RedemptionOrDie / Comments

  • Sean, my love! *hugtackles* I found something lying around that I knew you'd find amusing. So I posted it as a journal thing. The "Crazy Flyer."

    Hehe. Go and read it now, bitch! Mush!!!

    ILY <3
    September 10th, 2008 at 07:53am
  • Ive been pretty shitty to... But How are u ?
    September 10th, 2008 at 02:58am
  • Idk if u care but i wrote more of my story! just felt liek telling someone! lolz im weird like that ... :-P
    September 9th, 2008 at 03:44am
  • Haha it's okay. I've been kind of busy too. How're you? Yeah my muse has thankfully returned. =]
    September 4th, 2008 at 12:13am
  • OH! and its done haha. not nearly as good as yours but ugh.
    September 3rd, 2008 at 07:59am
  • Haha yeah well I guess that might be funny....MIGHT!
    Cute? CUTE?! I am not cute! I am fucking vicious! RAWRMOTHERFUCKERRAWR!!! [oh dear. this is what happens when i don't have coffee for an extended period of time]
    Why would being honest turn into an argument? o_O Unless you were telling your friend you fucked his girl or something, that I could understand but....
    Or I could just fold the paper and you could not look? Since it already has a lock and all...

    AHA! I UNDERSTOOD! [i think.....okay, maybe not so much] x_X

    Bringin' da noise
    Bring down the house
    We came here to turn the party out
    Say come on, come on
    Let's raise the roof
    And give `em proof
    That we can get loose ya'll
    September 3rd, 2008 at 07:57am
  • I swear to god if it's anything pervvy, I'll hit you over the head with my blow-up doll.
    Dah!!! I'm starting to think you just like seeing me flustered. >_< OH!! And even though you're not allowed to see it, we have to put the tattoo design in there, too! So I don't lose it. x_x

    Haha you're like an adult at Christmas. You know how when you're a kid and you get something for your mom, you're always like...begging her to want to know but she's always all "oh honey i can wait" and then you get all flustered and shit? Yeah, you remind me of the parent. Cause you're all "psh I can wait" and I'm all "Grrr!" and yeah.
    Wow I really am insane. x_X
    I got it from a song that one of my exs 'dedicated' to me. Hang on, I can find the link somewhere.....AHA!
    Yeah, that's where I got my nickname from. And that's actually why my myspace thingy is RustyTonfa. And why my old myspace (and other accounts) is RustyFuneralSong. x_x
    September 3rd, 2008 at 07:15am
  • Yes, fish. Like, you know how their mouths always just open and close and they always look really really stupid? Yeah, fish.
    ^_______^ <3xcore. =P
    Yes, it was definitely worth the wait.

    It's funny though. Yesterday I started writing a poem about you but then I stopped when I realized that my poetry skills were wayyyyyyyy too rusty. [Heh....rusty. I love that word. Used to be my nickname o_O]

