mackenzie. / Comments

  • munch

    munch (100)

    United States
    The Curtis force field is crucial to our existence!

    I feel so bad for him, he’s to amazing to have to deal with that crap. & Don’t talk like that! He shall forever keep his taste and smell. I hope. *curls up and cries* Not the toes!

    I see the light and the light tells me I’m right and you’re in denial. May god save your soul! Lmao

    Oh shush it. The update was far from shit! It was beautiful, that whole store is. It’s my favorite right now. And I wish I could update as fast as you. It’s pathetic how it takes me an entire week >.<
    July 12th, 2009 at 01:41pm
  • liam payne

    liam payne (100)

    United States
    hahaha curtis so would.
    he'd say all slowly, "oh...god...i'"
    :P ahahaha.

    HAHAHA, yes.
    oh my gosh. i was like, WTF IS HE DOING, HAHAHA.
    but oh my god, i saw that happy trail and was like,
    "i know what that leads tooo! weeeeeeeee!"
    heh heh heh...too weird?

    i can totally see oliver taking tom into the dark side and showing him his sexy ways to bring a girl to bed, ya know? like, "okay, tom, just smirk and act like you know it all and she'll be beggin to get in your pants."
    but eeeh. i mean, i think tom's cute and all, it's just his nose. his nose gets me so bad. it's so awkward! i mean, oliver's is kind of odd too, but it's not a bad odd, like tom's. you know? haha.

    and you'd be watching in the benches behind us, and you'd cry out, "NO!"
    and that very night you'd show up to his jail cell with a nailfile, and be all, "yo...curtis...i'mma get you outta this hell hole, man."
    :P hahaha. don't ask why you're talking like a gangster when you inform him of the planned escape. i don't know why either.
    July 12th, 2009 at 01:26pm
  • munch

    munch (100)

    United States
    Haha Yes! Curtis shall protect us all. Maybe he’s what’s protected me from the wrath of my teachers for all these years.

    Um. We’d find a really horrid movie and then force him to watch it! No, the eye problems… Crap this is starting to sadden me. We could always say go back or we will put you in the custody of your most rabid fan girl or throw fruit loops at you. No idea where the fruit loop thing came from. I’ve been up for almost twenty hours and I’m hungry lmao

    You’ve got that all wrong. I’m last on the list and you are first =)

    It’s 6am by me. I’m effed, oh well.
    July 12th, 2009 at 01:25pm
  • liam payne

    liam payne (100)

    United States
    hahaha, i can just imagine them glancing at one another and being like,
    and then walking away and being like, "...well that was rude, don' yeh think?"
    hahaha. i'd do the same, though. i'm sure they've gotten it before :P
    they probably don't even care. they look like they don't care about anything.
    well, at least everyone but curtis does. curtis looks all sensitive and cute :D
    OH MY GOD, i was watching part 2 of the interview and i saw his happy trail and i got...well...
    happy. hahhaa. :D

    seriously. i mean, i went on his flickr and he has all these pictures of girls and him and such and i'm just like, "what are you? the good sykes brother that everyone adores or are you secretly the bad sykes brother?"
    then i wonder, are they both bad? O.o cause that would suck.
    because they're both rediculously hot. so i mean, it would really just be a waste if they were both dickheads. but i'm sure they are :P

    oh my god. if curtis ward saved me...
    i'd rape him. yep. that's exactly what i'd do.
    i would rape him. even if i'm technically the illegal one.
    it'd be rad, because then if he brings me to court, i'd just be like,
    "me? but i'm so young! i'd never do such a thing!"
    and he'd say, "goddamn."
    and get arrested. heh heh heh...
    July 12th, 2009 at 12:50pm
  • munch

    munch (100)

    United States
    LMAO You’d get bottled or something. That or a bunch of people following you and chanting bring back Curtis. Either way I’m down with joining in!

