Day 1.

So I've pretty much decided that I"m going to try to write down my days' events everyday this year. From a recent experience I'm beginning to think that my quite frequent de ja vu isn't just de ja vu. I'll be posting what I can remember from my dreams, from a significant moment of the day, or even if there wansn't anything at all that I could take away, it'll be on here. Here goes it... Day 1 I...
January 2nd, 2013 at 03:47am

Knowing all I need to find....

"Home, why am I everywhere but home?Why do I feel so alone, when everybody's screaming out my name?I just wanna go home. Pack my bags and hit the road.Knowing all I need to find is the life I left behindI just wanna go,home."First and foremost, those lyrics are from a song called "Home" by Paradise Fears.( )They have been stuck in my head for over a week...
September 14th, 2012 at 02:11am


You know when a certain book, or movie, or just some random moment in life can change you in some way, distort the way you see things, if only for a little while? Like how Harry Potter, for me at the very least, makes me believe in magic and that there's always something being hidden from us muggles that we sometimes stumble upon but think nothing of. Or how we can read something and somehow see...
July 12th, 2012 at 10:50am

Drip Drop

I'm not a patient person. Never have been. Ask my brother, though you may get more than you've asked for. Ask any softball coach I've ever had. They'll say that I'll swing at a change-up too early, that I always wanted to learn something new right then and there and if I didn't I'd get down on myself. Ask the teachers of my past, my boss, my parents. I want results and I need them as soon as...
June 6th, 2012 at 03:02am


People always tell you to accept yourself how you are and that you don't need to change for anyone. But what if I want to change for myself?I'm known as that shy girl in the back of the class that doesn't talk, but in reality, I have a million opinions that I want to voice. I was raised to always care what people say, so I'm always afraid to say what I mean and feel because of this fear that has...
May 23rd, 2012 at 05:48am