rachael. / Comments

  • we definately are. is your name Rachael?!

    haha, I haven't been up to much. school is almost over, so I'm very excited for that. what about yourself?
    April 11th, 2009 at 09:33am
  • And thanks for the story comment!

    Ana isn't actually gonna be evil...heh.
    April 9th, 2009 at 11:29pm
  • you mean ignorant enough to not bother to notice everything about what we read?

    Ok...so yea, whether a book is deep and crap isn't an opinion.
    But just 'cuz a book isn't mean doesn't mean it isn't good or enjoyable to read. It just means that you don't have to really think to get it, and there isn't any hidden meaning.

    I don't really judge books by their 'hidden' meaning or anything, though. So why are we even talking about this?
    April 9th, 2009 at 11:26pm
  • well crap SUCKS!

    11:13pm, haha. DAYUM! we are pretty much twins.
    April 7th, 2009 at 07:45am
  • It IS an opinion. Whether you like or dislike someone's writing is an opinion. It doesn't matter how many Mibba articles there are that say otherwise.

    And if you think that not knowing all the crap that goes on in this world wouldn't make you happier, than you're a lot different from...a lot of people.
    But hey, that's an opinion isn't it?
    April 5th, 2009 at 04:13pm
  • Haha, yeah. It's for just in case I forget again.

    I know. There are just some thing we don't need to hear.
    April 4th, 2009 at 05:10pm
  • One person's mutual opinion doesn't exactly make you right....

    Neways, dissecting books is SO not fun! 'Cause then you'd have to actually think. And unless I'm reading for school, I'm reading for recreation...like...no thinking.

    And there's the disappointment.

    Don't you think humanity would be so much happier if we didn't over-think things so much? Ignorance is bliss, and bliss is ignorance. :D
    April 3rd, 2009 at 02:32pm
  • Ok, for one...you know I totally disagree with everything you may think about Twilight, so why are you showing me this article?

    Second, omgwtflmao wow.
    I agree with the author on some points. The HP movies are a lot better than the Twilight movies. I haven't really read the HP books, so I can't really compare...buuut there's something I don't think you understand.

    People don't like Twilight because of the quality of the 'analogies (in the words of the article)' or whatever. People like Twilight because the concept of irrevocable and enduring and, I'll say it, FERVID love excites and amazes people. People want that. They want to fantasize and dream.

    THAT'S why people love Twilight. GEEZ! The majority of teenage girls don't dissect what they read to point where they can't even simply enjoy a book.

    Rach, I love Twilight. Not because its sophisticated and deep. Because it brings out the dreamer in me.


    March 31st, 2009 at 01:41am
  • yea? sorry to hear.

    haha, wooo. I think I was born after 11pm.
    March 30th, 2009 at 07:00am
  • Thanks!
    Lol, well luckily it was only a one time thing. I have it on a post-it note in my backpack now.
    They are. I'm surrounded by three of my guy friends in english and they are all in track and they were talking about the messed-up-ness of the shorts. They were all like I need spandex because the shorts have built in underwear and everything hangs out. Yeah, it's so uncomfortable especially when so and so happens. Yeah, but you have to be careful with what spandex you get can because so and so could happen and that hurts even worse. Meanwhile I'm sitting there getting scarred for life.
    March 27th, 2009 at 02:29am
  • So what's been going on in your life lately hun?
    March 26th, 2009 at 06:41am
  • lol i wish i was a shade darker than white...
    unfortunately i don't tan. ever.
    i just burn, peel then freckle haha
    ahh well there's always fake tan for me :]
    March 25th, 2009 at 06:08am
  • Oh, lol. That's cool. Yesturday I played in the varsity game!! And then I scored in the jv game.
    Haha, yeah me too. Then on Friday I totally forgot the combination to my regular locker. I just sat in front of it trying to remember and then I ended up having to get a janitor trying to get it for me. And then later that day I had to go to the main office to get my combination because I still couldn't remember it. I felt like the hugest idiot.
    Lol, well it was really uncomfortable because ended up having to go running along the road. Okay, I guess it would have been really bad for you. I'm no where near a D.
    Haha, I know. The seniors always make my practices. At another practice another senior was standing there and then she says "I can feel my nipples." Coach then says "You guys are worse than guys." And then another senior says "No we're not. All they talk about is effing each other and dirty sex."
    Ahhh.... soccer practice.
    I know, and I guess it's getting better. I have one of the seniors numbers.
    March 22nd, 2009 at 11:35pm
  • mhmm it was fun =]

    how was your Spring Break?
    March 21st, 2009 at 05:03am
  • heeeey :]
    I'm good, thanks. how about yourself?

