bluefrenchhorn / Comments

  • saveroftheworld

    saveroftheworld (200)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Hey chick!!! Glad you finally came over! = D
    You're going to love it here - it's WAYYY better than quizilla ever was.
    The drinking age in England is 18 but a few pubs have over 21s licences. You can still get into these places if you're not 21, but usually only if you're hanging out with older people, know someone on the bar, have a fake ID, etc, etc. You can work in a 21s bar even when you're not 21 - that's what I'm doing hehehehe! Although my boss never asked my age so I could be fourteen for all he knows!
    How's everything with you my dear? Why the sudden interest in our wonderful drinking culture? You thinking of emmigrating???! = D!!!!
    July 30th, 2008 at 11:13am