casually.obsessed / Comments

  • [b]Okay. How about TWINS.
    Because then they can be Robin and Emma and I think that's really cute XD

    December 21st, 2009 at 05:43pm
  • Hey, just a reminder that the deadline for my Harry Potter Quote Contest is today! :) Please have it in by midnight tonight, if you need an extension let me know!! Heres a link to the contest
    post your story when your done. Just message me if you have any questions!!
    December 20th, 2009 at 09:35pm
  • [b]Ahah, seriously, no worries.
    Whenever you comment me back I am very happy :D:D

    I don’t know…
    And they’re like, you DO get it, and I’m like, NO I BLOODY WELL DONE.
    Ahh, no, what happened?
    I hate days like those.
    Especially as I’ve had a really good week.
    I shall send you some loveee. :D

    Exactly, that’s what I think.
    I’m all happy now.
    You cannot imagine. :D;D
    (Sex and white lieees, handcuffs and alibis)

    It hasn’t properly set in yet, but when it does, I will get so so pissed.
    I know, all the good bands split up.
    I don’t think TAI have much more than one more album in them, tbch.

    Yehhh, it’s lovely :D
    I don’t mind it that much, I’m just more of an electric girl, y’know?

    Nooo, Kellan Lutz is the best!
    I loves himmm, bear hugs for allll!

    Ahaha, yeh, that’s fine.
    Tomorrow I’m going shopping, and then my tiny cousins are coming over for a sleepover.
    Which will be interesting, but I will try to get to talk to you for some point.
    It was the cervical cancer one, and I need two more. :(
    And there’s still 30% chance I get it.

    Yeppp, he does.
    It’s the one with all of them at bamboozle, and jack is talking and zack wants the mic, and it just annoys me, because he rubs his fingers together in front of the mic to try and get it.
    Lol, how picky am I?

    Ohmygodddd, I would fucking love that!
    I’s all happy nowww.
    This is gonna be the best effing Christmas ever ever ever.

    No worrriess, :D
    If I like a story I commenttt :D
    Oh… dammnitt!
    Someone’s Mum?

    December 18th, 2009 at 05:48pm
  • [b]Ahahaha, no worries!

    Erm, I can’t even remember!
    Yes, I do!
    But I need to MSN you it. :)

    I love being illegal.
    I can’t think of any times I have been, but whatevs!

    I completely agree… :D:D

    I think it’s cos you grew up speaking it.
    And because I had such a crap teacher last year, I didn’t learn anything and forgot the rest.

    I can.
    Kinda… but only so long as I know how to do it.
    Pfft, it’s pathetic.
    But so they can monitor for bullying and stuff I guess.

    Yess, we’re gonna kidnap EVERYONE and Beckett is gonna reside underneath my bed.
    Zack may join himmm. ;)

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    That’s such a pretty number!
    I love it.
    Do you have a favourite/lucky number?

    August>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> May.

    Good :D
    Ahahahahahaha, lol.

    You (later): I can’t believe you didn’t Jack.
    Me: You’re [i]still[/i] on about that?
    You: You.Had.The.Chance.To.Give.Me.Jack.Fucking.Barakat.And.You.Didn’t.
    Me: Ahah… Okay, I’ll go and run away and get him. :D:D Just for youuu.
    You: You better.

    It’s TOTALLY amazing!
    I’m gonna write my chapter this weekend sometime.
    I’m just not totally sure what to write, you know?
    I’m guessing they’re gonna sleep together at the party, though?

    No, it’s not.
    But opposites get along pretty well as well, you know?

    Ahhh, nooo!
    I got Toxic Valentine today though.
    I’m addicted. ;);)
    So new phone for Christmas? ;)

    December 18th, 2009 at 05:42pm
  • [b]Oooh, and:

    December 15th, 2009 at 08:36pm
  • [b]Sorry it's a late comment!

    Good point, but I'm so so crap with accents.
    I hate teachers where they cant fucking teach!
    Sorry, I'm really hating towards those kinda teachers today!

    Nooo, it's not, I'm over it now :D

    Ahaha, thanks :D
    I've got to update again, I'm not too sure what to right yet though!
    I will though, I will.
    I'm thinking a little kiss... and then some yelling :D

    Sorry, I'm a little anti band at the moment, because FOB are fucking breaking up.

    Ahahaha, I'm... average, I guess :D

    I swear everyone but me loves acoustic!
    Like, I like it and all, but it's not my favourite kind.
    I'm much more into the electric guitar, lol. :D
    But I do like William's voice with acoustic!

    Ahahaha, lol, bless you.
    Rob Patz is ugggggggggggly.

