bowties are cool. / Comments

  • oh, god, i'm a terrible person, but this is too funny. everyone i know is like, "have you seen it?!"
    watch it if you need a laugh.

    also this:
    what's going on here? i can't believe curtis went to work for top gear. some things are too weird. but i'm sort of okay with the change, at least i can understand what the fuck oli's SAYING some of the time. :)

    plus this:
    i can't stop listening to this. but wtf is up with josh franceschi's new hair. it kind of makes me want to beat him with a hair straightener. kind of. i hope it involved some sort of accident/prank/bet with an electric razor, whereas he had to shave half of his hair off. the twat.

    that's pretty much all my news. i mean, i haven't seen anyone except like, my best mates. i've spoken to people on msn and facebook, obviously, but that so doesn't count. for christmas i had to do the whole families thing. and new years i just tried my best to get drunk on red wine. i didn't. or at least not drunk enough. :/ how was yours?

    and some so called mates are fucking up my life, as in not inviting me or two of my best mates to parties or concerts anymore. i have no fucking clue what's going on there, except this girl they started hanging around with hates me. so i think it's obvious what's going on there. when i missed a gig last week a lot of people i know were all "what happened?". it fucking sucked, they thought i didn't go on purpose or some shit. so yeah, that's most of my life down the shitter. :) i have to actually organise things for myself now, and find out what's going on. so no social life. yayyy. :( my electric guitar and i are currently best friends. my mum yells at me when i pay bmth riffs, especially chelsea smile. but what does she want from me? you have to play it loud, with lots of crunch. this is the teletubbies theme song. :)

    also, i of course have a new object of my affections, but he's my cousin's (i see most of my whole family everyday, everybody on my mum's side lives in my town) best mate, and my cousin has banned us from dating. whether to protect me or his friend, who knows. but that just makes it more exciting, so it's totally on there. :)

    how about you? and omigod, how's it going with... jake? i will be seriously embarrassed if i get this wrong. :L

    did you see the big fat quiz of the year 09, btw? "i know my laugh sounds like a seal being molested. please ignore that."


    oh, and UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE. please? :)
    January 9th, 2010 at 09:50pm
  • i love you. i'm sorry i forgot that for while. and i'm seriously sorry for how long it's been since we've last spoken, i'm actually going through shit right now you wouldn't even believe. this has been the worst few months of my life. but it totally shouldn't involve you, and usually i can keep all that shit seperate, but every time i came on here, i couldn't think what to tell you. i think it's better if you don't know. i'm almost through the worst of it anyway.

    so how are you? i haven't seen you in so long, it's really has made me realise that you ARE one of my best friends, effy. and you aren't getting rid of me that easy. :) and your best friend is gay? i love when that happens! it's so nice she told you. people keep coming out to me, i swear to god, it's like i'm some sort of homosexual magnet. i have literally been in social relapse, though, so i have zero news. except it's snowing so much here, it's ridiculous. it's fun to watch people fall over from the window. :)

    "what with barbie here being ree-diculously book smart to the point where she has almost no interpersonal skills, and you being warm and cuddly as an unpotty trained labradoodle and about as useful in high-stress medical situations as an un-potty trained labradoodle, *together* the two of you make one barely passable doctor. slash labradoodle."
    January 9th, 2010 at 04:06am
  • "you seem unhappy. i like that."

    are you just side stepping the whole panic thing? seriously? i was the saddest i've been since my fish died when i found out. and that's not a metaphor. oh, that's a lie. i almost cried when i heard michael jackson died. and i don't DO crying.

    they're touring with blink this year [who better come to ireland, or i'll seriously be set to kill someone] and i wanted to make a "ryan ross: please eat a sandwich" sign. i cannot believe this. :( but that's kind of the only reason. their new album suckeddd.

    you have to be sixteen to get anything pierced. really, eighteen is the age to be, they won't let you do anything before that. and even then there's nothing. you can just do nothing drunk. LEGALLY. yawn.

