call me anarchy / Comments

  • Katycakes

    Katycakes (100)

    United States
    Sorry hun, I've been so busy, I wore my favorite black jeans along, with my The Maine hoodie, then today I wore a Bring Me The Horizon T-Shirt with my favorite jeans, and my hair in a cute hot-ish. lol.
    The test was blah, I didn't do that great, then today I had to take a tour of campus then after that, I had to sign up for classes >.< which I didn't get anything really great.
    How are you doing?
    A lyric that really speaks out to you?
    August 18th, 2010 at 10:12am
  • craving.

    craving. (100)

    United States
    Hey, I know this must seem random but can you read my friend's story? It's really, really good, and I want to share it with others ;) It only has two chapters and a prologue up.
    She doesn't know I'm doing this, so shhhh! ;)
    August 16th, 2010 at 09:19am
  • Katycakes

    Katycakes (100)

    United States
    I can't wait now. lol
    Okay so I'll find a way to send them to you ASAP.
    Your like a little sister to me, as well. I always wanted a little sister.
    It's mostly because people are better at reading others, before reading themselves, because we can observe them from the outside, we can't observe ourselves.
    yes you must.
    Same as my teachers <3 We have connections. lol
    Thats so fun.
    Exploratorium in San Francisco.
    hmm, probably my boyfriend Jordan.
    Someone you wished you told you love them, more often.
    August 15th, 2010 at 10:18am
  • Katycakes

    Katycakes (100)

    United States
    : - D
    I agree, I will get my dad to get me some Monday after my test.
    Which one's havent you read?
    How about both, I could use both right about now :)
    lol, Nixon is friends with my dad and I, so when I meet his wife, she was the sweetest person ever. She hugged me and was like, I've heard so much about you, when Nixon plays around here. >.< One day you and I will surprise him at a show.
    Well I have a boyfriend, but I'll make you a deal, I'll be your music lover. Yeah? We'll have a wedding for that. : D
    People are just sometimes, not as insinc as they are to others.
    The Heartbreak club, one of the girls reminds me of you.
    Before I Die, has to be a story that describes me.
    I have three Mr.Wisdom (my brothers best friend), Mr. McKay, and Mr.McCaffrey
    Favorite Feild Trip ever
    August 15th, 2010 at 09:33am
  • Katycakes

    Katycakes (100)

    United States
    Haha that is so cool! We are amazing like that!
    I know, well it's more like my dad said were having McDonalds, and then he didn't even end up getting any! I'm now craving TacoBell.
    : D
    I'll have to send you some of my double copies.
    Please do!
    Aw, my ex-boyfriend, who I was deeply in love, like we were planning a wedding, broke up with me on my 18th birthday and played the Maday Parade song Miserable At Best, because it says Katy Don't Cry, so thats another song that describes me. I bawl every time I hear it, and I told Derek the story, and he hugged me and said he was so sorry.
    Ohh true add Framing Hanley, I love Nixon, he's such a doll. I would so marry him also.
    Dang, for me it has to be Blondie, Suger Ray, Pink Floyd, Fort Minor, Linkin Park, i've been to an My Chemical Romance concert, but I was really sick and went back to my friends car, so I really want to see them. lol.
    2005, 2006, 2003, and 2004
    That way I could have seen Paramore, Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, Aiden, and The Used, before they got really big. :)
    Even though I skipped my freshman year Sady Hawkins dance to see Fall Out Boy, I still wish I had seen them on Warped Tour.
    Book that describes you.
    August 15th, 2010 at 06:17am
  • Katycakes

    Katycakes (100)

    United States
    Dude I would marry him if he wasn't gay!
    haha, I almost had Taco Bell for dinner, then I choose McDonalds.
    Ahh, I love those kinds of friends.
    Why thank you!
    It was, way better then yesterday. :)
    Death & Life of Charlie St. Cloud. Five People Who Died & Meet In Heaven & Tuesdays With Morrie. Such inspirational books.
    We don't have one here :(
    Lost In Stereo & Therapy by: All Time Low, Say Goodnight by: This Beautiful Republic, and lets say There, There Katie by: Jacks Mannequin.
    All Time Low, Bring Me The Horizon, You Me At Six, Anarbor, and The Divine.
    Band you wish you've seen but haven't gotten too.
    August 15th, 2010 at 04:59am
  • Katycakes

    Katycakes (100)

    United States
    lol gotta love my mum.
    That is very true, I should come to you more often..
    lol. It is funny now.
    Ohh, is Jake like a brother or a guy you might have crush on?
    I copy and paste so I can go ahead answer the stuff as we go along.
    It wasn't the best, I'm all mopey again.
    My favorite is Ben Sherwood and or Mitch Albom
    Cold Stones
    Song you feel that describes you.
    August 14th, 2010 at 10:41am
  • Katycakes

    Katycakes (100)

    United States
    I hope he gets you it soon!
    Haha, it's only cause my mom refuses to let me watch it. haha.
    Love is great : D
    True I've never thought of it like that.
    Yeah. lol. My dad knows about the crush, and how I would purposely miss the bus so he would have to take me home. I was a weird 13/14 year old.
    I'm not good with fish, so I get where you are coming from. Horse's are very pretty but they scare me so I won't get to close.
    I think my brother Trevor's friend Cody gives the best hugs, of course that could be, because I barley ever see my brother or his band.
    Um, favorite Arthur.
    August 14th, 2010 at 08:37am
  • Katycakes

    Katycakes (100)

