Vampi23A7X / Comments

  • Lost Cause

    Lost Cause (100)

    United States
    Ooh, a Christmas concert. Sounds like fun. I never was one to do any kind of extracurricular activities, but I love hearing about them. I read them! THANK YOU!! I would have replied to them all, but I had a friend over and you know how things can get. Aw, hun, you didn’t have to rush! I haven’t been on long enough to post lately, so you had plenty of time. I will be updating LTWYL after this though, so get ready! lol. A female version? That does sound awesome! Haha, I’d love to see it! I saw your Elvis picture but I think I forgot to comment…If you do post that other one, let me know and I’ll comment them both at the same time!

    I think that’s just rude! I might forget sometimes (I have a HORRIBLE memory), but I’ll usually go back and correct it. Like on BERT, Sam gets credit for at least half of the ideas. lol. But I have thought of a way to bring in your idea later, and you’ll definitely get credit when the time comes. I only saw it the once, and now I’m waiting for it to come out on DVD. lol. My friend hates it when people talk during movies, but my cousin and I can’t resist laughing and talking. We tried to control ourselves for her sake though.

    When does your break start? Oh, I’m definitely enjoying the relaxing. My mind is completely empty, and I can’t even remember what two plus two is! lol. But you need to relax too; everyone needs a little R&R time. It sounds awesome! I’m glad you had a good time, except for the pushing part. Yall are having cold fronts too? Same here. I told my aunt the other day that something was seriously wrong; it is not supposed to be this cold in the south. Really? Well, that’s too bad. I always thought it’d be cool to walk around a science fair and see all the different experiments. My high school sucked and didn’t bother with things like that. Then again, I doubt very many people would have participated. That’s awesome!!! I love the Lion King XD

    YAY! I always feel better when I know that I’ve made someone smile! It’s nothing, hun, really! I’m happy to write one. I always try to write my closest friends on here a one shot when the holidays roll around. I’ve been too busy to do the Halloween and Thanksgiving ones, so I’m doing a group Christmas-shot for everyone this year! Frankie it is! I love Frankie, I really do. And I can’t wait to get the new MCR CD! I’m hoping I get a lot of Christmas money, because that’s what I’m going to get!

    So, how are you doing today? (Or tonight, whichever it is when you read this!)
    December 16th, 2010 at 03:19am
  • Lost Cause

    Lost Cause (100)

    United States
    Oh, it’s okay! We all gotta disappear some time, right? And take your time on the commenting! I know what it feel likes to get behind (I’m behind on several stories actually lol). I’ll try not to update until I get one of your awesomeness supercomments, that way you don’t have too much to read. TMNT? Awesome!!!! I love those guys! Michelangelo was always my fave, and it sounds like a kickass shirt!

    Of course you’ll get credit if I use your idea! It’s the only fair way to do things, you know? I know!!!! First Hedwig and then Dobby…my cousin is the one who got me back into HP (he made me see the 6th movie with him so he wouldn’t be alone, and I fell in love all over again). So we were cracking up and comparing the book to the movie the whole time. My friend is a fan, but she hasn’t read all the books. It was interesting :)

    I’m sorry you’ve been so busy, hun. I hope you get a chance to just kick-back and relax soon! But those concerts sound awesome! I’m glad you had a good time and got to see so many awesomeness people. I’m sorry about the asthma attacks though. Are you okay now? Oh! How’d the science fair go? My school has never had one, but I always thought they sounded like fun.

    PS: I want to write some Christmas-shots this year, and I was wondering if you wanted one? I’m thinking of doing a group of Christmas-shots (like “The Christmas Tree” that I wrote last year), and I was wondering if you wanted one? You can choose anyone that you want from any band, individuals, movie stars…I don’t care. It’s all up to you :)
    December 8th, 2010 at 05:26am
  • Lost Cause

    Lost Cause (100)

    United States
    Sorry, again, for disappearing. I’m taking a break from studying right now, so I’m finally replying to my comments. lol.

