Bad Week...

Wow my week has been the worst ever.My boyfriend went out and got drunk so he would try to forget me and nealy got with another chick. It made me so angry I nearly broke my knuckles from punching a wall repeatedly.I got told something that crushed me and I got so sad I cryed all night, I literally fell asleep crying, then woke up crying.I then hated myself because I made that person tell me their...
October 19th, 2007 at 06:08pm

Your Place

Theres a place for just have to find that place thoughThe place where you have so many memories...The place where you had so much fun...The place where everyone likes you...The place where you felt safe...The place with someone you love...The place with your best friends...The place where you never feel alone...The place that you love...But then you get taken away from that place...
October 17th, 2007 at 03:46pm

i just wana go home...

...what do you do when someone you love so much, thinks that no one cares about him and he slowly snobs all his friends away so that no one will miss him when he goes......esspecially when you live so far away, when all he wants is you in his life, but you cant be there for him......i dont want him to kill himself......i love him too much to lose him...*tears roll down cheeks*...when you hate...
October 16th, 2007 at 03:51pm

...a dying friend...

Have you ever been the friend that can't do anything. The friend that lives so far away that all you can do is sit back and hope to god that this friend doesn't do anything stupid.You can't hug them.You can't kiss them.You can't hold their hand.You can't even look into their eyes and tell them that you love them.You ring them up every night and you both spend hours crying into the phone telling...
October 11th, 2007 at 01:04pm

AHHH IM GOING CRAZY!!~~ best friend moved away....which gave me the shits.....then i found out i was moving in 5 weeks and im in love with someone.....but i have to move 11 hours away from him and ill miss him so much and he'll miss me too.....we really love eachother, but long-distance relationships don't work and we want to stay gonna miss him so sometimes gets to the stage when i...
May 22nd, 2007 at 10:37am


i have nothing to write so i decided to start a conversation on what's one of the weirdest/ craziest things youv'e ever done.....iv'e done alot would have to probebly be......that me and my bestfriend ate coffee grains all night to keep us awake.......we fell asleep also tastes like shit raw!!~~
April 24th, 2007 at 04:28am


this is really random but.....i wagged a whole day the other day with my boyfriend, then i told my mum.....she was heaps pissed off and i got in trouble.......but now she just laughs at me!!~~i also have a meating with the deputy!!~~ WHOOPS
April 23rd, 2007 at 11:49am