story of my life

...So I woke up from a rough night. Went through all the boring morning routines, blah and got dressed up for school: plain old uniform. I was on my way and nearly cried every time i thought of seeing my classmates once again and having to put up with all their bullshit when someone seemed to be calling: 'Miss, could you help me out with these?'. Apparently she was calling me and it was an old...
December 4th, 2009 at 05:55pm

Watering eyes and Silly Memories.

Ever had like the weirdest day of your life? Well, today must have been the one. I woke up, everything seemed to be fine, except for the fact that my computer couldn't work so i wasn't able to listen to my favorite song. Next, it was getting late, so I got dressed up and went to school. I live on the fifth floor, so on my way i got this crazy idea that if i stop for 5 seconds at every floor, we...
May 22nd, 2009 at 04:32pm