    Yes, supercomments! And you are a superhero XD

    You know, I really haven’t thought of that. I just thought Voldemort giving anyone a present would be creepy, but I really like your idea. Hmm…I guess we’ll have to wait and see if I use it. You’ll get full credit if I do though :)

    I finally got to see the new HP movie Saturday!!! I was so excited!! I went with my best friend and little cousin (I say little, but he’s about six inches taller than me lol). I absolutely loved it, because it was a lot closer to the book than some of the past movies have been. I cried when Dobby died, and I’m already counting down for the next movie.

    So, hun, how have you been?

    PS: I updated LTWYL Friday, but I haven't had any comments so far...did it show that it had been updated?
    December 6th, 2010 at 08:11pm
  • Lost Cause

    Lost Cause (100)

    United States
    Thanks for the story comment!! And don’t worry about missing an update, I posted them really close together, and your super-comment definitely made up for it! lol.

    You know, I haven’t thought much into the necklace but thanks for the idea!! Hmm…oh the possibilities. lol. Like I said, I love Lily so she was the obvious choice to find out Danika’s secret. And between me and you, I don’t like Damen either. And I’m glad you like the story!!!
    November 16th, 2010 at 01:13am
  • Lost Cause

    Lost Cause (100)

    United States
    I'm sorry I got so behind on our comment, hun. Do you mind just starting over? It's what I'm doing with everyone because my mind turned to mush and I've forgotten everything. lol.

    How have you been? Everything going alright in school?
    November 16th, 2010 at 12:53am
  • Lost Cause

    Lost Cause (100)

    United States
    Thanks for the story comment!! And I'm sorry I made you cry, but I cried a lot too so you weren't alone! lol.

    PS: I'll try and reply to our comment soon XD
    November 1st, 2010 at 02:48pm
  • Lost Cause

    Lost Cause (100)

    United States
    Well, BPWC has been updated!!! “Aww” seems to be the most common response. lol.

    Oh, okay. Yeah, my high school was super broke too. Some of the elementary grades didn’t have textbooks, so they had to use print-outs. We still had a football field…So I think that means my school cared more about sports than academics. I think everyone changes over time, so it only makes sense for us to change from when we were little to now. I’m pretty good with some history facts, but I’m horrible with names and dates. Those always kill me on tests. Your school actually has a drama department? Sweet!! Mine didn’t, but I’m taking it next semester. I’m sure it’ll turn out just fine, hun XD And take your time! There’s no rush.

    I think I like the feeling of being afraid sometimes, you know? That whole rush of adrenaline thing. And I’ve been watching scary movies since I was a real little, so they don’t bother me like they do some people. There was only one movie that scared me as a kid, the Leprechaun. Now I can look at him and laugh, but when I was about 4…yeah, I’d run from the room screaming. lol. Johnny Depp is my fave actor of all time. Okay! Yeah, I was seriously paranoid for a few nights after that. I haven’t heard it lately though. I wouldn’t have gone back to the school for at least a week! lol. It sounds like he deserved to get fired, so good riddance! YAY! Classes are always so much better when you have a good teacher.

    PS: I’m glad I made you laugh! Seriously, that’s what popped into my head when I was told that was where my cousin was going for her honeymoon. Yeah, we’ll definitely stay in touch. We’ve been through too much together to just completely drift apart. I told her if he gets stationed in California, I’ll be in her driveway on the first day of my summer vacation. lol. I know my husband won’t be perfect. He’ll have to be crazy to put up with me in the first place! Really? Me neither! I couldn’t remember all the states if my life depended on it. lol.

    I’ve just always loved that name. Well, Misfit and Alaska. Those are my two faves. Do you have any? Little cousins usually are entertaining and adorable. The cousin I live with (she’ll be 8 in December) talks like a grown-up 98% of the time, and it’s just the cutest thing sometimes.
    October 14th, 2010 at 11:38pm
  • Lost Cause

    Lost Cause (100)

    United States
    Thanks again, hun! And I hope you liked today’s update XD

    You don’t have a football team? Huh…I think every school here has a football team. But that’s mainly because the people here can’t live without it. I made a HUGE change from then to now. I’m glad I changed though. I feel much more “me” this way. I suck at remembering most things, especially the important things. I can remember random unimportant stuff though. My mind is so messed up. lol. OMJC, my math teacher tried to make us do that grid thingy! I sucked at it sooo bad. It was truly horrible. Awesome! I’d love to see it :)

    I actually love horror movies. It’s gotta be scary or funny for me to go see it, or have Johnny Depp in it. lol. The Human Centipede? I saw a preview for that, and it looked creepy as hell. I’ll probably wind up watching it. Let me know how good it is, okay? They’re everywhere! And now there’s something in our walls (if you read the update for BERT, it’s mentioned in the author’s note). Oh wow, your teacher was…I didn’t know teachers were allowed to say that!