    Em maybe force him to listen to Barbie girl instead? Or the emo song. God at one point I knew every word to that damned song >.<

    I am not in denial! Wait. Maybe we both are? D: & those random ideas happen to be genius!

    No worries, I wont tell you. But I must warn you I’m bad at keeping secrets. Haha I won’t say. And surprises are the devil.

    Yes! Together we’re basically god!
    July 12th, 2009 at 12:47pm
  • liam payne

    liam payne (100)

    United States
    hahaha, curtis is so cute! i watched it. :P
    but OH MY GOD. hahaha. i can barely understand what they're saying.
    i have to really concentrate to understand. especially when they mumble.
    and oliver tends to speak all loudly! and then go into this soft mumble.
    i bet if i met him in person, i'd be like, "okay, dude, wtf are you saying? SPEAK THE HELL UP!"
    but curtis's accent is the cutest, it's just the hardest to understand. :P even when he's speaking normally.

    hahaha, right?! i have like, four stories going on right now, two of them i barely update ever. i'm thinking about deleteing them o.0 heh.
    i want to write a curtis story too though. and a tom story.
    funny how i hate bmth, and yet, i'd love to write all these stories with boys that are related to them and are in the band. it's embarrassing. :P

    hahaha, damn fangirls.
    just let me fucking hug curtis!
    hahaha. i'm sure if i did, i'd like, faint in his arms.
    he'd be like, "wtf. uuuh..."
    and then just like, drop me. hahaha.
    wow, i'm so embarrassing. :P
    July 12th, 2009 at 12:32pm
  • liam payne

    liam payne (100)

    United States
    haha, right? god. girls write sex scenes and make them sound like, The Secret Life of the American Teenager.
    i hate that show with a burning passion.

    aw, why thank you!
    i think you're really nice too. and cool.
    i can actually have a conversation with you unlike a lot of the people on this site. haha.

    ohmygosh, every time i watch an interview with him in it (not often, haha. i don't care much to know about their shitty "SHE'S A WHORE, LET'S ALL DIE" screamo, metal whatever music. i've watched a few just to hear their accents :P) i squeal when he speaks.
    gosh, he's just so cute! so playful and funny. and adorable.
    i want to just squeeeeze him! but then i'd probably break him. and then i'd have like, a million fangirls on my ass screaming, "YOU FUCKING BROKE CURTIS, YOU BITCH."
    oh man, i'm letting my imagination get to me...
    July 12th, 2009 at 12:16pm
  • munch

    munch (100)

    United States
    That had me on the floor in a fit of laughter! But then they’d get another replacement and then we’d have to endure this madness all over. *sigh* We need to force Curtis back into bmth. Maybe a bribe? Bribes work for me haha & I’m about ready to make some anti Jona shirt, which is insanely cruel of me.

    Shush. You’re in denial about your epicenes and that’s okay. I’ll get you through it! lmao

    Yes! Then poor Irony would feel even worse because she’s so much more amazing than Oliver’s new gf. Makes for better drama ect.. though.

    Haha I already know how they’re going to get back together. Well more like what brings them back together actually <3

    The credits are necessary seeing as you are now my favorite person ever haha
    July 12th, 2009 at 12:11pm
  • liam payne

    liam payne (100)

    United States
    haha, right? i don't have a boyfriend currently, but hey, at least i know what goes down, you know?!
    and sure, i'm a virgin, but i still have enough knowledge to know what goes down even afterwards. haha.
    seriously, don't write sex scenes if you aren't going to write them properlyyy.

    haha, no, i'm totally being that one annoying girl who always whines about her looks and how ugly she is to get attention.
    even though i'm not trying to get attention. i just hate my looks and i don't want you to think i'm big-headed for making my own looks oliver's love interest, you know? haha.