    music change? why, whatcha into these days? please tell me you still like the mystery jets. 'cause i just won't know who you are anymore. O_O sounds coolidge :3 i focking love topshop. but i'm less of the gold stuff, and more of the clashing colours/skinny jeans/cartoon decorated flat peak turned to the side. :) i'm, uh, not very cool. :D

    OMIGOD. did you. you deleted your stories. oh, effy COME ON. you coulda just left 'em up! aw, sad times. :'(

    oh, that's never good. so stuff is cool with jake now anyway? it's hard not to flirt with people when you're "in a relationship" [i use that phrase loosely concerning myself]. the hot ones are only around when you're with someone =/ i was dating a guy for a while a few weeks ago, but it's totally over. he was SERIOUSLY funny, though, so we're still mates. :) i think we were too alike. O_O

    i know you're being patronizing, but i'm going to hold you to that. you will be recieving your pair of flippers within 2-3 weeks. so there.

    you will actually have the best laugh, we went to that huge one in dublin a while ago. we all bought balloons while adam flirted with every teenage boy within a four mile radius. it was a good day. :3 rory regretted going though, he just kept cowering into anna every five seconds. he's sixteen for god's sake, all he had to do was say he was straight.

    NO MORE SMOKING. it killed my father, and raped my sister. :'(

    ughhh, i cut all my hair off. MISTAKE. =/
    July 14th, 2009 at 02:21am

    sad times. :(
    July 8th, 2009 at 06:32pm
  • molly: show me a guy who wants to get married, has a good job - and it's like snoozeville for me. but if you know a 35-year-old who still lives at home with his mom and he still thinks his band can make it - tell me where to meet him so I can buy him dinner.

    i can't take credit for that one, i looked it up so i could put it on my bebo. it's totally theme of the week. XD

    omg, super coolidge! they are so hot. we're not actually old enough to get them done but three of my mates have lip piercings, nearly all of them have nose studs and most of them have their hair dyed. i'm the only one who hasn't done, like, any of that stuff. :(

    dude, i fockin' love The Lost Prophets! and Reel Big Fish! i'm not a massive Paramore fan though. she's a bit of a whingy bitch, but she sure can sing. XD

    effy, it's times like these i'm just not satisfied with our internet relationship. you needed to be there for this concert we went to the other night! it was SUCH good times, and i know you would have loved it. ughhh, it's such bad times you're all the way in england. :(

    uh oh. issues aren't good. is it "stop looking at that girl issues" or is it "it's that time of the month please fuck off home" issues? still, it doesn't matter. it'll all be over once you get a lip ring, because they totally make kissing hotter.

    chyeah, new obsession. you can listen to some of their shit here,, and you're supposed to be able to buy their EP anywhere in ireland, but no such luck. fuck it, i'll find it eventually.

    so what's the sceal with you? my summer was going great until my mates decided to have a civil war, so i am so sick of teenage girls and boys. when we went to the concert me and two of my best mates just cleared off to flirt with the band members. so funny, because they're all in their twenties and they thought we were muuuuch older... XD anyway, gimme the goss. you bored? is it hot there? it's hot here. :D
    June 29th, 2009 at 10:59pm
  • are you kidding me? tilt your head to the left is all over my bebo. :D

    elliot: janitor, tell turk carla's starting to push.
    janitor: okay. [to turk] your baby has a tail.
    turk: i told her to stay away from the microwave!

    non of my mates have jobs, we're actually like a pack of poor rich bitches. XD ooh, that's a lie. one works in superquinn, and we stopped in just to piss her off once. we got kicked out. yayyy.

    lucky. all mine are from penney's. i'm so poor... i have now limited myself to only going to concerts under a tenner. too roysh, because they're all little awesome irish bands trying to make it. some are funny, some are really focking good.

    have you heard of the shower scene? eoghan sounds like super old school patrick stumph, they're pretty amazing. and because they're really new they just take pictures with anyone. we met them at the dart station once, too. we're that cool. :D