    PS: I know, right? Husband: Let’s go to Panama City for a romantic honeymoon! Wife: Yeah…I want a divorce. Yeah, I can see that happening. lol. Thank you! I’m excited and happy for her, but it sucks that she’s going be moving away. He’s a Marine, so they’ll move to wherever he gets stationed. I’ve thought about it a few times, but I can never picture my future husband. It’s too scary. lol. Haha, awesome! I know Latvia and Finland, and that’s about it (horrible memory, you know?).

    Thanks! I love Misfit. Maybe I’ll name my daughter that if I ever have one… AWW! I just love that…King of Crap. Well, winning doesn’t really matter to me, but thanks!
    October 7th, 2010 at 12:05am
  • Lost Cause

    Lost Cause (100)

    United States
    Thanks for the story comment!!!

    I know!!! The whole chapter made me go “Aww!” while I was writing it. Haha, my little cousin talks just like that and she’s seven now. It’s the cutest thing ever. And thank you for reading the one shot!! I entered it in a contest, but it’s something that I had been wanting to write for a while.
    September 30th, 2010 at 02:15am
  • Lost Cause

    Lost Cause (100)

    United States
    Oh, hun, you don’t know how happy reading that made me!! I’m glad you like my stories so much.

    There’s only the general sports at my old high school: football, basketball, volleyball, baseball/softball, and cheerleading. It’s a weird picture if you can compare the me now to the me then. Now I’ve got reddish brown hair, on the pale side, and I like darker colors. Back then my hair was kinda blonde, I was tan, and almost preppy-ish. Huge change. Grr…I hate PE. I hope you can stop taking it soon!! That’s what everyone keeps telling me, but I have practiced. I’m just not that good at it. Oh well. We all have different talents, right? Ooh, that sounds awesome! I’m sure your picture will turn out wonderfully! Let me know how it goes!

    It would be horrible, and me and my friends would probably be there to watch it. For some reason, we always have to see the creepiest movies when they come out. We went and saw The Last Exorcism a few weeks ago actually… Yep, the big nasty wasps. One of them even flew in my hair and I freaked out. My poor papa (my uncle) is the only one who ever hears me scream for some reason, and he always runs in because he’s afraid someone’s going to break in the back door. Damn! Those spiders are out to get you! About two years ago, our math teacher played a trick on one of the guys in our class. He was one of those redneck guys, but he was deathly afraid of spiders. So when he fell asleep in class one day, the teacher put a fake spider on the desk right next to his hand before waking him up. He screamed bloody murder and fell out of his desk. Oh, that was a wonderful day! lol.

    PS: Verrrry romantic. I think I’d rather just stay at home. lol. HAHA, niiice! My best friend is actually getting married this December. I’m the maid of honor. As for me getting married…definitely not going to happen any time soon. I do wonder what my husband will be like sometimes, then I remember that he’ll be insane if he decides to marry me and I’ll stop thinking about it. Same here!! The European countries are a must!
    September 28th, 2010 at 10:32pm
  • Lost Cause

    Lost Cause (100)

    United States
    You’ll just have to wait and see…

    Really? Cool! We never had soccer at my high school, but they have it at my college. Yeah…I was a cheerleader. Most of my friends didn’t believe me when I told them, but I’ve got a picture to prove it. A picture that mostly stays hidden…We had to take PE up until tenth grade, and it sucked sooo bad. Then I got stuck in there again my eleventh grade year, but that was because there wasn’t another class for me to go. I’m sure your art skills are grrrreat! Mine, on the other hand, are horrible. I’m in an art class now, but you don’t have to be good. You just have to understand the project and at least try.

