
United States
Joined date
July 27th, 2008

*Get To Know Me*

i like to sing cheer and write. im very easily distracted and i have a freakishly short attention span but thats what makes me fun!

i'm single, free, and looking so you won't really get too many romance stories out of me. i prefer things to be little bit more complicated than everyday love stories. they bore me, so i try to mix them up when i can

I tend to ramble a lot so i warn you now haha.

i guess i'm going through a writing phase or something right now cuz i have a few stories workin i just haven't posted all of them due to my insane laziness.

i LOVE the twilight series. i've never read any books faster than i read them and i only started readin them b/c my friend had a copy of New Moon and i thought that it had a pretty cover.

but anywho....check out my stories...that's what they're there for and for a rundown on em

Remember Me- its my first experiment at thriller/suspense/horror w/e. i'm just having fun writing it and its kinda my fun take on some of the theories in New Moon only none of the characters are in it. i guess the main thing in common would be imprinting. just read. it'll make sense.

Lust for Love- it was originally called Cheater but i had to change it and i just might change it again. trust me, it's better than it seems, or at least i hope so.

and i love to talk so send me a comment or a msg if you want. i love meeting new people so let's chat! teehee

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