Harleen Winchester. / Comments

  • Ooooh, congrats on the potential job!!!!! It's okay. I understand about things getting hectic and not being able to get online and touch base with everyone. That happened to me the weekend after Halloween. I had a lot of plans and didn't sign on to the internet for, like, four straight days or something. =)

    I think you're right. Which means my imagination should be JUST fine. Lol.

    I'll send them in two different messages; they're both kind of long.

    Ahahaha! I ran into that with my friend Tiffany. She'd come over here and then end up talking to my mom for HOURS. To be fair, I spent a lot of time with her mom, too, especially after my boyfriend passed away my senior year. I'd spend the night at Tiff's and late at night, after she had crashed and I couldn't sleep, her mom would get up (she suffers from insomnia). We'd just talk and talk. It was nice.

    Well, obviously I'm head over heels for Avenged Sevenfold, Black Veil Brides, and Lynam. I'm really really into Almost Kings right now (I've seen them twice in one week). Within Reason, Rearview Ghost, Shallow Side...a lot of local bands. I'm just not impressed by most of what I'm hearing on the radio right now. It's kinda sad.

    That's cool. I haven't even started working on that story. I still intend to do it, but I lost inspiration temporarily. =/
    November 13th, 2013 at 06:28am
  • stormy...
    October 25th, 2013 at 09:59am
  • All kinds of music, except for country. I just can't listen to country music.
    October 22nd, 2013 at 10:36am
  • Yes, that's the one and it's called triliza in Greek.
    All over the world, most games have different names.

    Interview with a Vampire is my second favorite and I like Blade as well.
    There are many movies I like... Step Up, Street Dance, Center Stage, The Conuring, Stigmata, Tha fast and the Furious, Ultra Violet, Resident Evil and so much more.
    October 20th, 2013 at 11:20am
  • I was the same way. I always hung out with older kids because I was glued to my brother's side. Lol. He was (and is) my best friend, so his friends just had to accept that I was going to be around. I hang out with one guy who is close to my age. And my three best female friends...two are younger and one is about eight months older. But I'm not around them a lot, which is probably why they don't get on my nerves. Ha!

    That is what me and Jesse did. We met on Mibba, then she added me on Facebook, and now I've been out to Georgia twice to spend a weekend, and she's been out here once for a Lynam show. =) We didn't have any issues talking since we'd skipped all that awkwardness by chatting online. So yeah, it can work out either way.

    YES! Thank goodness. Most people think I'm weird when I tell them I like Adventure Time. My parents will watch it with me occasionally, which is why they let me name her that.

    I can send you the first interview I did with Jacob. And the interview via e-mail that I did with David Lynam (that one was FUN! We ended up e-mailing each other for about a week). That's okay. I told my mom about you, too. I tell my mom everything. Just to let you know. It used to drive my best friend in high school crazy...of course, that's because she was super untrustworthy and she was afraid my mom would rat her out to her parents, but my mom isn't like that. Anywho, back to the band guys. I created a website about Lynam for a school project. I swear, seriously, I get stalked on Facebook by people who have met Lynam and know that I'm close to them. Cody's latest girlfriend told me she knew who I was before Cody introduced us because the guys have mentioned me on Facebook and in person. She said everything they've ever said about me has been good. <3

    I think one of my friends actually saw Saliva and Crossfade together. Lol. I missed that one.

    YAY!!!!! I saw that you have posted a picture; I'm gonna go check it out. And thank you soooooo much for the recommendation blog! That's AMAZING!!!!! *HUGS*
    October 20th, 2013 at 07:21am
  • Sorry about the late response, I was getting exercise.

    Oh my gosh! I can't wait to see your kitties. I love kitties so much!

    Good luck with your contest! And I totally thought that co-writes would help me, too. But I am late on updating those, too. And now I feel really guilty. Facepalm

    I hope so, too! And I hope that you can start writing again, too. Arms
    October 20th, 2013 at 05:01am
  • Please, post pics! I would love to see what your house looks like. And, guuuurl, get yourself a bed! It's kind of a necessity.

    I haven't gotten anything done. I need to start working on my writing. Facepalm
    October 20th, 2013 at 03:09am
  • That sounds absolutely gorgeous! I am so jealous. I bet that you will love it there.