    Sorry I'm being so blunt and stuff, I'm in a bit of a bad mood with the Fob thing, and I had an injection today and it really hurts :(
    it's really unfair of me to be like this, I'm sorry. :(

    Ahahahaha, he is, how could he be.
    *looks around, and then slowly raises hand*
    Zack's a little cutie :D
    Except he annoys me in the one interview ;)

    December 15th, 2009 at 08:24pm
  • Well it is a great story so i just commented :P
    December 15th, 2009 at 06:29am
  • I hate it honestly. I feel so bad that it takes me forever to finish a story and I hate it when I rush to finish one and it sucks.
    December 12th, 2009 at 04:59pm
  • I'll be like this for a week and then stop. It sucks :/
    December 12th, 2009 at 03:52am
  • Its addicting to write, honestly. I couldn't stop and went to bed at 3 am ahhaha.
    December 11th, 2009 at 09:25pm
  • YAY!

    I'm Kade. Nice to meet you. :)
    December 10th, 2009 at 05:44am
  • [b]Good :)
    I've been studying it for four years and threeish months, I'd hoped I'd know what that means by now!
    It's because I lost all my spanish last year with our seriously crap teacher :(

    I'm ill againnn :(

    That's still quite a lot though, because there are some stories where they dont even get like, one comment. :)
    Wait, no, maybe that should be a :( face, lol.
    I loved your update.
    This will be the best story everrr :)
    And I'll try and update today sometime, sisisi?

    Ahahaha, lol, we're just not too good at it, are we?

    But I'm tall and fattt.
    Lol, moaning.
    I'm not really that fat, more average.
    I want some band tops.
    But you have to order all the band tops I want.

    I don't have any old ATL really.
    I only have a couple other friends have sent me.
    The ATL lyrics are always fucking amazing.
    Which John Lennon one did they cover... the one about working...
    Working Class Hero.
    I love that song so so much.

    Oooh, ;);)
    Ahahahaha, lol.
    He probably did, like, what the fuck is that girl doing?!
    Staring at me... oooh, I like ittt. :D

    I get it now.
    I've got really dark shadows under my eyes, but I've had plently of sleep, it's really weird.

    December 9th, 2009 at 10:04am
  • I'll take your word for it then.

    Tell her to hurry it up! hahaha
    December 9th, 2009 at 08:22am
  • I wanna know what's gonna happen! soooooo curious.
    December 9th, 2009 at 07:08am
  • I always try to comment on stories I read.

    I subscribed! Yay!
    December 9th, 2009 at 05:02am
  • [b]Que tal.
    something about im speaking spanish or something.
    I really cant speak spanish at all.
    Lol, no worries, I always miss them out!

    I just updated again, I wrote about all of them watching/playing the show and then getting drunk.
    Which was fun :)
    I loved your update, it was amazingg. :):)
    This is gonna be one of the best stories ever :)
    And we've already got two stars. :D
    But yeh, it's your turn to update againnnn :):)

    Ahahah, lol.
    We're terrible!
    We only really talk here or msn noww!
    I just need more clothes, I think.
    The thing is, I can never find clothes that are long enough for my back, because I've got a really really long back.
    Which sucks.

    Yehh, ohmygod, I totally agree!
    Some of the really early ATL ones I can't listen to whatsoever, whereas I can listen to any TAI song.
    Even Sodium, acoustic About A Girl, and In The Rearview.
    Whereas a couple of old ATl ones, im like SKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIP.

    Ahaha, bad luck.
    I can watch it, it's on the table in the lounge.
    I wanna watch it now.
    Completely agree, she's a crap actor.
    Taylor was amazing thoughh :D:D

    I'm like a log?

    December 8th, 2009 at 08:05pm
  • [b]I'm illlllllllllllllllll. *whimpers*

    December 8th, 2009 at 10:32am
  • [b]Hola mi amiga.
    The story was great so far.
    Seriously, I'm loving it.
    I wanna update by tonight, lemme do all my homework first :)

    Ahh, I will then.
    Maybe wednesday though, because I'll have plenty of time :)
    You do!

    Yeh, it really sucks.
    I love my tights though, it means I can wear all my pretty skirts.
    I need some more jeans though.

    But, I do love TAI.
    I love TAI a little bit more than ATL.
    But I love how much ATL don't care.
    It makes me a lot happier :D
    They make music to make music :D

    ITS OUT.
    I never ever ever thought rob patz was hot.
    Everyone else did.
    Not meee.
    I saw the light before it ever appeared.

    Ahaha, I knowsss.

    Ahaha, lol, dont worry.
    Some people need more sleep than others.
    That would be me :D:D

    December 7th, 2009 at 06:49pm
  • Well thank you. And yeah, they do! So do I! Haha :)
    December 7th, 2009 at 06:58am
  • I'm actually still really surprised that people like it!
    But it's still good to hear that it's different.
    That's what I was going for.
    December 7th, 2009 at 05:41am