Rec Me Your Stories + Hi, I'm Back

It's literally been almost a year since I've written a blog. How weird is that? I feel like Mibba had gotten so slow there for a while and it seems to be picking back up so here I am, rejoining the Mibba world with open arms because honestly? I miss posting stories all the time and talking to people.Since I've been so absent with Mibba in terms of posting things and reading things, I have nothing...
August 21st, 2016 at 06:55am

Things Happen for a Reason

So this semester is officially a month in and let me tell you, it really does feel like my senior year. For those of you who do not know, I go to FGCU in Florida (where I'm from obviously) and I'm just now starting my senior year as a PR major. Things have been a little bit hectic but surprisingly.. I'm doing fine. I'm in the swing of things and I feel like I'm starting to hit my stride.I should...
September 19th, 2015 at 04:18am

Summer Recs

Hi there. I have been super inactive lately with being in summer classes and having an internship, but thankfully I seem to be getting my life together. Besides the fact that my roommate and I are packing up a two story town house alone to move to a much smaller, cuter house. We're pretty pumped to finally be out of this gated community though, let me tell you.Since I haven't had a recommendation...
July 5th, 2015 at 07:21pm

It's Been a While

I actually haven't written a blog since New Years. How insane is that? This entire semester, quite frankly, kicked my ass. Granted, I managed to finish with all A's and B's somehow, but I feel like spring semester is always the worst semester of college. It also doesn't help that I'm taking two summer classes and I've now got an internship that keeps me super busy.So about my life. I've got a...
May 15th, 2015 at 11:34pm

New Years Res!

So I know everyone always makes these resolutions that they never follow. Last year I made a few myself and I actually stuck to most of them. I did something at least once a month that scared me and I was more open minded. This year I want to do a few things that apply to Mibba and in the real world and I decided to list them here. I always try and make resolutions that are actually attainable...
December 29th, 2014 at 06:47pm

Happy Holidays!

So the holidays are upon us and I'm so unprepared it isn't even funny. I haven't bought any presents, I've barely wrapped what I do have for presents, and I'm no where near prepared clothes wise for dressing up to visit family and all that jazz. So far, all I've done this holiday season is work my ass off at the hotel I always work at when I'm home, and basically for no commission because people...
December 21st, 2014 at 01:22am

Finals: A Survival Guide

1.) Get all study materials, high lighters, pens, computers, books and papers. Get whatever you need to get for this hardcore study session.2.) Make sure you have water, it fuels the brain and you might get thirsty. It's good to have snacks like almonds or something too.3.) Put on classical music or something in the background. Classical and movie score soundtracks are my personal favorite to use...
December 5th, 2014 at 11:32pm

Yet Another School Shooting

So if many of you don't know, I live in Florida. I live in South Florida and I attended Florida Gulf Coast University, while many of my friends either attend Florida State University, or University of Florida. Last night, I had the horror to go on twitter to see several of my friends that are students of Florida State University tweeting about being locked in a library with a gunman on campus. I...
November 21st, 2014 at 12:35am

Master List of Helpful Links

Hi hi hi. So just like my list of 8tracks playlist I posted a little bit ago, this is meant to be a sort of tool for any of you guys writing out there. I found this website that literally centers around TV tropes and writing and how to flesh out characters. The website itself is a tad difficult to navigate because there are so many links and stuff, so I've really just grabbed a few different links...
November 20th, 2014 at 01:41am

Why You Shouldn't Drink and Drive

The title is self explanatory. Here are reasons:No one wants to watch your casket go down the aisle.You don't want to watch someone else's casket down the aisle.Family and friends do not want to cry themselves to sleep at night.You don't want to cry yourself to sleep at night.No one wants to feel the need to stress the consequences of drinking and driving.You don't want to feel the stress of the...
November 9th, 2014 at 09:55pm

Everything I Didn't Say by Bangarang!

Hi y’all, I’m here to tell you about this amazing little story, Everything I Didn’t Say by Bangarang! Everything I Didn’t Say is an amazing story that features Louis Tomlinson from One Direction as a father. God he’s charming as a father, seriously. If any of you have ever wondered how Lou would be as a father, I seriously suggest you read this because it’s endearing, adorable and...
October 31st, 2014 at 01:56am

RIP Laptop

So you read that title correctly.. my laptop decided last sunday that despite being only three years of age, it wanted to die. Not that it was really old or anything. It just felt the need to go crazy on me AGAIN, for the second time in about four months, to just completely stop working on me and force me into several anxiety attacks because there is no such thing as college without a computer....
October 26th, 2014 at 11:36pm

Autumn Has Arrived and so Have New Stories

Yo yo yo. So (lol rhyme) I've officially completed some stories and can start new ones. As I had posted a blog a few weeks ago asking the general public what of my many ideas I should go with and write stories about, I am here to tell you what stories were voted on and what I am bringing you this Autumn/ Winter season. I've also removed several stories that I knew weren't going to go anywhere...
October 19th, 2014 at 04:28am

Mibbaween Candy Bowl

Hello all. As some of you may know, my favorite holiday ever is Halloween. So of course, every year I do a candy bowl. Because I have learned the past two years that people are super selfish and request a million things, I've come up with some strict limitations on my give aways this year.I know you're probably thinking this takes the fun out of it, but here is why: Everyone always asks for too...
September 29th, 2014 at 12:53am

I Need Your Help

Okay so lately I've had one of those periods where I have nothing but creative ideas coming to me all day long. Essentially, I cannot do all of these ideas all at once. There are several story pages in my home page just waiting to be done, but I don't know what to do. There are like eight of them in there just sitting because I have so many that I'm still working on, but it drives me nuts not...
September 21st, 2014 at 02:59am

Character Tag- Rose Redd

So I was tagged by thewolf. to do this lovely tag! Of course Erin tagged me, and I would have tagged her but obviously I can’t. So of course, I chose to tag the love of my life Juno because she doesn’t currently have wifi, but when she does, she’ll have something to do, and I don't have five people to tag because everyone I was super good friends with left mibba. I’ve selected to do Rose...
September 5th, 2014 at 10:16pm

Random Favorites

So a while back I started doing monthly favorites. I didn't keep up with a few months of my favorites so I decided that this is basically going to be a random compilation of favorite things that I've had for the past few months that I never shared with anyone. I even wrote down stuff over a few weeks just so that whenever I did any of these blogs, I could add them. So here we go!Makeup:Estee...
September 2nd, 2014 at 05:36am

Why I've Been Gone & What I'm Going to Do About It

So I don't even know if many people noticed how bad I've been about interaction on Mibba. I haven't been doing blogs, I haven't even been reading stories and I definitely haven't kept in touch very well. There are a few reasons why and I feel like people who noticed I was gone have a right to know why I was gone forever, though I was updating, and I want to make a comeback of sorts.1.) I was...
August 22nd, 2014 at 04:55am

Yes I Am Here

So basically all I've done on Mibba lately is update stories and leave. I had one hell of a summer semester and I started a new job last week so I was honest to god so stressed out that I rarely found time to log on to Mibba. I haven't read anything, I haven't even posted blogs and I legit haven't talked to anyone in forever.Now I'm back and I'm coming back full throttle. I'm going to start...
July 1st, 2014 at 05:27pm

I Swear I'm Alive

I don't know if anyone noticed that I've hardly been on lately, but I've honestly been so busy that I feel like I don't even have a life. Now that school is out though, I should be better. I didn't have final exams but let me tell you, school had me running around like crazy writing essays and my job has had me absolutely insane.I work at Payless now, and while it's a pretty easy job.. I wouldn't...
May 4th, 2014 at 06:32pm