    And thank you! Arms
    October 20th, 2013 at 01:31am
  • I wasn't sure if that game was the one we call triliza in Greece. LOL

    My fav movie is Queen of the Damned but there are so many that I like. Yours?
    October 19th, 2013 at 11:09pm
  • Um...what's that?
    October 19th, 2013 at 10:50pm
  • LOL, you think?
    October 19th, 2013 at 10:48pm
  • Oh my gosh! That is cool that you got a house. Do you like it? Is it pretty?

    And I will think about it. I feel like I have gotten way too much candy. I'm a fattie. And I haven't even committed too much to my own candy bowl. I feel guilty.
    October 19th, 2013 at 06:30pm
  • That's awesome. Cute I'm so glad for you.

    I'm bored as well.
    October 19th, 2013 at 11:04am
  • If we can find any good ones around here...besides my local guys, of course. ;-)

    I'm lucky. I've met a lot of good people off the internet, but most of them are older than me by at least ten years. The people my age and younger? Yeah, they suck. Lol. I'm still up in the air about that. I mean, I've met some really amazing people online, too, but I'm not sure it's worth the sacrifice of social skills and knowing how to take the blame for your actions and how to deal with people without hiding behind a computer screen. =/

    I'll post a picture of Marceline as soon as I get done with this comment. Umm, it sounds French. I got it off of a cartoon I watch. I'm THAT awesome. Ha!

    Just the Lynam guys. I'm supposed to be interviewing two more bands soon: Within Reason (from Birmingham) and Almost Kings (from Atlanta). I just have to find a time that suits all of us. The guitarist from Almost Kings, Ryan, is the one who promised me an interview with them on my birthday. We were both a little drunk, so I don't know how sincere that was. Guess I'll find out.

    Saliva has a new singer...not nearly as good as Josey, but whatever. It was a fun show anyway. Ooooh, a surprise??? Now I'm excited!!!! =D
    October 18th, 2013 at 09:34pm
  • Aww, thank you!

    And sorry about the late response. I accidentally fell asleep. I am pretty neutral, don't know how the day will go yet. Could be good, could be bad. What about you? How are you?
    October 18th, 2013 at 02:27pm
  • Hello Cute
    October 18th, 2013 at 11:25am
  • I'm Iggy. Just thought I would stop by and say hi, because you seem cool.
    October 18th, 2013 at 06:12am
  • I'm so sorry about that, but I'm glad your dad was able to find another job so quickly! Wow, Louisiana? You're even closer to me now. Lol.

    You're right. And the best way to hold people's attention these days is via technology. I swear, nothing drives me more insane than when I'm actually WITH someone and (s)he is glued to his/her cell phone, texting/tweeting/Facebooking...whatever. I should probably just always have my laptop with me so I can get in touch with someone who is standing RIGHT NEXT TO ME! The only way to connect anymore is the internet, apparently.

    That's insane. Although, I think that might explain why people stop talking to me, too. I like to have a conversation, not just exchange monosyllables. -.-

    Well, I can't say cities steal souls with certainty, but I know that the people I've met from our so-called "big" cities are much bigger assholes than the other country folks like me. =)

    We're not exactly sure what kind of cat she is. She's colored like a calico. Her mom was a Manx, her dad was some random barn cat (and the one responsible for her having a tail, I'm sure). She's absolutely beautiful. I can send you a picture, if you'd like. I named her Marceline. And right this second, she is curled up in some tiny box she managed to fit in, sleeping.

    Well, today is my five year "anniversary" with Lynam. Haha! Umm...I don't even know where to begin. Okay. Since we've talked so much about having actual conversations with people, I'll tell you about bugging the crap out of Jacob. When I met him, he was pretty quiet and reserved. But he was my favorite member of Lynam immediately (mostly because he's a great guitarist), so I was determined to get some kind of response from him. EVERY show, I would go over and talk to him and gradually, he started talking back. It reached the point where I was messaging him on Facebook. He assured me that he always loved hearing from me. And the only times he didn't answer on there were when he was going to see me soon. It was amazing. I asked him so many questions. Lol. I don't know how he could stand it. And I joked one time that when I became a music journalist, he had to be my first interview. Before I even finished college, Jacob encouraged me to interview him one night. He's the least selfish person I know and he has ALWAYS encouraged me and urged me to do things that I might be afraid to do.