    awww, yeah. i think i might just do something like that.
    oh my gosh, curtis. haha. he's totally the cutest boy of 'em all.
    i don't know why but i've always liked them insanely tall and skinny (complete opposite of me, funny how that works).
    and he's just...oh god. :D
    i hate that he's not in bmth anymore. but i hate their music anyways so i don't really care that much. hahaha.
    oh my gosh, i must sound so freaking lame now. :P ehhh.
    July 12th, 2009 at 11:57am
  • munch

    munch (100)

    United States
    I know, and as lame as it sounds he could always make me smile lmao

    I know one girl who sent him a message on twitter (I think it’s called tweeted, I don’t get twitter) and said how could you replace Curtis and he apparently said I’m sorry. What ever, he’ll still never be loved like Curtis was. Haha I’m so cruel. & I can't even say the dudes last name D:

    I wasn’t reading but I just stared to yesterday, and I need to get caught up D:
    I was thinking of having some romance between Irony and some dude but that wouldn’t fit because I did want her to have this numbness, like you said only you put it amazingly and made me realize that there needs to a more gloomy feel than what I originally wanted. (You are indeed godly) So I was thinking about a girlfriend for Oliver instead. I’ll have to talk to the co writer about that, I’m crap at making major decisions.

    & You do not suck at plots! Shut the fudge up lmao

    Ohh meaning those meetings with him weren’t real? Like I said, you’re godly. You’ve given me an insane amount of ideas. I’m going to have to credit you in the story haha
    July 12th, 2009 at 11:47am
  • liam payne

    liam payne (100)

    United States
    oh my gosh, right?
    it's crazy, hahaha.
    personally, i'd kiss my boyfriend the minute we realized we both liked each other. then i'd wait to have sex for at least six months.
    in these girls' stories, they're goin' at it faster than monkeys and are really sheepish at first. i'm just like, wtf. because that sooo happens in real life.

    haha, why thank you. but uuugh, trust me.
    i'm really ugly. haha. i don't really have anything special about me.
    but oh my gosh, your hair is amazing.
    i would love love love myself if i had hair like that.
    i've been trying to grow out my hair for a year.
    it's only grown three inches. it's killing me. hah.

    you know, i might just have him say that he's in love with her, but he just won't act upon it. and she'll be shocked and kind of taken back but everything will be mellow between them.
    i kind of want tom to be in love with amelia. but i don't know, i feel like it'd still be too cliche, even if nothing happened between them.
    July 12th, 2009 at 11:42am
  • munch

    munch (100)

    United States
    I nearly cried when I found out Jona was going to be in the band permanent. Then I had moved on for a second but then I remembered that interview and almost cried. Curtis is just too adorable. I’ll never get over him leaving Can we say pathetic? haha

    I just feel like she got over it all to fast. I mean, she’s still not back to her old self and chances are she never will until/unless she gets back with Oliver, but I still don’t know. & she dose need to start moving on sooner or later, I can’t have her all moppy for forever because then I’d get all moopy. Ugh rambling over.

    & thank you for the complements! I could marry you right now haha

    Ohh you mean if they were never even together? Dude that would have been epic! Can I borrow your brain? You might not get it back though haha
    July 12th, 2009 at 11:18am
  • liam payne

    liam payne (100)

    United States
    oh my dear gosh, i know. i hate those girls.
    and they base their whole stories of sex scenes and stufff.
    it's so nasty because they're all virgins and don't know shit. hahaha.

    haha, aw, why thank you.
    i honestly think i'm the ugliest thing to hit the planet.
    but thank you anyways. haha.
    i can see by the picture on your profile, you too are beautiful!
    gosh, your hair is gorgeous. i'm very envious of it.
    i'm currently trying to grow out my hair, ha.

    aaaah, me too. why does oliver have to be with a "scene" girl?
    it bugs me so bad that people do that.
    but the girl you have as christian is gorgeous. like, absolutely breathtaking.
    although, for some reason, i imagine christian with choppy red hair and brown eyes. i don't know why. haha.

