I'm tired of all of this crap.Guys will fuckn tell you one thing then change their mind and make a stupid reason up.This guy was suppose to come over and spend the night(we are only friends) and when he finally called me at like 8:00 pm he's like "i cant come becuz i'm going to the fair" WTF?!?!?! Would you tell someone that? I sure fuckn wouldn't.I mean i might tell someone something like i'll...
October 18th, 2008 at 02:16am

I'm going INSANE(er)!!!!!

I dont know what to do.My dad is making me work hard as hell.I don't have time hardly to talk to my girlfriend.Two of my friends stabbed me in the back by telling my sister I was bisexual.School is starting soon and I will hardly get to talk to my girlfriend because she'll be working.I'm still trying to get four thousand dollars but it's hard to get that kind of money honestly.I'm trying not to...
July 27th, 2008 at 06:52pm