My Fault.

There are various ways to harm ones self. I used to be the kind who would sit around, slicing and dicing my skin. Then in grade 6, I moved on to a more time comsuming way. Skin burning with ice and salt. Next for grades 7 and 8, I continued back to cutting. As time went on, I quit that completely. Then my mom and I started to argue and verbally fight over and about everything. Because I'm so...
June 4th, 2010 at 11:42pm

R.I.P. Kathy. Or not?

So, I was really sick yesterday and all, and this is me explaining to my friend as to how I'm feeling much better. Kathy, by the way is my dead cousin. She died a few months before I turned 5. We were really close though.______________________________________________________________A little bit. I'm still hurting. But not as much as I was all last night. I didn't really sleep until 4am-ish.You...
May 23rd, 2010 at 06:39pm

Times fade, Memories remain.

So I have a half sister who I miss dearly. Her name is Teila.She used to live with me and my parents, but then my dad kicked her out, she moved back to windsor, and my parents split up.I keep in contact with her and all, but really miss our times together.My dad hates her so much I'm not allowed to see her. My mum thinks that's wrong though, since he allowed her into our home for like two years.I...
May 17th, 2010 at 05:00pm

Something's On My Mind. HELP

So I've noticed how I'm posting shitloads of poems but I really want to write a story.I've tried working on one and sticking to it, but I'm sure we've all watched them fail miserably.Although, I've also thought about collaborating with someone else to get the story out of me and finished.I have ideas, I just can't get them down.If anyone would be willing to help me, let me know. I'd prefer someone...
April 19th, 2010 at 01:11pm

Just STOP.

I had a friend tell me I should keep writing entries here. Blow off steam and such. So that's what I'll do. When I'm pissed off or something. I'll take it out here. It's a pretty safe place.So I really hate going to the mall and getting stared at by all these girls who're skinny and pretty. It's like WTF have you not seen a fat person try to enjoy themselves? Get a life.It just really bugs me, I'm...
March 17th, 2010 at 10:24pm


Alright, so I'm new to this "journal" crud. So um, I'm just going to assume it's like a blog or something. I guess I'll just tell you what I'm up to right now. I've got my music going, it's called "Fireflies" by Owl City, and I'm sitting in my room with my kitten Gizmo. I've not had her very long, just like three weeks. Uh, I can't wait for tomorrow because I get to go to my grandmas and pick out...
October 22nd, 2009 at 02:15am