Damaged Days Concert 09-12-08

Okay okay, so I went to this heavy metle concert [I can't spell it's past midnight] on Friday which was yesterday with billy to see our friends who are in Damaged Days, a bad, and they're actually really really good. They were the best band there.Unfortunately, the cops were called. >x So Billy and I left about 8:30-9pm so we were there for a good 3-4 hours. I got to see a couple of people I...
September 14th, 2008 at 09:51am

Jonas Dating...

Nick and Selena Gomez, I like them together.Joe and Taylor Swift, I don't like them together. She's to pretty for him, and no offence to Joe, but they're both to girl-ish like. You know what I mean? And it like makes me sick to my stomache when two people that are together shouldn't be. I love Taylor and I love the Jonas Brothers, it's just...not right...Kevin and Danielle.... no.... No offence to...
September 8th, 2008 at 06:22am

I'm a bit nervous

Tomorrow I go over to Pauls and everything. I'm all cool with that, but only Paul and Nicole know, other than me, what went down between Miles and myself. I'm nervous that he'll be there, and I'm nervous that Micheal, Jeremy, or Jarrad will say something about what was happening between Miles and I over summer...I really truly hope not.I hope he's not there tomorrow, but he probably will be...
September 6th, 2008 at 06:39am

I can't believe I confessed...

I can't believe I confessed to Katie that I like her!I really do. I'm not kidding at all. And she's never taking me seriously, so when I was talking to her today on the phone, I was telling her how I felt, and she was trying to hide. She's afraid of that type of relationship because she still likes Joe and Jose, even though Joe doesn't like her, and Jose has come to hate her.She says she used me...
September 6th, 2008 at 04:26am

Is it to much to ask for?

I don't know why, but lately I feel like I'm being held back from what I should be doing. I'm getting really tired of school all ready, and I just want to act, sing, dance, and all the good stuff! But I know none of that will be true until I leave home. It's only 1 year and 29 days! I'm counting down! Man- that's so depressing!I mean, like, I feel inferior nowadays when I see people my age or...
September 4th, 2008 at 03:03am

Update 08.13.08

Hey everyone, Dezz here! Well. a lot of stuff has happened in the last two days! Let's start with Tuesday! The best day so far this month! haha.I woke up and went to school. I was late to first period which was band. And I'm drummajor, and our school is notoriously known for our drummajors to be late, so what else could I do but be late? haha. Well, in third period, my phone started vibrating in...
August 14th, 2008 at 04:52am

Introduction to myself!

Hey! I seriously have never heard about MIBBA before, so when Catrina told us all about it, I wasn't sure at first, but it's a really cool place! I can't wait to see what else there is around here! Well, here's some basics for me:Name: Destanee A. LittleNickname: DezzBirthday: 9-28Sign: Libra/SheepYahoo IM: EenatsedFor those that do know me, yay! Another place we can all come! haha. Well, I'm...
August 5th, 2008 at 06:03am