimes people just downward dissapoint me. This world is full of airheads.

    yeah, I'm just not into constantly screwing my body with that shite, what if it evaporates all of my brain cells? What if I become a witiless, moronic bimbo? That would be terrible, too terrible. Yeah, and that shit about "weak drug", dude if you start trying out something you'll eventually get hooked on more serious things and next thing you know you'll start shooting gasoline through your veins...or lipgloss...haha. Aww thank you! I actually went to a pretty horrid day two days ago, cause the day before that my stupid p.e. teacher made me play volleyball under the rain, so on friday I had the most terrible headache and I had to do three bimestral I was pretty much fucked. I don't even know what I answered. I just finished the damned things and went straight to the nurse's office so I could go home.

    Haha, yeah that kind of friendship is just necessary..I mean its better than being with someone in a pretend-friendship.

    hahaha. Si, tienes toda la razón. Son solo excusas. Me da mucha rabia pero supongo que nos toca aguantarlo, ¿no? ¿Que más queda¿ Despues de todo todavía vivimos bajos sus techos asi que la unica opción es aguantarlo hasta que no tengan control sobre nosotros. En fin... Oh my god, they're that hard? Ahhh! Your so smart!
    Well, to support your dad's point if you come out in my city with mascara you'd probably get beaten up, or at least someone will yell 'faggot', that's a given. hahah yess! Ohh yeah, I know! It scares the shit out of me as well.

    haha yes, please do. Although I do hope no one slaps you.

    Oh mannnn.
    Wait a second, let me grab this.
    So much happened because of a silly misunderstanding!
    I totally understand the venting, I mean I do it all the time.
    What I can't get is she getting so worked about it! Surely she understands sometimes when people are confused they need to type out whatever's on their minds, it doesn't matter how cruel or wrong that might be, it is just the way people work. some write, others bitch-talk to their friends and others just cry while yelling it in their heads. How come if she knew you so well she didn't understand this part of you? I can't get that.
    Why do they hate each other?
    Have you tried talking with her again?

    When is your birthday? What can I give you for your birthday? Of course, there's not much I can do, but if there's something you can think of, please tell me! I'll me more than happy to do it! In fact, I'll get reallyyyy mad if you don't ask me for anything.
    Frankie in Helena...its not very difficult. What are you lacking? I bet all of that stuff is easy to find!
    Ohhh yeand and then they all suddenly autodestruct and burn the school to ashes :D
    ohhh dude me too. My mecha department is not very good, though. I grew up with Pokemon, Digimon, Shinzo and Card captor sakura, sorry.

    I've always said people don't know how to teach a second language, they use the most retarded ways to do so... Oh yeah my singing skills suck bigtime. And more so in Spanish...I sing less crappy in English for some reason.

    Haha, oh my you're so funny! lol. Yeah its just so refreshing, I absolutely looovee it.

    Haha yeahh its pretty damn cool. Of course, one ends up broke but its all worth it. I can't think of candy right now, though. I'm on a diet, lol. I'm trying to ditch coca cola as well, but its been pretty hard since people all around me drink it and I prefer to sip out of my friends cups rather than spending money on a water bottle at school or something,.

    Oh my god that's terrible! I've never got one from a boyfriend...oh crap, I'm wrong, I have. I get lots from friends, but more candy and plushies. I love that time of the year. Well this year its going to be different, I'll make you one. I just hope I remember when it's Valentine's, I have a very short-term crappy memory lol.
    October 6th, 2008 at 03:58am
  • spunkypunk

    spunkypunk (100)

    United States
    Dude, Batman totally does kickass. I mean, honestly? Who doesn't love the old school Batman?
    Hiya Dan, I'm bri *shakes hand* what's up?
    Well, Frank Iero is pretty spiffy, who wouldn't have an obsession with him. :D
    Hah, no worries about random speaking comments. Those are the best. :P
    I'm actually pretty decent, though stressed as hell with school and work.
    How long have you been playing guitar for?
    I've only played for maybe two years. :D
    October 1st, 2008 at 04:56pm
  • fall123

    fall123 (100)

    United States
    your welcome and awesome
    September 29th, 2008 at 02:38am
  • fall123

    fall123 (100)

    United States
    i c awesome congrats :)(: and nothing im just kinda fuming down but in a good mood cause i got a new sweater
    September 29th, 2008 at 12:09am
  • fall123

    fall123 (100)

    United States
    hi i just read the update of Promises, Promises and i really liked it :)(: so whats up?
    September 23rd, 2008 at 01:33am