    But yeah now I'm writing something else. You'll have to wait for it, though muwahahahaha!
    September 3rd, 2008 at 06:47am
  • Sorry about all the comments but....
    August 30th, 2008 at 07:31pm
  • *hugtackle* tonight was awesome. i <3 you.
    August 30th, 2008 at 06:15am
    August 29th, 2008 at 08:40pm
  • everytime i go to your page and see "cure" i think it says "crue" at first and thus, it's completely your fault that i have to listen to them every time.
    August 29th, 2008 at 04:28am
  • Okay so my grandmother....*deep breath*
    She's one of those people that you can't let them get comfortable around you cause the second they are they get out of hand. And a while ago I spent the day with her cuz she had to run errands and I had to get some things so we made a compromise to help each other with it. And apparently she took it as a good sign cause since then shes been calling me every day bugging me non-stop about all this bullshit like if im getting the chores done in my house and its just like WTF. she doesnt even live here, she has no right to be bugging me about it. and she has a tendancy to think her opinion is always needed, her ten cents is always there whether you want it or not and its annoying cause she's been bugging me about anything she can possibly think of for YEARS.
    and lately shes been getting on my case about the grass. like, the grass in my front yard was getting kinda long and she paid someone to do it but he never did and me and my mum were trying to find someone to do it. so she found someone at the same time as my mum, and we were gonna use the person my mum found. so she calls me today to tell me that clem [the guy she found] was gonna be over soon. i told her that my mum was gonna use her person, and she started yelling at me like it was my fault. so i told her to stop yelling cause i wasnt in it at all, and after all it was just fucking grass. it wasnt the end of the world. so she hung up on me and i thought shed get it in her head that we didnt need her people, but lo and behold she comes over like not even 10 minutes later with them and i'm just like no fucking way. [because her way is always right, and her people are a million times better :eyeroll:] and i was like, okay, theyll just stay outside and thatll be the end of that cuz you know, the grass isnt in the house. but then she just unlocks the door and brings them in, without so much as a knock or a call warning me (which, let me go into a little backstory. a couple years ago when i was on my bipolar meds, i would have really bad hallucinations. i'd always hear someone coming into the house and attacking my dog before coming upstairs for me. and one day my grandma came over and when i saw that someone was actually there, i flipped out. i went into shock or something and like, i couldnt see or move and i couldnt stop screaming and eventually i blacked out and after that, she said she would always call or let me know in some way that it was her coming in) so anyways, she just comes in the house with these two people following her, and i'm standing in the kitchen wearing barely anything and one of these people is a guy and i start freaking out. she takes them in the kitchen so she can show it to them cuz it was recently completely re-done and i'm just standing there, having a mini panic attack. somehow i go in the living room and find my blanket [thank god ive been sleeping downstairs] and i just cover myself up completely and just sit there shaking and shit and after they left to go do the grass she just starts talking to me and i tell her that she should have called and let me know at least, and she says that she did even though she didn't except for the one where she yelled at me. so then i get pissed, and she goes outside and after i put some pants on i just kinda go into the basement and grab the shovel without even realizing it cuz im so pissed i was in one of those things where you cant really see or think and just....yeah. but then you texted me and the sound brought me out of it and i just kinda had to leave before i actually acted on my anger and well....yeah. that's basically it.

    sorry it was so long. x_x
    August 27th, 2008 at 09:28pm
  • Ah, I should poke you with a spoon. I just remembered why I hate posting stories before I'm finished. >_< I just had to re-write the description because now it's heading in a totally different direction and ugh.
    August 26th, 2008 at 10:09pm
  • Haha lol. It's not your fault lol. XD Um... my muse is my friend Lyss lol. She left to go visit family and I haven't been able to write much since then. ><
    August 26th, 2008 at 05:38pm
  • Hrm weird. Well, you can go here: pick one and get the HTML code, copy it, then go back to "My Mibba" then under "Profile" click on "Layout/HTML" and paste it in the box. It's easy.
    As for the avatar...well, I'll explain that if you want me to. If not, I'll shut up haha.

    Grrrr I swear Sean if you make me go by myself, I'll hurt you!!!
    August 26th, 2008 at 03:14am
  • Oh dear...that is rather lazy. X_X One of these days, I'll make you fix it...

    It's at The Trocadero Theatre in Philly, you can just google "Trocadero" and it should come up. You can buy tickets online, or when we get there but I suggest online in case they sell out. Anduh, would you mind giving me a ride? Pwetty pwease? *pout* My mum and grandmother refuse to drive in Philly, and I swear if I can't go, I'm gonna be pissed as anything.

    Oh, and btw, the band is Nightwish. With Sonata Arctica. =DDD
    August 26th, 2008 at 02:27am
  • Haha lol. I'm not talking to you just because I'm bored. XD Yeah I posted some... but my muse left me. =[ That'd be awesome. =]
    August 25th, 2008 at 11:52pm
  • I know. =]

    And hey! You should upload a picture, or at least an avatar. It makes you look cooler. =P

    And we're hanging this weekend, right? Just let me know what day....actually, now that I think about it....*grin* There's a concert I'm going to on Friday. You'd love it. I can tell you where it is and when annnnnd we should totally go together. A'cuz you love the headlining band, and so do I. And yes. ^___^
    August 25th, 2008 at 11:27pm
  • Nothing really. I was just bored and noticed I hadn't talked to you in a while. =] How're you?
    August 24th, 2008 at 06:29pm