CrazyTimes / Comments

  • Haha. Hi.
    I haven't talked to ya in a long time.
    What's up? :)
    January 12th, 2009 at 11:56pm
  • =]

    hahahaha okay. what are friends/twins/wifeys for but to help you not piss your pants?

    haha most likely, but i haven't stopped to check. =P

    i'm pretty much the same way. but when i get up in the morning, i just turn on music, so I mostly end up singing the song i was just listening to [or what i know of it, anyway]. my family hates it. haha

    ummm...not sure. i like "dandy". and "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious", but only because my sister made me sit down and watch mary poppins for the first time in forever. lol
    what's yours?

    okay, favorite album cover? lol
    December 30th, 2008 at 07:16pm
  • haha i don't listen to those warnings. i laugh at them. [i say this as a shredder is perched on the ground next to me, staring at me menacingly and preparing itself to spring.]

    haha it never fails, i come sooooo close to peeing myself EVERY TIME. it's great. and channing tatum and his amazingness just helps a wee bit. =]

    oh. oops. haha that was my second guess.

    i love sprite with every fiber of my being. almost as much as that lipton green tea stuff...with

    hahahaha no, not yet. lol have you?

    aaaaand...favorite song to sing in the shower?
    December 30th, 2008 at 03:14am
  • hahaha sounds good to me. typing out those paragraphs got to be a slight pain in the ass. lol

    oh, yeah! and i'm always afraid I'll get my fingers stuck in one.

    hahaha you. suck. lmao
    umm...i'm not sure. i kinda just asked the question without thinking about it first. haha I love the scene in She's The Man when the spider gets into Duke's room and they start screaming. lol

    i have no idea...brown? o.O lol

    okay...ummm...favorite soda? lol
    December 26th, 2008 at 05:57pm
  • that's meee. sneaky bitch, at your service. =DD

    haha totallyyy. how many people can say they found their long lost twin over mibba. pshhh...

    i think i know what you were gonna say...

    haha how does that work?
    i kinda like sweet tea. but the way I make it, it's mostly sugar and water. haha

    yep yep. =] i'd cry if I found out you were fake. lol

    king of the universe. =]
    haha, i was him for halloween. lol

    haha i tryyy. =]
    you amaze me, too. it's reeeeally freaky.

    okay. then tell meee. *hops up and down clapping hands*

    yeah, i found them. =]]
    "I'm un a cul-de-sac, fuck!" lmaoo

    i shall try to go see it, just because you said so. xDD


    that's funny, my dad made me lick one when i was little. but my mom laughed. haha

    duuuude...I was gonna say all time low's "coffee shop soundtrack". haha

    ermmm...nose hair trimmers. they're just weird. [lucky for me, i'll never have to use one...but still. it's gross.] haha

    and, as if this message needed to be longer...
    favorite scene in a movie? [i can't think today...haha]
    November 3rd, 2008 at 07:14pm
  • w-w-w-what is up?!
    October 29th, 2008 at 04:20am
  • hey, stranger:]
    October 26th, 2008 at 01:09am
  • It's very osm :]
    October 13th, 2008 at 10:16pm
  • Thanks!
    October 4th, 2008 at 05:45pm
  • Duuude. It was on pbs kids, right after Arthur. lol
    Haha yeah, I had both Shiah LeBouf and captain planet wrapped around my finger. =]

    yesh. the final swim. xD
    people look at me funny all the time...=P

    i was just thinking the same thing. someone the universe created just for me because I don't have friends...haha

    they make me laugh, too!!! unless someone died...that kinda blows. lol

    yeah, gold sucks. it shall be silver...but it needs something gold on it, so that everyone knows he's number one. like...golden hair. or muscles. =DD

    i know, i'm a liar...but she doesn't know that. =)

    i had one cup of tea that was really good, raspberry or something, and it was delicious. but that was a few years ago...and everything after that just sucked.

    how bad would that suck, though?
    i'd definitely cry.
    true story.

    yeah, i usually punch people that do. it's great fun. hehe
    my friend tried to steal mine! haha
    and we agreed that pete wentz should be king. =]

    that song got me into automatic loveletter, her voice reminds me of gerard way's. it's weird, but in a good way. =]

    have I been good? i love stories. =]]

    which episode is that? i have surprisingly never seen it...=/
    i love the butcher's art in that! he's so talented, I never knew it.
    burn the merch [I love Mike in the beginning..."IN ABOUT 6 HOURS, WE COULD BE HOME!" lmao.], war zone in washington, aust in translation from season 2. i love it. =]

    i've never seen inside man...I think I was going to go see it with some friends, but had to work last minute. =/
    anastasia. =D i loved the little bat thing, but the bad guy scared me.
    just like snow white...I can't watch that evil witch without getting nightmares. haha

    um...i love ice cream. with a passion. =D especially the fruity stuff.
    oooh! and brownies. =D

    YES!!! that's how we used to test if they were still useable. hahaha
    we were weird kids.

    okay, video?
    October 1st, 2008 at 11:56pm
  • hi do i know you oh well you sound fun!! hi! whats up?
    October 1st, 2008 at 05:28am
  • Oh I'm doing fantastic too.
    September 30th, 2008 at 04:20am
  • zoom was an old TV show...kinda like All That...or a liiiittle like Barney. But they did crafts and stuff.
    DUDE! I loved Captain Planet! He was totally my boyfriend. =D

    "Go, fishy, go!"
    I like to call it "The final swim."

    oh, yes. I could not agree with you more. =]
    light pink makes me gag. HAS to hurt my eyes.

    it IS fun! =D
    oh no! not the smexy shoe!!! that's not cool...=[
    a moment of silence for the smexy shoe.