    United States
    I need a new lap top before I go off to school. lol
    Really, Bambi makes me cry and it's not allowed in my house, I even got out of watching bambi two in my art class, I stayed home sick those days. lol
    I love you two!
    Ahh the future for me, is being out on my own, getting a job on my own, and just so much it just makes me alkja;dlkajflsdakj
    People need to be themselves, no someone they aren't.
    Scotty or Cory.
    Hands down my brothers best friend Kevin Wisdom, he was my P.E. teacher 7th and 8th grade, I transfered out of my P.E. class to be in his class. He taught me how to swim, and he knew I was really ill, so he didn't push my limits. I thought he was god for a while. lol. No Joke, and he was one of the only people to show up to me fourteenth birthday. Now he has a wife, two or three kids, and a dog. Still my brothers best friend too.
    A pet you wish you had.
    August 13th, 2010 at 10:58am
  • Katycakes

    Katycakes (100)

    United States
    I hate when that happens.
    I can't watch Bambi or Pinocchio either
    lol I can be really lazy.
    Haha I'll never want to shut you up!
    The future freaks me out.
    I'd redo the last summer Ethan was alive, and I would have stayed the night.
    Hands down Maria or my friend Amanda.
    Someone you wish you could be with right now.
    August 13th, 2010 at 10:37am
  • Katycakes

    Katycakes (100)

    United States
    We'll have to make it happen soon I suppose.
    I can't watch the old one, so defiantly the new one.
    I wish I could do that. lol
    I sometimes do that too, or I space out because I'm thinking to hard.
    I need to write a book, so many people beg me to write a book, but I never can seem to keep my focus on it. Perhaps one day you wouldn't mind getting me to write one.
    I'd have to say, memories, of my cousin Torey make me happy no matter what. I can think of a memory, and I'll be happy.
    Something you wish you could take back.
    August 13th, 2010 at 09:57am
  • Katycakes

    Katycakes (100)

    United States
    Okay hun.
    August 13th, 2010 at 09:19am
  • Katycakes

    Katycakes (100)

    United States
    That would have been so cool and amazing.
    I know I'm lucky but my close friends are in bands, Mike and Adam from Anarbor, Dan and Max from You Me At Six, Jona from BMTH, Tom Sykes (okay not in a band but Oli's brother), and a few others, and it would have been nice to just see them and get tons of hugs.
    I love Alice In Wonderland, my parents brought the movie for me, I was so happy.
    I straighten it when I can but I get to shacky to straighten it.
    You know being quite can come in handy, like you tend to take more in.
    If I could be anywhere right now, I would either be with one my friends, or be outside in the middle of nowhere staring at the stars, wishing on all of them.
    Dying without falling in love, not making something of myself.
    One thing you need to do before you die?
    August 13th, 2010 at 09:08am
  • Katycakes

    Katycakes (100)

    United States
    Sort of, it was Warped Tour today, and I cried because I was missing Anarbor, and my friend had Slade call me and I cried even more, lol
    I hate cleaning too! It drives me Mad, like the Mad Hatter
    I love that kind of style :)
    I will I promise :)
    Well Style wise, I'm the girl when she goes out has to have a band shirt of some kind on, with tight jeans, and very different hair style. Personality, I'm the shy at first girl, but once you get to know her, she talks a lot. I also have deep blah personality, once you hurt me, I go down hill, and don't want to talk a peep.
    If you could do anything in this very moment in time, what would it be?
    August 13th, 2010 at 08:35am
  • Katycakes

    Katycakes (100)

    United States
    Speaking of cleaning my room I really need to do mine, my dad wants to get ready for next year. lol.
    That sounds like fun, who I bet it's a great outfit. I still haven't found mine for the test Monday.
    My day was mostly spent in bed and going to Wal-Mart lol.
    August 13th, 2010 at 08:02am
  • Katycakes

    Katycakes (100)

    United States
    Tell her I said thanks.
    How was your day?
    August 13th, 2010 at 07:40am
  • Katycakes

    Katycakes (100)

    United States
    Sorry hun I've been so out of it.
    I say Blue and Grey :)
    August 13th, 2010 at 07:28am
  • Katycakes

    Katycakes (100)

    United States
    I thought I answered but I didn't >.<

    Thanks Annie, and I'm slow because I'm editing pictures still.
    In other words your Switzerland.
    It will, I can feel it.
    Thank you so much! <3
    Yeah, tel them that, just sit and be mature about it. Trust me being mature gets you really far.
    Put your wallet by things you can't leave the house without, trust me after 30 days, it'll become a habit. :)
    I can't leave without my baby blanket, iPod, pillow, and my stuffed bear.
    Either, Bring Me The Horizon, The Maine, A Skylit Drive, Avenged Sevenfold, Paramore, or Good Charlotte.
    Favorite Youtube channel
    August 11th, 2010 at 10:06am
  • Katycakes

    Katycakes (100)

    United States
    Photos So Far:
    August 11th, 2010 at 09:06am
  • Katycakes

    Katycakes (100)

    United States
    I really hope you like them, I'm waiting for 20 or so more to upload.
    I'm sorry, I know what screaming is like, best I can tell you is, to say your sorry, and walk away, if it's your fault, if not, go to your room, and lay down, listen to music that calms you.
    Haha, that is a true music lover for you.
    Thats all I ask, no one else but me and Silje seem too.
    My mom is thinking about having my dad's co-workers wife Nicole tutor me for $15.00 an hour. :/
    My parents, never put a boundary for dating, but they can't be older then five years then me. I guess I'm lucky. But trust me, Annie, you don't need a boyfriend right now, just focus on school.
    That is a good one. I would have to say Red, because it is the color of romance, love, hate, anger, and death. I've gone through all of those, and it just screams me.
    I can't leave my house without my Wallett. It has everything in it.
    One thing you can't leave for vacation without.
    August 11th, 2010 at 09:02am