    :( i have fifteen friends and i thought i was doing really well... XD

    no, you don't. you look cute, like you just saw... a puppy or something. i don't know. :D
    June 15th, 2009 at 12:17am
  • JD: dr cox, guess what. i pulled some strings and got the parking space right behind yours! bumper buddies!

    we just have, like, a million tescos populated by knackers and old people. who knows why. and of course carmel's, your trusty corner shop. many a teenage rendevous has happened outside carmel's. XD

    unfair! we only have girls who think they have an individual style when really it just doesn't go. they always have cool unmatching accessories, though. :D

    mr. duvall: did your teacher ever try to sell you marijuana or ecstasy tablets?
    aaron: no.
    boy: what are marijuana tablets?

    XD gets me every focking time.

    i am SO addicted to Top Gear.
    hammond: which would you rather, the car or the puppy?
    girl: aww!
    boy: ...
    hammond: you better say the puppy, mate.

    happy late birthday, by the way! was it good times? and aww! you look so pretty in you userpic! :3
    June 11th, 2009 at 10:45pm
  • Elliot: Janitor, have you ever looked at yourself and wished you were different in every single way?
    Janitor: nah... i'm a winner.

    are you ACTUALLY SERIOUS? even i know the moon is the back of the sun. jesus.

    call up every morrisons in bath, sure. "hi, does, uh, effy's mum work here?"

    i LOVE urban outfitters! i'm keeping the one in dundrum open, to be honest. i even bought those voodoo dolls they have for my mate's birthday's. it's focking EVERYBODY'S birthday in the summer. three people have had a birthday in the last month and a half!

    totally apart from mean girls.
    "nice wig, janice, what's it made of?"
    "your mom's chest hair!"

    "we made her face smell like feet."

    "do either of you have a pink shirt?"

    XD "i love... lamp."

    i know, i never catch it on the BBCs. yay for Dave. :D
    June 5th, 2009 at 10:03pm
  • omigod. i found this picture on my mate's bebo and just HAD to put it up. it was from the day we stole an election poster, and everyone thought katii and i'd be arrested so they walked on the other side of the street, but we made it home just carrying it out in the open. the hilarious thing is that i actually know that guy, he lives two streets up from me. vote sinn fein, chyeahhh.

    "rossa murray. what a ride." XD
    June 2nd, 2009 at 01:43am
  • dr cox: what with barbie here being ridiculously booksmart to the point where she has almost no interpersonal skills and you being as warm and cuddly as an unpotty-trained labradoodle and about as useful in highstress medical situations as an unpotty-trained labradoodle, together the two of you make one barely passable doctor... slash labradoodle.

    i totally already know. so cool. B) it played like a scene in my head, from me and you arguing with each other at the concert all the way to brendon's worldwide search for tessa. and about a three million girls, none of them actually named tessa, showing up. XD

    you can't REMEMBER?! lucky you're already in then, isn't it?

    "so shhh". like i'm going to tell her. XD i'll just get on a plane, land in england and wander around bath all, "... effy's mum?"

    really?! you'll probably have to get a summer job or some shit, though. at least, i would have to. it teaches "responsibility". what the hell does that even mean? "you'll enjoy more if you pay for it yourself." we both know i won't!

    you totally read my mind. his hair is so adorable i kind of want to cry a little. my mum would. and awww. how cute is he?! :D

    OMIGOD. i cannot believe i didn't get that! i focking love anchorman!

    discovered by the germans in 1904, they named it san diego, which of course in german means "a whale's vagina".
    no, there's no way that's correct.
    i'm sorry, i was trying to impress you. i don't know what it means. i'll be honest, i don't think anyone knows what it means anymore. scholars maintain that the translation was lost hundreds of years ago.
    doesn't it mean saint diego?
    no. no.
    no, that's- that's what it means. really.
    agree to disagree.