    I can just see the movie title now…KILLER TICKS!!! They can be on your toes or in your hair, they’re everywhere!!! Yeah, that sounds like something that would freak me out. I can’t stand bugs. I’m literally paranoid them. One of the doors in my room leads outside, so little bugs sneak in all the time. I’ve had five wasps in my room in the past two weeks. Spiders are okay, as long as they’re not on me.

    PS: Where I’m from, most people just go to Panama City Beach for their honeymoon. Real romantic, right? So I’d be happy with Hawaii or pretty much anywhere else. I’m not picky. But I still want to see Finland one day. And London, and Italy, and Spain…you get the point. lol.
    September 25th, 2010 at 01:22am
  • CoolWhip48

    CoolWhip48 (100)

    United States
    Boo! I love Vanilla Coke! XD
    Anyways, yeah, it's funny when all the kids are doin' something else on the computer when the teacher isn't paying attention.
    September 22nd, 2010 at 01:58am
  • CoolWhip48

    CoolWhip48 (100)

    United States
    Oh my Gosh; I'm not the only person that actually sits and plays that game!
    I feel a little less nerdy! XD
    Anyways, I'm kinda thirsty, so I'm gonna get me a Vanilla Coke. Totally addicted to those things...So good. <3
    September 22nd, 2010 at 01:20am
  • CoolWhip48

    CoolWhip48 (100)

    United States
    Isn't "The Powder Game" with the stick figures or whatever and you can set them on fire or drown them in water? XD
    If so, I've played that and it cracks me up!
    September 22nd, 2010 at 12:50am
  • CoolWhip48

    CoolWhip48 (100)

    United States
    Dude, that's weird...I translate random words on Google Translator when I'm bored too! XD

    That's funny!! And thanks; I'm flattered. Anyways, listening to music now...Tryin' to think of something to do...Hmmm...I might start workin' on a story or somethin'.

    Does that sound like a good idea or no?
    September 22nd, 2010 at 12:34am
  • CoolWhip48

    CoolWhip48 (100)

    United States
    Seriously. I can never find anything fun to do. I guess that's why I like Mibba so much; there's always awesome people to talk you, like yourself! ;D

    And thanks, hon; I think Liana is a cute name too! ^_^
    September 22nd, 2010 at 12:19am
  • CoolWhip48

    CoolWhip48 (100)

    United States
    I'm Noelle. ^_^
    And yeah, the new kids at school need love too! XD
    "I Love The 80's", huh? Sweet.

    I'm listening to The Used and surfin' the net for nothin' in particular. Talkin' to my peeps on Mibba...You know, hangin' out...XD
    September 22nd, 2010 at 12:05am
  • CoolWhip48

    CoolWhip48 (100)

    United States
    I'm doin' great, new friend; thanks for askin'! XD
    Don't you just love talking to new people?! It's awesome!
    Anyways, what are you up to?
    September 21st, 2010 at 11:58pm
  • Lost Cause

    Lost Cause (100)

    United States
    Haha, you never know! I might let Matt have one more good smack ;)

    I definitely have to be in the mood for sports. I never played on any teams, except for way back in my 5th grade year. That was my most active year—cheerleading (the horror!!) and softball. Ugh, I would NEVER choose PE for an elective! That’s just asking to die. I’ve always hated PE, and our gym at my old high school never had a working air conditioner. We had two big fans that worked every now and then. Sweet! What kinds of things do you like to draw? I’ve always loved looking at art works and stuff, but I’ve never been able to draw really good.

    I can’t imagine having one on my toe. Poor toe… Wow, talk about irony. I guess it was just the bug’s time to go. I don’t usually kill bugs, unless they’re in my room. Except for spiders. I have no problem with spiders because they kill all the other bugs.

    PS: My cousin went to Hawaii for her honeymoon, but Hawaii is just so overrated, you know? And I’ve always wanted to see Finland too. So, awesome choice!
    September 21st, 2010 at 05:51am
  • Lost Cause

    Lost Cause (100)

    United States
    Thanks for the story comment, hun!

    Yeah, Matt was an ass just for another girl. It's like one big messed-up circle.
    September 17th, 2010 at 02:53am