    REALLY?! mine was Valentine's Day, haha.
    [i][b]Happy Belated Birthday!![/b][/i]
    March 12th, 2009 at 05:50am
  • Lol, yeah. A bunch of pretty much useless shoes. Lol, I wanted to, but it was our last game and I wanted to play the entire thing.
    Well, I was only out for one day. Ouch, that really sucks. How many are you going to miss?
    Haha, it's okay. It's pretty funny. And now I have a new adventure.
    Wednesday: Got sports lockers and mine wouldn't open. I spent forever trying to get it open, like 15 minutes. Then after school, I see the trainer in the hallway and he says that I don't need to have my knee wrapped. On the way to the locker room I pass my locker and try it one more time and it opens. And then when I'm changing I find out I forgot a sports bra. So then I have to go through my entire practice without a sports bra. Absolutely horrible. But it was the funniest thing. Martha, one of the seniors asked our guy coach, who is also the anatomy teacher, "What's another word for( I can't remember the exact word, big words but it means the space between the butthole and balls.) He just stared at her and then answered. It was the funniest thing, because she asked it like she was asking for the time. And then I went to this pizza place that's close by to get some for dinner. Me and my mom walk in and Martha is sitting there. And of course it's the awkwardest thing ever because although I smile and say Hi, I feel like I should say something. And then a bunch of other people from the team come in and it's all a big bunch of awkwardness because I don't really know any of them. And that's today's story.
    March 12th, 2009 at 12:21am
  • what an asshole
    ah well i still think you're gorgeous hun =]

    haha i'm going camping this weekend....
    in my backyard.....
    for no reason whatsoever...
    lol i had to put a tent up in my backyard yesterday for some photos i had to take for my media class and now me and my best friend decided we want to leave it up for a camp out

    god i love camping :D
    March 11th, 2009 at 05:47am
  • Hahaha, wow, that was really, really long.
    March 11th, 2009 at 12:23am
  • Lol, yeah, except for I just found out that I need atleast B to stay in the honors program. I'm going to count how many I have and then how many I wear. ~clears throat~ One pair of cleats, two pairs of sambas, nike indoors, 2 pairs of running shoes, 3 pairs of flats, two of those other adidas shoes, adidas sandals, a pair of clogs, and two pairs of those rocketdog like shoes. And that's all I can find. And all that I wear regulary, nike indoors, the new pair of running, adidas sandals, the newer sambas, and the cleats. Haha, 5 out of 15.
    Well, it was our last game. But our first game for my school team is the 20th. I have an epic, weeklong, soccer adventure. This is only the first three days though. Sunday: Soccer game with a vicious team. I scored, but we tied. And I was this close (less than inch) from smashing this girl's face into the boards. Hurt my knee. Monday: Can't straighten my knee. So I limp around all day and I ask my homeroom teacher/track coach what he thinks I should do about my leg. He tells me to go to the trainer before practice and have it checked out. I show up after school and it turns out I sprained my PCL. So I can't practice and I need to hang out there, ice my knee, do knee exercises, and watch everyone else practice. Tuesday: Go to the trainer and he says I can only play if I have my knee wrapped. So I stand on top of this padded table that makes it really hard to stand and have him wrap a pound of tape and crap around my knee. It's so tight that the my calf turns purplish and I can't move my knee. So then I go to practice and at first I do fine. But then we have to do donkey kicks and then as I lean over to do them, another girl's foot comes up and whacks me in the face. My teeth felt all funny and I got a nose bleed. After it stops I go back to practice and do headers and different traps. During the headers, I got hit in the nose again a couple times. Not enough to start bleeding, but it hurt like hell. And then while using my chest, I fell backwards. And this is only the beginning.
    March 11th, 2009 at 12:22am
  • he lives really far away so in the end he couldn't make it. he would have had to spend 2 hours on a bus and train just to get anywhere near me. :S
    so in the end i told him i wasn't interested anymore

    well...school is...um...average?
    haha i don't know, nothing so amazing has happened that you would want to hear about it

    oh my god i am so bored right about now
    how was your day deary?
    March 10th, 2009 at 08:53am