My Super Awesome Fabulous Fantastic Adventure-Filled Weekend!!!!!! :D

So, I noticed I've done some ranting lately, and I want to take time to appreciate my awesome weekend. I mean so far it's been pretty badass.Sooooo let's start with this morning. I slept. The end. I love sleeping! I woke up at like....3?Now onto the afternoon where the action begins. So, I had to drive my sister Marie to her ballet rehearsal.. @.@ Ohwell that was mildly entertaining. I picked up...
August 24th, 2008 at 02:44am

The Joker (Rant)

Okay, so...Because of The Dark Knight, a lot of people are "bandwagoning" onto Batman. I have accepted this and do not care anymore. Not EVERYONE watched the show and read the comics when they were kids like I did. That is not their fault, and it's cool they got into it now. (THough I really DO recommend you check all that shit out cos it's awesomely amazing)Because of The Dark Knight, a lot of...
August 24th, 2008 at 12:39am

A Serious Rant You Should Read Cos I'm Super Pissed Off!!!!!!!

Okay, so.I am fucking SICK of this, and I'm hoping all of you understand the frustration I am going through. It is deep and purely agonizing.WE ARE OUT OF OREOS!!!!Why is this bad, you ask? Well, let me explain what happens when I haz no oreos.When Chase Haz No Oreoz::::He becomes bitchy cos he is hungry and there is no chocolatey creamy wondrous cookie to eliminate the terrible, PMS-like cravings...
August 23rd, 2008 at 05:52am

Who wants to comment trade???? I DO!!!!

Soooo, who wants my everlasting and undying fabulous love?? (Don't lie you know you do!) WELLLLLL here's how you can get it!!!1.) Kill whoever came up with Triscuits. They're so fuckin' nasty! Like wtf that shit is like horse feed!!!2.) Find a way to end world hunger (starting with me of course...I'm STARVING)ORRRRR OPTION 3!!!!3.) Read/comment my story! It's Batman fic, and only two tiny short...
August 23rd, 2008 at 04:56am

Weeeeeee!! Want me to love you forever and ever and ever??

So. I've been on this site for a little while now, and finally have had time to sit and write a story!! (I know. Shocking)It's a batman fanfic, centered mainly on batman, the joker, and a chick I made up named Jezebel Black.Anyway, I would seriously love it if you'd just read the summary and let me know what you think.'s my first fanfiction, and I'm not sure if it'll be good or...
August 18th, 2008 at 12:10am

Hai, ppllll!!!!

So, I'm new here *waves* and... I just wanted to know...Like...for this whole "new mibba" I've been hearing about...what's that? What's going to be different? I'm still trying to get a handle on the OLD mibba and now they're going to change it on meee?!? *whimper*Anyway, as another topic... I love music!! And, I want some bands I never heard of that'll rock my rainbow socks off! Seriously, I do. I...
July 31st, 2008 at 12:38am