    thanks. they're betty boop. ;D

    mock the week reruns. lol.
    "has anyone ever rang up a sex line?"
    "why... why would you think now would be the time we'd want to share that?!"
    "well, i have before, and uh, i was caught by my mum-"
    "why, was she- 'i know this voice!'"
    June 2nd, 2009 at 01:34am
  • turk: and never use elliot for your kissing demonstrations ever again.
    the todd: *sniffs* something horrible just happened.

    i use that line a lot on people. like i even give a fock about knackers. XD

    "well, she says she loves ME, so hah."
    "dude, she's not even real."
    "so? she still loves me, not you."
    "um yeah, but if she actually was real, she'd love me, not you. you look like a girl."
    "yeah, well everyone thinks your beard makes it look like something crawled on your face and died!"
    "well you're married!"
    "oh, shittt."

    yeah, making someone cry. sounds like a riot XD my mum's cries at anything. movies, books, tv ads if they're soppy enough.

    omigod! and you don't even have to do a language to get into college! ughhh! languages are my worst subject. if i could just do math, english, art and history I'D be on the focking easy street.

    coolidge, camping with my mates! we always just crash at my mate's house when her parents are out, 'cause they're pretty chilled about that kind of thing and would probably just give out to us, but not tell our parents or anything. the lads always tell their parents they're all at each other's houses. my mum would probably ground me for the rest of my life if she knew i was with boys after dark. XD

    you feel so sorry for them, because they bullied for it when they're younger, but THEY don't care themselves. when they're older it's totally different.

    LOL. driver's licence! and heyyy, that's reminds me, how is jake?

    yogging? i actually have absolutely no clue what you did there. is it something really obvious? i feel stupid. >.<

    my profile picture. in my focking pyjamas for chrissake. XD

    the walk felt like daysss. one of my mates and i finished years after everyone else XD. it was like, six miles, though! i may not look fat, but it's all a trick of the mind. i'm actually dangerously unhealthy.
    June 1st, 2009 at 01:16am
  • XD
    carla: turk, it was just like we bumped lips. here, i'll show you with elliot.
    the todd: *sniffs* somewhere, something wonderful just happened.

    "brendon, who the fuck is tess?"
    "dude, i have no idea."

    how cute is this song?

    yeah, lucky yous. ;P i take.... nine subjects, i think. irish, english, spanish, art, science, PE [well, not if i can help it], geography, history and math. i think that's it. and omigod, three months of holidays! my mate's dad is letting her and i use his recording studio for the whole summer, too, so we were there all yesterday messing around with different songs, burning off a few tracks. katii's mum was like "you should send it into virgin records!" lol. oh, tracy... it's so fucking hot here, too. what's it like in england?

    i know, right? and they're always really childish and stuff, even when their teenagers. there's a girl in my year and she's extremely overweight. like, this-one-time-she-broke-a-chair-overweight. everyone laughed, but i felt really sorry for her, and then felt seriously angry at her parents. like, who just LETS that happen?!

    you're shitting me! happy early birthdayyy! i feel so young... what can i give you as a present, though? i may have an idea.... ^_^

    okay, i have to leave for the women's mini marathon in like... ten minutes ago. oh, shittt.
    May 31st, 2009 at 03:05pm
  • elliot: i just want you to think of your uterus as a tube of toothpaste, and you're just trying to squeeze out all that minty fresh gel, but instead of minty fresh gel inside, there's a little black baby.

    vegetable oil? that's throwing caution to the wind a bit, isn't it?
    "what about sun induced cancer?"
    "... but look how brown i am!"

    what you really need is to have another person hold up a sign saying "tess loves you, RYAN", and for those two people to have a big argument. it's a little more intriguing that way.. XD

    oh dear. good luck! xD mine start TOMORROW. ahh. the irish education system is one of the hardest in the world, did you know that? harder than yours, and america's. probably put together. but i think that's not very fair, because that doesn't exactly live up to our stereotype, now does it? xD

    oh, god. i'm watching this thing on obese children. it's so sad i think i might cry if i don't turn it off right now.
    May 17th, 2009 at 03:04pm
  • Elliot: Janitor, tell Turk that Carla's starting to push.
    Janitor: Okay. Your baby has a tail.
    Turk: Man! I told her to stay away from the microwave.