    I was absent for most of this weekend, too. I went to see Saliva on Thursday night (it was free), then I hung out with one of my best friends on Saturday and we watched football together. I'm a football fanatic. Only college football, though.
    October 16th, 2013 at 08:04am
  • I feel like I start out well, but if I don't wrap the story up pretty quickly, I lose it completely.

    Yep. It's so sad to me that people don't value friendships anymore. There are people that I hang out with and it doesn't really mean anything, you know? But most of the time, I end up trying to create some kind of connection. I like having people I can rely on. =)

    Typically, it's the very first time you're unable to be there for them. As long as you're around every time they snap their fingers, it's great, but the instant you can't help them or give them something they want, they dismiss you and move on to someone else. I can't believe your friend would do that. Trust me, I would have been there...even if I couldn't have actually been WITH you, I'd have stayed on the phone and let you talk my ear off.

    Lol. I'm not very scary. ;P

    That's so awesome!!!! I love cats. I always joke that I'm going to be one of those crazy cat ladies when I'm older. We only have one right now, but she's my baby. I spoil her way more than I should. And that property sounds amazing. My ex-best friend and I used to go out every weekend to this lake and walk the trails through the woods and stuff. It was so nice. I've always lived in the middle of nowhere and been surrounded by woods. Fun stuff, except the poison oak, which I'm super allergic to. -.-

    If you want a novel, I can tell you about those guys. My favorite one is the one you said I looked cute with. His name is Jacob and he's an absolute doll. He's the singer and guitarist in the band Lynam (and front man for Adler, which is Steven Adler's new band). I went to a show in October 2008 and saw them and fell in love. Lol. That sounds kinda lame, but it's true. I didn't get to another show until August 2009...and I've been stalking them every since. Ha! That's actually what "I Thought This Happened in the Movies" is about. The guy who looks like Johnny Depp? He's the bassist for The Velcro Pygmies. Met him in 2010. (Also, the guy in the picture where my boobs were so evident is the former guitarist for the Pygmies.) Umm....the other dark-haired guy--I think it was actually the first picture you commented on--his name is Lonny Paul and he's the guitarist for Adler, but he's been out here recording with Lynam. AND last but not least, the dude trying to be all gangsta in the picture with me in the BVB shirt is Ryan, the guitarist from Almost Kings. He is an angel and totally looks up to Jacob. Anything else you wanna know? I have a million stories, I promise. ^.^

    I definitely will!
    October 11th, 2013 at 10:06am
  • I'm that way with some of my earlier ones, too. I think I got better, though. One of my friends said I write smut like a slut. Lol.

    I run into that a lot. People don't want an actual connection, they just want someone to keep them from being bored for five minutes. Then as soon as they find someone else to talk to, they move on and do it all over again. I've had people on here talk to me for a few days and just stop. I was like "Um, what?" It's sounding suspiciously like we have a lot in common. YAY! Hey, you're really pretty and like rock music, too. I think we're twins. :P

    I think you're right, you should be more upset with the friends. They were supposed to know you and so they never should have listened to her or let her persuade them to turn their backs on you. And I'm so sorry about your fiance and that you lost that time with him for someone who...just from what you've told me...totally didn't deserve you. I understand that she's hurt (and will never accept that she's the one that screwed up), but Jesus. Ruining your life because y'all broke up? Puh-lease! Get a life! *sigh* I'm getting frustrated on your behalf. -.-

    It seems that you and I value friendship more than most people do. I always get walked on because I'm loyal and once I care about someone, I REALLY care, you know? I get attached and I guess the majority of the world doesn't. If our situations had been reversed and I'd moved to Philly, that girl definitely would have been one of the first people I saw when I got back to AL.

    Haha! Withdrawals. It sucked for all of my friends to have the 'Net when I didn't, but I feel like it taught me not to be so reliant on technology, which is a good thing. Still...I love all the people I get to talk to thanks to the Web. (Especially my band guys. Tee hee!)
    October 10th, 2013 at 10:50am