    here's the problem: i don't know if i want amelia and tom getting closer than friends or not. it's kind of a problem.
    i write Words, Words, Words as i go on. just write a chapter then post it. i don't have it all planned out haha.
    so i don't know what's going to happen between amelia and tom after oliver and amelia get all close. i should probably figure that out.
    but i just don't want to have one of those cliche stories where the sykes boys are fighting over a girl and the best friends love each other, omg.
    it's laaaaaame, you know?
    July 12th, 2009 at 11:18am
  • liam payne

    liam payne (100)

    United States
    oh my gosh, i know.
    why does mibba have so many authors who write terribly?
    i mean, like seriously. they're grammar/spelling is either way off.
    or they write the most cliche things without an ounce of originality or spark of skill.
    it's sad.

    amelia is so boring! like, she's relateable, because she's pretty much me.
    (not gunna lie, those pictures of amelia are me. i just find it weird when people photobucket 'scene girl' and use a picture of some girl they find as the love interest so i was like, "okay, i'll use my own picture then take it off after i find someone suitable or something" but now i feel like if i take it off, i'm just being pussy and everyone's already seen it)
    but she's so whiny, whimpy and dull. i wish she was more like christian.
    but usually people with eating disorders keep to themselves and are cautious about everything they say/do. so she has to be very bland, ya know?

    oh my gosh. hahaha.
    christian is so funny.
    seriously, i'm lolling as i read your story. :P
    July 12th, 2009 at 10:55am
  • munch

    munch (100)

    United States
    BMTH Straight edge? Ha! I’m still laughing at the fact that Jona is straight edge. It just strikes me as odd that he is and happens to be in the band. It just doesn’t make sense because the others seem to love their booze.

    I get the same way. If I didn’t find a co author for Holiday I would have deleted. Writers block hit me so hard I almost fell over.

    Lmao Thank you! & I know. Soonnn haha
    July 12th, 2009 at 10:42am
  • liam payne

    liam payne (100)

    United States
    hahaha, oh my gosh, i hate it when i write a chapter then post it and think, "wait, what the fuck did i just post?" :P
    it makes me feel so stupid to the people who ended up reading it.
    but i bet it wasn't even that bad.

    haha, the story's kind of easy to write.
    i know a kid like how oliver is protrayed in my story.
    and we kind of have the relationship that oliver and amelia share.
    except without all the mushy feelings. and i don't have an eating disorder. :P
    so i mean, it just kind of rolls.

    haha, your main character is hilarious! i love her already. :P
    July 12th, 2009 at 10:41am
  • liam payne

    liam payne (100)

    United States
    haha, helll yes.

    kay, so i ain't gunna lie.
    i'm currently reading your story (like the first chapter)
    and i can already freakin' tell that you're an amazing writer.
    like, wtf.

    hahaha, and you're calling me a good writer?
    i swear to god, girl. you're crazy. :P
    your writing skills beat a lot of people on this site.
    July 12th, 2009 at 10:33am
  • liam payne

    liam payne (100)

    United States
    thanks so much for the story comment, i really appreciate it :]
    July 12th, 2009 at 10:26am
  • munch

    munch (100)

    United States
    Aw. Thank you! I am still a bit crazy though haha

    & yes to a sequel! Because chances are I’d cry if you didn’t do one, I’m just that lame lmao I’m the same, I just play it by year. I hate planning with a passion.

    Lies! You wouldn’t be the worst co author ever! You have way too much talent for that. And it’s creeping me out that I’m suddenly using exclamation points, and a lot of them at that. haha Anyway, if ever want to do a story with me just let me know <3
    July 11th, 2009 at 07:42am
  • munch

    munch (100)

    United States
    Mhm, the story would most likely be an epic failure if not for her. Lmao

    You should! It was my favorite story for the longest. Also, sequel happens to be my favorite word, well right after money. Haha & you should defiantly write a story about Curtis eventually <3

    I’m the same way, yet I always end up taking on multiple stories. Maybe one day I’ll learn to not take on more than one story lmao
    July 10th, 2009 at 11:38pm