Maybe I'm not making myself clear enough.

When I write, I want you to feel something. I want to make you cry, I want to make you happy, I want to make you hate me so much for doing these things to you, but you can't help but read it. That is my goal. That is what I aim for when I sit down to write.When readers are telling me, "No, don't go into detail because I'll cry or I'll kill someone," I know instantly that I'm going to go into...
July 4th, 2010 at 03:07am

Happiness is on it's way! :D

So, I actually managed to pass my senior project.... with 100% A. We got a computerized copy of a congratulations letter from our principal that isn't even hand signed by him saying that we graduated. Hurrah. He's so considerate to us.I found out the other week that my friend likes me... And I must admit that he is very sweet to me so I may or may not give him a shot depending on if I start to...
April 13th, 2010 at 05:04pm

My friends are amazing...

Last night was a really horrible night for me. I don't want to get into details because it's a very complicated and long story. I was on Myspace (despite the fact that it fails) talking to friends on the chat since it's the only means of communication I have with them when I'm not actually with them. I was explaining my situation to my friend Ben. I told him how I felt worthless and used and just...
September 30th, 2009 at 06:24pm

Short Stories: My Senior Project.

As the of this journal might have clued you in, I'm doing a collection of short stories for my senior project. All of my short stories are going to range from 400 words to 1000+ words. I'm pretty excited and I've been writing like made and getting several hours in a day just to get things going. I have to write a three page proposal and a five page paper on the process and a conclusion that is...
September 11th, 2009 at 12:47am

My Astronomy Teacher is amazing. :)

He's such a goofball. It's so easy to get him off topic with him still actually being on topic. I don't know how else to put it. In one class period of about 45 minutes, we went from people on venus with eight fingers to the smartest cave man named Ugh. And this was all as we were discussing why you used Base 10 in Scientific Notation to figure out how long it takes light to travel to certain...
September 6th, 2009 at 06:45pm

I suppose Senior Year isn't so bad.

I have decided to take a lot of easy classes because all colleges look at are credits, SAT and ACT scores. If I have all my credits and I do well on my SAT's and ACT tests, I should be able to get into a great college... I'm hoping. Haha. Unfortunately, I'm an idiot when it comes to math so I'm only in basic geometry... It has a lot less theory than Academic Geometry. And I HATE theory. My teacher...
September 3rd, 2009 at 11:50pm

School starts tomorrow. I don't know how I should feel.

Am I going to like my teachers? My classes? I don't know. All I know is that I don't know what to feel or what to do with myself. It's my senior year and I'm going back to public school after not being there for three years. The rules are changing and the rest of the seniors have these AP classes that had homework over the summer. So, I generally have no classes with any of my friends. I don't...
September 1st, 2009 at 11:23pm

Hmmm... Going back to public school.

I've been out of public school for three years and for my senior year, I'm finally going back. But I'm a tad worried. There are several people in the high school who don't like me. I don't want people asking why I left and making assumptions about why I left cyber school. Truth is... My grades aren't the best... But that's not why I'm going back. I miss my friends that are in the high school. I...
August 19th, 2009 at 02:52am

Nearly 5 in the morning. Tired, but awake.

Recently, I've been driving myself crazy. I've been contemplating quitting my Prozac to allow my thoughts of suicide to come back... Maybe they would be strong enough to allow me to succeed. However, due to my own reasons, this would be a bad a idea. Not to mention, Matthew Leone. would bring me back just to kill me again.Maybe tearing my knee out wouldn't be though. Haha. It's been driving me...
March 16th, 2009 at 10:12am

Rosie 1.24.09

She was a dear friend of my family's. But dammit! Cancer has taken her away from this earth. I'm almost happy for her, because I know she is happier wherever she is. Yet, my heart aches because I believe she was an angel. She was an angel walking among everyone. She could make anyone happy with just one smile and a hug. Her humor was an odd one, but one that was loved and respected. Now, she walks...
January 30th, 2009 at 08:34am

Contemplate the Earth.

Currently I'm sitting my living room, my laptop in the place it's practically attached to; my lap. Writing this journal seems like a waste of time, and who knows, it might very well be. But I've been beginning to think.I'm thinking about various things. My writing, my dancing, my friends, my family, just things in general. Things like, "Where do I take this book I'm writing?", "Why is my dance...
January 15th, 2009 at 06:50am

I went to see Panic At The Disco last night!!

It was exciting! Yes, Panic At The Disco in Michigan... I drove with my friends from PA to MI.=/My friends dad drives like those jerks that you really just want to hit. I seriously thought I was going to die. And there was some more drama, but I was there to see Panic At The Disco!!! They were AMAZING!I was third row back and Ryan saw me holding my camera up to get his picture, and he smiled. =DI...
October 24th, 2008 at 10:18pm

Random Facts (about me and other things)

1: I go through phases where all I want to eat and drink is Peanut Butter Toast and milk.2: If I were a male, I know I would be flaming gay.3: All of the cheerleaders in my town except for one is a skank.4: I despise the word 'fag'.5: I still cry at the Disney classics.6: Dalton's middle name is indeed, Thomas. (inside joke)7: I own a pink tutu... and I love to wear it.8: One person actually began...
October 21st, 2008 at 07:07pm

The My Chemical Romance Concert last night was amazing!

It was amazing.It really was.We pulled into parking lot of the venue and I see a guy signing things in a hoodie. I thought, "Oh that's probably Frank." But as we got out of the car and walked closer, we saw that it was Bob. I was like, "Oh my god. Bob freaking Bryar." We started walking over to say hi and... he walked away. So, I was like, "Darn."Then we walked around to the front and found...
April 24th, 2008 at 12:42am

I Feel Like Ranting! Get Over It.

I'm sick and tired of people around me going, "Ew this persons a vegan" or "ew, this person is a veg-head" or "ew this person eats meat. make me gag why don't you!?"I'M SICK OF IT!Okay, here's my opinion. I personally, eat meat. And sometimes I do feel terrible for it, especially around vegetarians or vegans. So, when that happens, I tend to eat what they eat, with them. Fake meat, veggies, etc....
December 22nd, 2007 at 07:08pm