    haha YES! the "Mike's Giggle" award. =D
    I'll get the trophy if you get the case. =P

    oh man! I found a picture of Mike making a heart with his hands, and I set it as my phone background, and my friend saw it and was like "Oooh, is this your boyfriend?"
    I was like "uh...YES!" xD
    She said we'd make a cute couple. lmao.

    ooh hot chocolate! I never really liked just seemed like such an english-y thing to do. =]

    yes! i do it all the time! i have some t-shirts of bands that I don't even like, but I like to say that I own them, so it's okay. haha

    hehe, why thanks. i love you, too. =P
    yeah. I would be beyond pissed if somebody butt into my, DO WHATEVER YOU WANT, DUDE! haha
    but...yeah. I have that poster of their rolling stone cover [the one where pete was shirtless. =)] hanging above my bed. hehe

    yesh. i can't stop listening to it...especially Juliet's part in it, because her voice is so unique, and when I try really hard, I can sound just like her. lol
    Gah! While you're there, listen to "Girls Do What They Want." My personal fave, but I like the other song's lyrics better. =P

    coolest sn ever. =P

    AHHHHH!!! I love you even more!!! Favorite episode?
    *fan girl giggle*

    hmmm...favorite moooooovie...I'm not sure. Tie between "A Knight's Tale" and "Transformers" [Shiah LeBouf is my lover. Don't tell anybody. xD"
    And, no. I'm not allergic to anything, as far as I know. I guess we'll find out. haha
    And you?

    Favorite dessert?

    I love that we've gotten our mini stories back. it's entertaining. =D
    September 28th, 2008 at 02:47am
  • Lol yeahh guacamole is hardxcore :O
    September 27th, 2008 at 03:14am
  • haha I used to want to be a Barney kid...
    I'm soo glad I wasn't though. lol
    oh! and a zoom kid! I wanted to be on zoom SO BAD. hahaha

    ahh, yes. acronyms are fun. =]

    HAHAHAHA wow. that's...awesome.

    we used to bury ours...but we kept getting new fish and got tired of digging. so we flush. =D

    i'm the same way! i absolutely hate pink, unless it's NEON pink that burns your eyes. but pink ice cream is rad. end o' story.

    my mom's afraid to we never go anywhere. I've been to Peru, but my mom didn't go. I would like to go to france...that'd be cool.
    hahaha was it at least an ugly shoe?

    sisky is pretty fabu, i'm not gonna lie. =] he never fails to crack me up. =D
    But something about mike carden's giggle makes me smile. =P

    hahaha that's all we'd do. just sit at some little cafe', sip tea, and listen to accents. that's a good way to spend the day, if you ask me. =D

    purple suspenders. xD
    i hate miniskirts, too...but I have one that's really's pink and black and plaid and pleated, it looks like a schook of rock uniform. =D
    I never wear it...but I like having it cuz it's so awesome. lol

    oooh...good songs!!!
    I type out the whole song titles,'s okay. =]
    And I am a HA-UGEEE fall out boy fan, it's crazy. However, I did lose a little bit of respect for Mr. Wentz when he decided to marry Ashlee Simpson...but that's his business.

    Into Your Arms by The Maine.
    Remembering Sunday by All Time Low

    Yes ma'am, I do.
    But I'm barely ever logged on...
    And yours, m'dear?

    And I have a question...
    Are you obsessive about TAI? you get excited every Sunday night because there's gonna be a new episode of TAI TV? your about me. I find it quite hilarious.
    You know what ftw means...lmaoooo.
    September 26th, 2008 at 01:58am
  • hahaha probably.
    barney from the block. =]

    it's more fun when you say something, and it can be used as people sit there wondering what you said. =]

    oooh. i likes it. =]

    what? i don't know which is weirder...that response, or the fact that fish scare you. just flush the little bastards. xD

    finally, someone who sees the pure brilliance behind pink ice cream. =D

    French people are apparently hairy...I wouldn't know, though. I've never been there. =P

    um...I used to want to fly. but now I want CD stealing power. xP

    aaaaah! i used to just listen to them, but that CD made me a superfan. =]
    I fell for Mike Carden. hehe

    he should be real!!!
    you know what? he probably is real...but he only goes to England.
    Wanna move to England? =D

    um...I think scarves are stupid. and suspenders. and crocs!!! omg. i hate crocs. hehe
    what about you?

    favorite song lyrics?
    forgive me...I have no idea where these questions are coming from. =P I'm just the "think it and type it" kind of person. lol
    September 25th, 2008 at 01:20am
  • *sniff*
    I'll miss you too!!!!
    September 20th, 2008 at 11:39pm
  • Hahaha, oh darn. :)
    I'll have to go back to banging the Moon Tower xD
    September 20th, 2008 at 04:25am
  • hey, you don't have to tell me. i grew up watching that perverted dinosaur. =D

    haha that's the fun of it! i never will! =D

    I would have to agree with you, there. We are pretty snazzy. =D

    true...some people have a thing against monsters. *shrugs*

    how can vanilla ice cream and crushed up oreos be overrated?
    I'll change mine then. =P
    um...bubble gum. especially when it had the actual gum in it. hehe

    yeah!!! mean and hairy!!!

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA that's the best superpower ever. lol

    oooooh...toughy. lately, i've been addicted to Fast Times At Barrington High. I've had it on repeat since I got it.
    And you?

    Favorite fictional character?
    [like...don't tell anybody...but I've always wished Peter Pan was real. hehe]
    September 19th, 2008 at 08:36pm
  • Yay!!!!
    I'm glad you like them. :D
    And for that, I love you too oh my GOD!! YAY!!!!
    I don't know if I told you this, but they have some actual recorded songs on their MySpace if you want to listen to those. I personally love them. :)

    Hehehehehehe. :D
    September 19th, 2008 at 03:46am