People and how they make me feel: August 9, 2008

Hey Journal. Kay well today I was woken up by my mom, sooo mad. Like seriously every single day for the past two weeks I was waking up at 8 to go to tennis so last night I was up til like 2 in the morning and she wakes me up at TEN AM ON A SATURDAY! I was like why are you doing this and she was like Don’t you have to be at work by 10:45 and I was like NO, 11:30. So that is how it started today....
August 10th, 2008 at 04:51am

Day one of the rest of my life

So This is mibba eh? wow i sound Canadian. But I am not well i figured going into my junior year of high school i could use a journal or something to say whats going on and to vent with out getting in trouble. So lets start this out! I guess right?Well, I woke up and turned on good morning America but only because I knew the Jonas Brothers would be on. Then Went to my amazingly fun filled day of...
August 9th, 2008 at 05:54am