Happy Birthday Jimmy Sullivan!

It's after midnight now and I'm laying here trying to figure out what I could possibly say about a man who without knowing it touched my life for the better.I know I may have not become a fan of the band for awhile but there was always something about Jimmy that had me drawn to him and his style and him as a person.One of my greatest and most prominent memories that everyone knows is of him and...
February 9th, 2012 at 07:38am

Remembering 9/11: 10 Years Later

Not sure if anyone will actually take the time to read this but, I feel like I should talk about this considering tomorrow in my timezone will be 9/11. For those of you that might not be aware of it that day basically changed a lot of lives.Some lives were lost, some were saved but as a whole the whole country was rocked to its core. The twin towers fell, and the pentagon was attacked. Our men in...
September 10th, 2011 at 06:14pm

Black Lace Readers (sneak preview inside, click to read)!

I just really want to thank you all so much for all the support you have given me since I posted the first chapter. I don't get many comments on the story but I know that people are reading. If the ten stars aren't any sign enough, I don't know what it is.As a treat, I've decided to give you a sneak preview of a scene that will happen in a couple chapters or so. As you know my head is always...
August 29th, 2011 at 02:12am

It's been almost 3 years...

I hadn’t even realized how long it had been since I have been without my granny. On Christmas it’ll be three years. Most people think that’s probably not that long but really is. When it comes to a person who was always there everyday and you would visit and just hang out around with her. And talk about my day at school or just life. She was really the rock for my family and for me...
August 15th, 2011 at 09:11pm

Stop with the film remakes!

I’m annoyed with the hollywood film people…Stop trying to remake every old film. The originals are great, there is need to change them. More times than one will the people who watched the original will probably like the original more than your stupid remake.At first it was the old horror flicks like Halloween and Friday The 13th and those remakes were nothing compared to the originals and now...
August 9th, 2011 at 08:59pm


I always find myself in situation with guys that are always complicated. I don't even try to get into these things. It might be because I'm too nice and trusting but I don't like it.):It sucks. I just wish I could find someone to make me happy and not hurt me in some way. Why does everything have to be so complicated?I like simple, I just wish it could find me. Its tiring crying everytime I get my...
July 21st, 2011 at 01:42am


I've always been so open about being here for anyone that wants to talk and that goes the same way if you're being targeted by someone online.I've never truly got why people chose to harass and bully people over the internet, being anonymus at that. You never know what someone may be thinking at that moment when you say something horrible to someone.So, think before so you say something because it...
July 18th, 2011 at 04:33am

foREVer <3

8 months ago someone amazing left this world and I will never forget the impact he had and still has on my life. I could go on and on about how much I miss him and how many times I wish I would have gotten the chance to just tell him how much he changed my life but I won't.It hurts so much to know that I ever met the rest of the band that he won't be standing there smiling. It sucks and it makes...
August 29th, 2010 at 03:52am

Boyce Avenue Concert 6.30.2010

Last night brought on the greatest night of my life seriously. I don't usually say that about just any night but this one was definitely the greatest out of them all. For the people that read my story Every Breath you know that the title and the lyrics used in the summary are from the band I'm about to talk about it.I was very fortunate to go with one my best friends in the whole world to see...
July 2nd, 2010 at 01:41am