    omigod. a bike. that's hot. and aww... he better be worth it. XD

    oh, that sucks. i've never been burnt, but i never get a tan either. my skin just goes from yellow to gold. fuckin' weirdest skin EVER.

    yeah. we swore we'd go in some day [even if there wasn't a concert on] and bring a "marry me" sign. and we're making another "take it off" for when go:audio comes back in october, of course. XD or perhaps the "marry me" one...

    yours is better one more time than you can EVER sayyy. ;P we use to play that game ALL the time when we were younger, to see who said it first. because even if someone else says one more time than YOU can ever say after you say it first, you've still said it one more time than one more time than they can ever say, even if they've said it one more time than you could ever say. or something. my brain hurts. yours is just better, okay?

    dude i am SO bored right now. we start our exams next monday, and i haven't studied at ALL this year. i am FUCKED. still not studying though. whatcha gonna do?
    May 14th, 2009 at 11:52pm
  • Phoebe: We should go help them!

    Rachel: I- I don't think they need any help.

    Ross: Aghh-!

    wowww. sounds like a total sexpot! and oh. my. god. i think that, too. i mean, where the fuck are they? and lol. yay for randomness.

    teenage wolverine? it's like a challenge. XD

    at least you're a NORMAL [albeit pale XD] colour. i swear, one hundred percent irish on both sides, and my skin is YELLOW. what. the. fuck.

    i know. it's like 'who ARE you?'

    lol! XD classic. first, are you a virgin, THEN are you single. and same! except the knacker didn't really understand my mate was making fun of her. she just copied her in a weird accent. english or something. xD after everything she said we kept making her repeat it, or asking each other what she said, just to see how long we could get away with it. anna started it, and then everyone kind of caught on. xD

    oh, when we went to the concert, we brought a sign. especially of james matthews, of course. i'll have to put it up as my profile pic, fucking HILARIOUS. we kept shouting it at people, but we only got four guys to lift up their shirts. we showed it to the gardai, but they started laughing. at least they couldn't arrest us for anything, anyway. xD

    "TAKE IT OFF."

    and shuddup. yours is better, now be quiet.
    May 12th, 2009 at 11:26pm
  • oh, god, same. today we were all hanging out in the field behind our shcool at lunch [even the boys, strictly forbidden. :O rebel or whattt? XD], and someone played it on their iPhone. and Shake It. and Dance Dance, of course. And Billie Jean. man, we're sad.

    anyway, we ended up freaking out these first years [i know we have comepletely different school systems and blahh, but they tend to be about thirteen. or something XD] who were trying to sneak out to the field, too.
    they were all OMGGG. "run, firsties, run for your lives!"


    "What move would you have used next?"
    "What? Me, as the attacker?"
    "Yeah. See, I tried attacking these two women-"
    "What? You were attacking two women?"
    "No, no. They're my friends. In fact, one of them use to be my wife."
    "You attacked your ex wife?!"
    "Oh, no no no. TRIED to attack her. Maybe we could attack them together?!
    That's a no..."

    lol! no. frickin'. waay. my dad's name is Derek. ... don't ask, i don't even know... XD

    yeah. of course. and i know! i left you comment on your storyyy, 'cause i thought that'd make more sense... maybe not XD

    you kid me SO. your Paolo Nutini one shot is waaaay better. man, he can light MY sex on fire any day.
    ... i'd like to tell you now i'm relatively hyper. this is my above average weirdness right here. XD

    omigod. not smoking in the smoking area. you rebel, you. XD TELL ME ABOUT JAKE. i just realized i don't really know anything about him. at all. the story was ajust a spur of the moment thing, i dunno. i'm a bit rusty, i haven't written in a while. but ANYWAY. tell me everything. NOWWW.

    i seriously need a boyfriend, but there is NO ONE IN THIS TOWN. sweet jesus on a bike, there is no one in the town...

