Lots of Fun.

So my life really sucks right now :(Just got ONE of my wisdom teeth removed. Need three more appointments for it. I have honestly never been in so much pain.This sucks.The whole right side of my mouth and jaw hurts.Can't crack my jaw, so I can't open my mouth all the way, so it's hard to replace the pads.I have yet to find something to take my mind off of the damn pain. Plus I can't talk, which...
August 20th, 2010 at 12:41am

Worst Day Ever?

Friendship. love, loyalty, anger, reflection, thought, compassion, shock, horror, relief, panic, anxiety, excitement, and loads of boredom, and all of it today, and most of it caused by not so happy things.Worst day of my life?No, I won't say it's the worst day of my life, because everytime I say that, god goes "Nope!" and hits me with more crap!So I have a major headache, feel horribly sick, and...
August 6th, 2010 at 03:47am

Pamplemousses Und Cukier

I've been thinking a lot about myself and I found that I learn a lot about myself when I stay up for long periods of time. I guess I would normally just put off certain thoughts or so when I sleep, which is normally what most people do anyway. So, after recently staying up for 41 hours straight, I learn four very interesting things about me....I'm probably not going to share, though :)Except that...
July 26th, 2010 at 09:18pm

Little Wooden Boxes.

Remember that wooden box you gave me, that you said held your heart? I still have that box <3Anxiety attacks, yay! This summer is flying by, and I am not prepared at all for...anything! Except maybe marching band, but of course that's at the top of my list. I have yet to find certain things.Like a pocket watch.I have yet to daydream this week. I usually end up just...shutting down...
July 21st, 2010 at 07:32am

It Is Finally Clear To Me.....

I've been on a musical journey lately, listening to as much music as I can while I write stories. I'm losing sleep, tolerance, sanity, and all other things that could possibly name me a normal person.Which is frikkin great in my eyes.Of course, most others would think I'm insane and probably end up calling the cops on me.I find myself unable to focus on simple tasks. My mind switches to an...
July 20th, 2010 at 04:41am

Well here it is..

My first update for Mibba in a while. I have to admit, I found my previous journal entries a bit pathetic.Does that mean I've changed more than I thought?Course it does. I'm happy with it., I believe. I took many things for granted. But oh well, no longer :)I wasn't going to start updatting Mibba again..but...I thought about it and said "Hey, what the hell." though I had nothing prepared to update...
July 13th, 2010 at 07:36am