AllieSaysWhat? / Comments

  • Thanks! =)

    Ooh, I so need that CD, lmao.
    May 22nd, 2009 at 02:05am
  • Sure, goodnight. =)
    May 21st, 2009 at 04:17am
  • Exactly.

    KRIS won?
    WTF. I totally did not expect that, hehe.
    But I'm glad; at least Adam didn't win cause of his face.
    May 21st, 2009 at 04:08am
  • Eh, I hate Kris and Adam, personally.
    I think the only reason Adam will win is because of his looks.
    I wanted Alison to win. =/
    May 21st, 2009 at 04:01am
  • Nope, nope, nothing interesting, really.
    How 'bout you?
    May 21st, 2009 at 03:55am
  • Hiya, Allie!
    Nah, it's not creepy at all. =)

    Thanks, I'll be sure to tell Devin you liked it.
    May 21st, 2009 at 03:49am
  • Allie babe!
    Totaly lovin' the layout sug.

    Cute, cute, cute dresses! Did you have fun at semi? Social events aren't my thing, so I've never gone. I did try out prom though- the best part was watching all the fights, and seeing my friend almost kill this guy who shoved her down and ripped her $300 dress. He was a dick.

    Can't wait for those epic birthday and cake pictures!!

    lol, tell me about this large ghetto woman who verbally assaulted you. It sounds like it would be a great story to hear.

    wtf? Parents are so odd, don't you think? They're hypocrital and always contradict themselves and wonder why kids do shit behind their backs. lol, whhhat!? Everything comes back to how clean your room is? Bahaha, I would give up trying to understand her too kiddo.

    I do, indeed. Fanshawe College! I know how that feels. I lost a lot of my friends. I was always the oldest until the last few years. This year I was basically by myself for most of it and then made a really good friend, but she's a year younger then me. But next September when she goes off to school, we're going to get a place together because she's going to the University that's 15 minutes from my college. XD

    We narrowed down and took some concerts away because there were just too many. I'm going to see Bif Naked, Warped Tour and then going to see Rancid with Rise Against. I might end up getting to see Stone Temple Piolets with Our Lady Peace -crosses fingers-. Are you going to any?

    Congradulations kiddo! I'm proud of you! You have a lot more guts then I do. I wouldn't be able to do 95% of the shit you do.

    We have fabulous 'oh-so-intellectual-conversations'! lol

    Sorry for the delay. I haven't been keeping in touch with people that well lately. I just haven't really... been motivated to do it. That sounds so bad. I WANT too, I just haven't. I suck. But I just saw the new Wolverine movie with my best-friend, and I'm in a fabulous mood, so I'm going to catch up on all these comments!

    I missed you love!
    Hope you're well.
    May 17th, 2009 at 06:16am
  • Oh, sorry.
    Thought I told you.
    She's my best friend.
    Sometimes I call her Nixxi or Nixon.
    Her screen name here is Nixxi THE Pixxi.
    May 1st, 2009 at 11:35pm
  • I suppose.
    I guess I'm rather lucky to have my dad in my life.
    Nikki hasn't seen her dad in seven years.
    May 1st, 2009 at 10:00pm
  • Now that I think about it...
    I think it's spelled "Squirrel".
    But yeah, that's my dad.
    He's my hero.
    May 1st, 2009 at 08:58pm
  • Sounds like fun.
    We did a Cystic Fibroscis (or however you spell it) walk last year in school.
    I have absolutly nothing going on this weekend.
    I'll probably just hang out with my Papa Squirell.
    May 1st, 2009 at 04:36am
  • Fer sure.
    I am totally stoked for Friday.
    No idea why though...
    May 1st, 2009 at 02:49am
  • I know!
    There was this one time when the teacher that called Higgs on Garrett sent this other kid to the ISS (In School Suspension) Room because he didn't finish his spelling.
    He gave her the finger and walked out the door.
    Needless to say, we all erupted in laughter.
    Then she turned around, confused as to why were were sniggering uncontrollably.
    April 28th, 2009 at 04:08am
  • A scrapbook....on Romeo and Juiliet?
    But, he is scary.
    And, even though it was rather extreme of Higgs to put Garrett in suspension for three days, it was fucking helarious.
    We shared many laughs at that.
    And I got a front-row seat to the whole thing.
    April 28th, 2009 at 03:50am
  • Oh shizz.
    Did you really say that?
    Because this one kid, Garrett for what it's worth, bitched one of our teachers out.
    She called the the "Guidence Counsler" on him.
    Then Garrett's like, "Jesus Christ!"
    Higgs is like, "Did you just say Jesus Christ?"
    Garrett: "No, I said Cheese and Rice!"
    Higgs: "That's not what I heard."
    Garrett: "I swear to G-anything, that's what I said."
    Higgs: "Have you learned to keep your mouth shut?"
    Garrett: *nod*

    And then he got suspended for three days.
    By the way, Higgs is a very macho man. He was in the Navy or some shit like that, and he lost his baby. But, he's really tall, muscular, and has an army-style haircut. He's really deep-voiced too.
    (I'm rambling.)
    April 28th, 2009 at 03:21am
  • Oh, so what's you're research paper on?
    We're doing one, but we got to pick our topics.
    I'm doing New Jersey in the 2000's.
    Betchya can't guess why?
    (It's rather obvious.)
    April 28th, 2009 at 12:25am
  • I know.
    Strep sucks majorly.
    But, I've just figured out from my previous comment that I spelled "Stupid" wrong.
    So, wicked bad sunburn, eh?
    That sucks as well.
    April 27th, 2009 at 03:46pm
  • Grah.
    So, I found your comments...
    But, I think I have strep.
    Stopped tonsilectimy did nothing!
    April 27th, 2009 at 01:00am
  • Lovin' the layout sug.

    I'm sorry for not replying in ages too. I don't have a good reason besides that I've been going to school and working lately, and then being lazy when I have relax-time.
    Like I could hold something against you! =]
    lol, oh you youngin'! I'm 19 this year. A senior-citizen to you!
    Yes! Show me a pic of your cake! I showed you mine, Optomus prime! XD
    Mama drama, ew. How's it going? Setteled any yet?

    Ouu, I love just chillin' and playing basketball or road hockey. I just hate doing it when it's involved with school and shit like that.

    Awee! I haven't had timmies in ages! I'm so depressed!

    Ehh, not much. Settling things for college, making plans for July's concerts (I have 4-5) and my friend from the UK is coming to stay with me for a week and a half in July. =D

    What's new with my Allie? =D
    April 21st, 2009 at 12:56am
  • Hahah
    I'll be ready.
    Things are okay I guess.
    April 11th, 2009 at 01:36am