    psh. if i have holes in my tights i call it fashion. XD other people still call me poshie though. i'm like "HELLO? just because you aren't a tinker doesn't mean you're a poshie. i have holes in my tights for cryin' out loud!"

    oh, there was these two girl knackers on the same carriage as us on the dart the other day, and one of them started talking to us [there was like eight of us, though, so i'd like to see them try and steal our money]. she was like "dat skirr's very shorrr." and my mate was like "okay." in this really patronizing tone of voice. i don't think she understood though.

    she just kept asking questions. she asked about her tights, and whether she was wearing shorts underneath her skirt. another of my friend's was like "i thought she was going to ask you to show her!" XD she even asked "are yeh a virgin?" omigod, we were all like "YES! wtf is WRONG with you?!" XD
    May 12th, 2009 at 12:40am
  • i wrote you a one shot! it's rubbish, but it's 'specially for you! :D
    May 11th, 2009 at 08:33pm
  • i always reply "she's gay, i'm just lonely..." XD

    nope. nysnc's my hidden obsession. "ain't no lie, baby, bye bye bye..." my mate had an iphone, and she started playing Pop in Eddie Rockets. We just started dancing right there in the bathroom. XD

    *Babara-ann, take my hand...*

    Oh, my god, i know! it's like, is anyone's dad NOT named Clive, for chrissake?! XD

    umm... i'd rather not. XD
    OMIGOD. YOU ARE SO LYING. HURRY UP, HURRY UP! this is nailbiting anticipation right here. and... now i need to pee. ... XD
    one of my mates throws a fit if you say piss. like, seriously. another won't allow you to call a dart a train.
    there's something wrong with my mates.
    May 11th, 2009 at 12:24am
  • we got to an all girls school, and it's the sin of the world if you're gay. even though there's stuff all over the bathroom which MUST have been written by knackers and is pretty... well, gay. XD i was holding my friend's hand the other day in the canteen [i don't know, we were afraid we'd get lost or something... XD] and there were these two knackers sitting on the table next to us. when we walked past all you could hear was "dey're 'oldin' 'ands!" she was actually TERRIFIED. like homosexuality is an infectious disease or something. XD

    no. no they don't. there's also a boyzone video in our cupboard, which my sister swears isn't hers... XD

    Turk: Not in front of the Devil Woman...!
    that's all i could think of. i'm drawing a quote blank over here... XD

    XD i NEVER tell my mum ANYTHING. she doesn't mean to, but she says EVERYTHING. and also... it's MY mum. XD i love my mate's mum, though. if you don't have tracy's mobile number in your phone, you're just not cool.

    LOL. i noticed the very first time i watched it.
    "i know."
    May 10th, 2009 at 09:54pm
  • i have two gay friend, and one bisexual friend. our town is so small that NO-ONE else except close friends can know this information. there is a massive risk of getting the shit kicked out of them by knackers... shame, really.

    my mum has BOYZONE in her car. oh, the shame...

    Laverne: Hm-mm.
    Elliot: His butt?
    Laverne: Mm-hm.

    LOfrickin'L. my mate and i were hanging around tesco one day, and saw this TOTAL hottie with red hair. it was an unbelievably naturally cool red, too. anyway, we were discussing him [whilst shopping for glowsticks, of course] and his red hair. we were in fits because we were comparing him this guy we know with a completely different type of red hair, Lewis. And Lewis is just... XD oh, god.

    anyway, we started piling up on the glowsticks and he was standing RIGHT THERE with a box of new items for the kids section when we turned around. and i dont know if he heard us or anything but like... total cringe. i haven't been to even look at him without laughing. especially since i told anna "he's gay. all the good ones are gay." XD omigod...

    egads. i saw the janitor in the fugitive today. freeeakyyy... and the final episode of scrubs came out like two days ago. they tell you the janitor's name. i was like "WHAT! after all that?!" XD
    May 9th, 2009 at 11:16pm