My Dream Room!

Ain't it sexy? I love it. The bed looks super comfy. I would prolly kiss the poster every morning and night. haha I love Joe! It's his birthday today so HAPPY 20th SEXY BEAST! WE LOVE YOU HUNNEY! Hahah the pickle monster is also a sexy beast. My best friend's bro has a new girlfriend and she's FOUR YEARS YOUNGER THAN HIM! Well I am too but it's okay for me to love him because I'm his little...
August 15th, 2009 at 05:27pm

Dinosaurs with 1/6 of an outline and eggs with an outline ha!

So I have outlined the eggs I just need to finish the detail of it.I have about 1/6 of the outline on the Dino's, aren't they sexy beasts? I have also decided to make an ACTUAL STORY! I'm gonna post it right about now. It's a Nick Jonas/Joe Jonas Love Story. DONT HATE! They are hott. If you think otherwise then too bad. I hope you guys understand THIS IS NOT SPAM because it's not I am actually...
August 13th, 2009 at 05:18pm

Still Trying To Fix The Eggs.

Still working hard on these eggs this is all made out of eyeshadow you know! I'm up to 300 of the little piles. Trust me this is no longer SPAM because it's instead STORY TIME! and I promise you guys that I'm almost done. Do you guys like the dinosaurs? Are they adorable?! Leave comments unless they have the word SPAM in it. Love ya'll!PS I promise to start making regular journals after this!
August 13th, 2009 at 05:00pm

The Dinosaur That Fell In Love

So here is chapter two of the dinosaur chronicles. These Dinosaurs are in love and the mommy dinosaur has laid some eggs but they look a little iffy so I shall operate on them to show you you guys how pretty they will look then I will outline the Dinosaurs and do a bunch of other stuff. I have also decided not to delete these because NOW I have decided to tell a story through them. :DD
August 13th, 2009 at 04:54pm

Hey People I dont know!

Wazzup dudes, yeah i'm kinda bored so HI!!! -waves like a retard- I'm the future Mrs.Joe Jonas! Yep, i'm sure you heard that a million times already and WHO CARES! XDDDDDDDSo... OOOOO I've always wanted to do this...*Ahem* Goodnight and big balls -pun intended if you watch wipeout XD-So yeah i got bored when i did that lolz so yeah, the only reason this is longer is because it has to be 100 words...
August 9th, 2008 at 09:03pm